Dormanstown Blog – 5th March 2021

We are so happy that we will be open to all children on Monday, and we can’t wait to welcome everyone back.

We want to say a huge thank you to everyone who has navigated their way around Showbie, engaged in the live lessons and submitted some wonderful work to share with their teachers. We are so proud of you all. Parents and Carers – a HUGE well done to you too for supporting your children. 

Give yourselves a big round of applause!

Full re-opening

All parents and carers should have received the letter earlier in the week via text message and Facebook to explain our organisation and timings for returning to school on Monday 8th March.

Just a couple more reminders:

*Please can parents and carers wear a face mask when dropping off and collecting their child, and leave the site as quickly as possible.

*We are sorry that we will not be able to accommodate bikes and scooters on the academy site during the current time.

*Please can all children return in full school uniform including plain, black shoes and plain socks.

*Classrooms will be well ventilated, so children can wear an extra layer under their uniform for warmth.

*Please note that food vouchers will stop from this week.

Ipad Returns

Please can all iPads that have been loaned to the children be returned to school on Monday 8th, as well as any leads or plugs also borrowed.  They will be collected in by staff when the children come into the academy. It is important we get them back on Monday in line with the agreement signed.

Science Week

Next week is British Science Week and, the overall theme for the week in ‘Innovating the future’. Each year group will follow a theme, linked to a local company, and an enquiry questions will be the focus for the week. The themes are:

EYFS – The world around us – What grows in your garden? (Westfield Farm) 

Year 1 – Bridges and Structures – How can we improve the transporter bridge? (Sparks Tees Valley) 

Year 2 – Floating and Sinking – What material is best to build a boat? (RNLI – Redcar Lifeboat)  

Year 3/KS2 SEND – Protecting the Environment – How can we be greener? (R&C Council)  

Year 4 – Electricity (Wind Farms) – How do wind turbines produce electricity? (UK STEM)

Year 5 – Chemical Engineering – How is plastic made? (SABIC) 

Year 6 – Electricity – How can we produce electricity in a more sustainable way? (UK STEM) 

The aim of the week is to break down stereotypes and raise ambitions for the STEM industry, as well as the children having fun and working scientifically.  

We will share the outcomes of the week with you.

World Book Day and Online Book Fair

Thank you to everyone who sent Mr Stammers photos of reading in unusual places: there were some amazing ideas and many children and parents were very imaginative.  Please send in any remaining photos or videos; we can’t wait to see them!

Remember our Usborne online book fair can still be accessed to order any books you would like.

We have the World Book Day tokens in school, and these will be brought home by your children next week. As many shops are currently closed, they have a longer date on them than usual before they have to be used.

Packed Lunches

Can we please remind parents of the expectations with packed lunches, as we have noted some children have excessive amounts of food in their packed lunches, particularly sweet items.

 Children may bring a packed lunch to the academy but energy drinks, fizzy drinks, hot drinks, soup, flasks, or glass containers are not allowed for health and safety reasons. We would actively discourage sweets and chocolate bars in packed lunches, as we are committed to ensuring that the children adopt healthy lifestyles.

Barnardo’s Workshops for Parents

Please see below for a useful workshop on Child Criminal Exploitation run by Barnardo’s.

Tests for Non-Symptomatic Key Workers/People Who Cannot Work from Home

Breakfast Packs

We still have a few breakfast packs left.  Please pop in and collect one from the entrance to the academy if you are passing on your daily walk.

Times Tables Rockstars…

Good morning, 

Please find attached the winners of TTRS for this week. 

Year 6 – Reece C-W

Year 5 – Harley D

Year 4 – Alice K

Year 3 – Lucas E

Year 2 – Paige S

B2H – Alexis H

Spelling Shed Leader Board…

Please continue to stay safe and look after each other.  

Latest News

Academy News

End of Year Blog 19th July

A word from Mrs Kell Wow. This week has been incredibly busy,...

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Weekly Blog 12th July

Weekly Round Up What a week! We are so proud of all...

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Weekly Blog 5th July

Weekly Round Up We can't believe it, but somehow we are only...

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Weekly Blog 28th June

Weekly Round Up Thank you to the parents and carers that came...

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Weekly Blog 21st June

Weekly Round Up We've had an exciting week at Dormanstown this week...

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Weekly Blog 14th June

Weekly Round Up What a week! After six years Mrs Hill our...

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Raffle has been drawn, congratulations to all our winners!! ... See MoreSee Less

Raffle has been drawn, congratulations to all our winners!!

4 CommentsComment on Facebook

I'll enjoy my bottle thanks

When can I get my prize please

Omg I had 226-230 but white 🤣

And to top it all off, our leavers finished their assembly and dashed straight to serve up a delicious 3 course meal to their parents! So many budding Gordon Ramseys in the room! ... See MoreSee Less

And to top it all off, our leavers finished their assembly and dashed straight to serve up a delicious 3 course meal to their parents! So many budding Gordon Ramseys in the room!Image attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

3 CommentsComment on Facebook

Was so good we all loved it, thank you Year 6 the food was delicious xx


Awe how lovely

Mrs McDonald has been sharing her best dance moves with the Y6s! ... See MoreSee Less

Well done to Y6 for their all singing, all dancing leavers performance today - you are all superstars! ... See MoreSee Less

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Jade Worsfold Lizzie Smith

Congratulations to this Y4 superstar who won a silver award for her entry into a Redcar and Cleveland wide short story competition! Here she is receiving her award! ... See MoreSee Less

Congratulations to this Y4 superstar who won a silver award for her entry into a Redcar and Cleveland wide short story competition! Here she is receiving her award!

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Fantastic 👍 congratulations hunni. ❤️. X

The HeadStart team will deliver a Holiday Activity Programme specifically aimed at year 6 children who are about to start secondary school in September and who would benefit from further support.
The 4-day programme will run from Monday 29th July until Thursday 1st August, 10am – 2pm at Ings Farm Primary School, Redcar.
Parents and carers can book their children on the programme using the booking form link below.
Please note this is ONLY for Year 6 children.
... See MoreSee Less

The HeadStart team will deliver a Holiday Activity Programme specifically aimed at year 6 children who are about to start secondary school in September and who would benefit from further support. 
The 4-day programme will run from Monday 29th July until Thursday 1st August, 10am – 2pm at Ings Farm Primary School, Redcar. 
Parents and carers can book their children on the programme using the booking form link below.
Please note this is ONLY for Year 6 children.

4 CommentsComment on Facebook

When is the raffle done from the other day please

Jenni Edwards

Louise Claire

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Friday 26th February 2021

We hope that everyone had a relaxing half term break and enjoyed the last of the snow as well as some spring sunshine. Both the children in the academy and those at home have enjoyed the work on Showbie this week, and it has been great to see some new faces on the live sessions.  Remember to check on Showbie for the times of the live lessons and join your class for the last week of home learning. 

Full re-opening

Following the Government announcement on Monday, we are delighted that all children will return to the academy on Monday 8th March. Our arrangements will be similar to the autumn term, and we will send a letter to clarify all details on Monday.

World Book Day and Online Book Fair

Thursday 4th March is World Book Day, and Mr Stammers has posted a challenge on FaceBook to send in photos of reading in unusual place.  We look forward to seeing some of your ideas to make us smile.

Next week, some of the work on Showbie will be based around World Book Day.  In the academy, we are all focusing on “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” to create a wonderful display and as a stimulus for other activities.

We are also working with Usborne Books to provide an online Book Fair.  This is similar to the book fairs that we normally have in school. You can order books online for your children to enjoy.


Please see the link below to the latest HeadStart newsletter for the 22nd Feb to the 5th March. HeadStart works with children and young people to promote positive emotional wellbeing.

Packed Lunches

Can we please remind parents of the expectations with packed lunches, as we have noted some children have excessive amounts of food in their packed lunches, particularly sweet items.

 Children may bring a packed lunch to the academy but energy drinks, fizzy drinks, hot drinks, soup, flasks, or glass containers are not allowed for health and safety reasons. We would actively discourage sweets and chocolate bars in packed lunches, as we are committed to ensuring that the children adopt healthy lifestyles.


We have noticed that a number of children are wearing trainers in the academy.  Although we appreciate that it is difficult to source all clothing at the moment, we would ask that children wear plain black shoes for school.  Many thanks for your support.

Tests for Non-Symptomatic Key Workers/People Who Cannot Work from Home

Home Learning

We still have iPads available for Year 1 to Year 6 to loan. Please contact the academy office if you would like to take up this offer to support your child’s access to Showbie, even for this last week of home learning.

Breakfast Packs

We still have a few breakfast packs left.  Please pop in and collect one from the entrance to the academy if you are passing on your daily walk.

Times Tables Rockstars…

Year 6 – Lucas M and Onyx

Year 5 – Harley and Jackson

Year 4 – Sienna and Riley

Year 3 – Jake and Kyron

Year 2 – Paige and Emme

R1/M – Mubarak

B2H – Alexis

B3A – Albie and Luca

Spelling Shed Leader Board…


Please continue to stay safe and follow the Lockdown rules.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-14.png
Latest News

Academy News

End of Year Blog 19th July

A word from Mrs Kell Wow. This week has been incredibly busy,...

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Weekly Blog 12th July

Weekly Round Up What a week! We are so proud of all...

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Weekly Blog 5th July

Weekly Round Up We can't believe it, but somehow we are only...

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Weekly Blog 28th June

Weekly Round Up Thank you to the parents and carers that came...

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Weekly Blog 21st June

Weekly Round Up We've had an exciting week at Dormanstown this week...

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Weekly Blog 14th June

Weekly Round Up What a week! After six years Mrs Hill our...

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Raffle has been drawn, congratulations to all our winners!! ... See MoreSee Less

Raffle has been drawn, congratulations to all our winners!!

4 CommentsComment on Facebook

I'll enjoy my bottle thanks

When can I get my prize please

Omg I had 226-230 but white 🤣

And to top it all off, our leavers finished their assembly and dashed straight to serve up a delicious 3 course meal to their parents! So many budding Gordon Ramseys in the room! ... See MoreSee Less

And to top it all off, our leavers finished their assembly and dashed straight to serve up a delicious 3 course meal to their parents! So many budding Gordon Ramseys in the room!Image attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

3 CommentsComment on Facebook

Was so good we all loved it, thank you Year 6 the food was delicious xx


Awe how lovely

Mrs McDonald has been sharing her best dance moves with the Y6s! ... See MoreSee Less

Well done to Y6 for their all singing, all dancing leavers performance today - you are all superstars! ... See MoreSee Less

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Jade Worsfold Lizzie Smith

Congratulations to this Y4 superstar who won a silver award for her entry into a Redcar and Cleveland wide short story competition! Here she is receiving her award! ... See MoreSee Less

Congratulations to this Y4 superstar who won a silver award for her entry into a Redcar and Cleveland wide short story competition! Here she is receiving her award!

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Fantastic 👍 congratulations hunni. ❤️. X

The HeadStart team will deliver a Holiday Activity Programme specifically aimed at year 6 children who are about to start secondary school in September and who would benefit from further support.
The 4-day programme will run from Monday 29th July until Thursday 1st August, 10am – 2pm at Ings Farm Primary School, Redcar.
Parents and carers can book their children on the programme using the booking form link below.
Please note this is ONLY for Year 6 children.
... See MoreSee Less

The HeadStart team will deliver a Holiday Activity Programme specifically aimed at year 6 children who are about to start secondary school in September and who would benefit from further support. 
The 4-day programme will run from Monday 29th July until Thursday 1st August, 10am – 2pm at Ings Farm Primary School, Redcar. 
Parents and carers can book their children on the programme using the booking form link below.
Please note this is ONLY for Year 6 children.

4 CommentsComment on Facebook

When is the raffle done from the other day please

Jenni Edwards

Louise Claire

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Diamond Standards

Congratulations to our Autumn Term Diamond Standard winners.


Finley D for having a real thirst for knowledge and always going out of his way to seek new facts about his project work.


Heidi S for being a friend to many, always supporting others around the academy and being a super Dormanstown citizen.


Abdullah A for his courage to try new things in Reception, being excited and enthusiastic and making lots of progress with the English language.


Harper I for having such an infectious enthusiasm for learning. She is so committed to everything she does and fully supports everyone around her.

Latest News

Academy News

End of Year Blog 19th July

A word from Mrs Kell Wow. This week has been incredibly busy,...

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Weekly Blog 12th July

Weekly Round Up What a week! We are so proud of all...

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Weekly Blog 5th July

Weekly Round Up We can't believe it, but somehow we are only...

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Weekly Blog 28th June

Weekly Round Up Thank you to the parents and carers that came...

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Weekly Blog 21st June

Weekly Round Up We've had an exciting week at Dormanstown this week...

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Weekly Blog 14th June

Weekly Round Up What a week! After six years Mrs Hill our...

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Raffle has been drawn, congratulations to all our winners!! ... See MoreSee Less

Raffle has been drawn, congratulations to all our winners!!

4 CommentsComment on Facebook

I'll enjoy my bottle thanks

When can I get my prize please

Omg I had 226-230 but white 🤣

And to top it all off, our leavers finished their assembly and dashed straight to serve up a delicious 3 course meal to their parents! So many budding Gordon Ramseys in the room! ... See MoreSee Less

And to top it all off, our leavers finished their assembly and dashed straight to serve up a delicious 3 course meal to their parents! So many budding Gordon Ramseys in the room!Image attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

3 CommentsComment on Facebook

Was so good we all loved it, thank you Year 6 the food was delicious xx


Awe how lovely

Mrs McDonald has been sharing her best dance moves with the Y6s! ... See MoreSee Less

Well done to Y6 for their all singing, all dancing leavers performance today - you are all superstars! ... See MoreSee Less

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Jade Worsfold Lizzie Smith

Congratulations to this Y4 superstar who won a silver award for her entry into a Redcar and Cleveland wide short story competition! Here she is receiving her award! ... See MoreSee Less

Congratulations to this Y4 superstar who won a silver award for her entry into a Redcar and Cleveland wide short story competition! Here she is receiving her award!

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Fantastic 👍 congratulations hunni. ❤️. X

The HeadStart team will deliver a Holiday Activity Programme specifically aimed at year 6 children who are about to start secondary school in September and who would benefit from further support.
The 4-day programme will run from Monday 29th July until Thursday 1st August, 10am – 2pm at Ings Farm Primary School, Redcar.
Parents and carers can book their children on the programme using the booking form link below.
Please note this is ONLY for Year 6 children.
... See MoreSee Less

The HeadStart team will deliver a Holiday Activity Programme specifically aimed at year 6 children who are about to start secondary school in September and who would benefit from further support. 
The 4-day programme will run from Monday 29th July until Thursday 1st August, 10am – 2pm at Ings Farm Primary School, Redcar. 
Parents and carers can book their children on the programme using the booking form link below.
Please note this is ONLY for Year 6 children.

4 CommentsComment on Facebook

When is the raffle done from the other day please

Jenni Edwards

Louise Claire

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Friday 12th February 2021

It’s been lovely to see lots of your smiling faces on the live class sessions this week, and we hope that you have enjoyed seeing your friends. Thank you to everyone who has persevered with the technology this half term to access their learning through Showbie and share the work with their teachers.

The snow has brought lots of excitement in the academy this week, and we hope you have a restful and enjoyable half term holiday next week.

Special Guest Correspondents

Children in 3A wrote a Blog about what they have been learning about as part of their writing lessons.  We are proud to publish two examples below:

This half term our class story was ‘The Twits’. The Twits are people who play nasty tricks on one another. For instance, Mr Twit tied balloons to Mrs Twit and tried sending her to the moon, but Mrs Twit had served Mr Twit worms for his tea and told him it was spaghetti! They also play tricks on others too. In their garden, they smear glue all over the tree, so when the poor birds land on it they get stuck. And do you know what they do with the birds? Make bird pie! If you have never read the Twits, we think you would enjoy it. We have completed some reading activities:

As part of our Design Technology project, we designed and made our own board games. Firstly, we had fun playing our favourite board games with our family. Then we evaluated them against a criteria (pros and cons). We used this to see what features we liked across a number of different board games. Completing questionnaires and a design brief, we then came up with our own ideas and made our own games. Take a look at our amazing board games:

Thank you Year 3 for your contribution to the Blog. We love what you have written and your games and reading activities look amazing. 🙂

Nursery Arrangements

Please note that from Monday 22nd February we are moving to two Nursery sessions for children who have booked a place.  A morning session for N2 children and an afternoon session for N1 children. Nursery parents have received a letter explaining these arrangements, but please ask if you are unsure.

Tests for Non-Symptomatic Key Workers/People Who Cannot Work from Home

Food Banks

Are you struggling for food during these difficult times?

Free School Meals

FSM meal vouchers will come from the Winter Grant Scheme which is run by Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council (same as over Christmas and New Year).

Vouchers from school will resume after half term.

Courses for Parents

Contact Details

Just a reminder to parents/carers to keep the academy office up to date with any new contact telephone numbers. This is not only extremely important for being able to contact you but also to ensure that families eligible receive their food vouchers.

Home Learning

We can now offer children from Year 1 to Year 6 the opportunity to loan their school iPad.  Please contact the academy office if you would like to take up this offer to support your child’s access to Showbie.

Critical Worker Places

If you require a critical worker place in the academy please contact the academy office. Places must be booked by Monday at 12 noon to start the following week to allow us to plan numbers and keep staff and children as safe as possible.

Breakfast Packs

We still have a few breakfast packs left.  Please pop in and collect one from the entrance to the academy if you are passing on your daily walk.

Times Tables Rockstars…

Year 6 – Onyx and Alfie

Year 5 – Kayden and Harley

Year 4 – Harvey and Adam

Year 3 – Ryan and Harper

Year 2 – Paige and Lola

R1/M – Mubarak

B2H – Alexis and Lennox

B3A – Luca and Heidi

Spelling Shed Leader Board…


Please continue to stay safe and follow the Lockdown rules.

Latest News

Academy News

End of Year Blog 19th July

A word from Mrs Kell Wow. This week has been incredibly busy,...

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Weekly Blog 12th July

Weekly Round Up What a week! We are so proud of all...

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Weekly Blog 5th July

Weekly Round Up We can't believe it, but somehow we are only...

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Weekly Blog 28th June

Weekly Round Up Thank you to the parents and carers that came...

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Weekly Blog 21st June

Weekly Round Up We've had an exciting week at Dormanstown this week...

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Weekly Blog 14th June

Weekly Round Up What a week! After six years Mrs Hill our...

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Raffle has been drawn, congratulations to all our winners!! ... See MoreSee Less

Raffle has been drawn, congratulations to all our winners!!

4 CommentsComment on Facebook

I'll enjoy my bottle thanks

When can I get my prize please

Omg I had 226-230 but white 🤣

And to top it all off, our leavers finished their assembly and dashed straight to serve up a delicious 3 course meal to their parents! So many budding Gordon Ramseys in the room! ... See MoreSee Less

And to top it all off, our leavers finished their assembly and dashed straight to serve up a delicious 3 course meal to their parents! So many budding Gordon Ramseys in the room!Image attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

3 CommentsComment on Facebook

Was so good we all loved it, thank you Year 6 the food was delicious xx


Awe how lovely

Mrs McDonald has been sharing her best dance moves with the Y6s! ... See MoreSee Less

Well done to Y6 for their all singing, all dancing leavers performance today - you are all superstars! ... See MoreSee Less

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Jade Worsfold Lizzie Smith

Congratulations to this Y4 superstar who won a silver award for her entry into a Redcar and Cleveland wide short story competition! Here she is receiving her award! ... See MoreSee Less

Congratulations to this Y4 superstar who won a silver award for her entry into a Redcar and Cleveland wide short story competition! Here she is receiving her award!

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Fantastic 👍 congratulations hunni. ❤️. X

The HeadStart team will deliver a Holiday Activity Programme specifically aimed at year 6 children who are about to start secondary school in September and who would benefit from further support.
The 4-day programme will run from Monday 29th July until Thursday 1st August, 10am – 2pm at Ings Farm Primary School, Redcar.
Parents and carers can book their children on the programme using the booking form link below.
Please note this is ONLY for Year 6 children.
... See MoreSee Less

The HeadStart team will deliver a Holiday Activity Programme specifically aimed at year 6 children who are about to start secondary school in September and who would benefit from further support. 
The 4-day programme will run from Monday 29th July until Thursday 1st August, 10am – 2pm at Ings Farm Primary School, Redcar. 
Parents and carers can book their children on the programme using the booking form link below.
Please note this is ONLY for Year 6 children.

4 CommentsComment on Facebook

When is the raffle done from the other day please

Jenni Edwards

Louise Claire

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Friday 5th February 2021

Thank you to everyone who has joined in the class live discussion sessions this week.  We know that many of you have enjoyed seeing each other on Showbie and being able to catch up with your friends. Class teachers will continue to let you know the time of the live taught session each day, and we look forward to seeing lots of children taking part.

Safer Internet Day

Safer Internet Day is on Tuesday 9th February and, as we have included items on the Blog over the last couple of weeks, the promotion of this has never been more important than during the current lockdown.

This year in the UK, Safer Internet Day explores reliability online. The internet has an amazing range of information and opportunities online, but how do we separate fact from fiction? Safer Internet Day will be celebrated globally with the slogan:        Together for a better internet.

More details and information /activities can be found at:

Safer Internet Day 2021 | Safer Internet Centre

Children’s Mental Health Week

Activities have been shared with children this week to support Children’s Mental Health Week and the theme of Express Yourself. We had some great examples of children expressing themselves to music and in other ways. The Reception children also listened to “The Huge Bag of Worries” story, discussing how they can make their worries go away with their parents/carers. Other classes have also enjoyed the daily lessons using the ELSA resources.


HeadStart promotes children and young people’s emotional wellbeing in schools, at home, in the community, and online. Working with partners, the aim is to improve resilience and provide support at an early stage to enable children and young people to better cope in difficult circumstances. During Children’s Mental Health Week 2021, HeadStart have launched their new newsletter. These will come out each fortnight and will be packed with resources to support school communities. Click on the link below:

HeadStart Newsletter Feb 1st

Courses for Parents

Action for Happiness

We need each other more than ever right now! This month the focus is on reaching out to connect with others and doing our best to be a good friend. Our acts of kindness and connection ripple out and impact so many more people than we realise – and they also boost our own happy hormones too! In stressful times people around us may be feeling the strain, so let’s try to keep calm, take time to listen and show compassion.

Contact Details

Just a reminder to parents/carers to keep the academy office up to date with any new contact telephone numbers. This is not only extremely important for being able to contact you but also to ensure that families eligible receive their food vouchers.

Home Learning

We can now offer children from Year 1 to Year 6 the opportunity to loan their school iPad.  Please contact the academy office if you would like to take up this offer to support your child’s access to Showbie.

Critical Worker Places

If you require a critical worker place in the academy please contact the academy office. Places must be booked by Monday at 12 noon to start the following week to allow us to plan numbers and keep staff and children as safe as possible.

Breakfast Packs

We have received another delivery of breakfast packs today.  Please pop in and collect one from the entrance to the academy if you are passing on your daily walk.

Times Tables Rockstars…

Year 6 – Alfie and Reece

Year 5 – Josie and Max

Year 4 – Reiley and Thomas

Year 3 – Leo and Olly

Year 2 – Paige and Maddy

B3A – Albie and Luca

B2H – Alexis and Noah

Spelling Shed Leader Board


Please continue to stay safe and follow the Lockdown rules.

Latest News

Academy News

End of Year Blog 19th July

A word from Mrs Kell Wow. This week has been incredibly busy,...

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Weekly Blog 12th July

Weekly Round Up What a week! We are so proud of all...

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Weekly Blog 5th July

Weekly Round Up We can't believe it, but somehow we are only...

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Weekly Blog 28th June

Weekly Round Up Thank you to the parents and carers that came...

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Weekly Blog 21st June

Weekly Round Up We've had an exciting week at Dormanstown this week...

Full details

Weekly Blog 14th June

Weekly Round Up What a week! After six years Mrs Hill our...

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Raffle has been drawn, congratulations to all our winners!! ... See MoreSee Less

Raffle has been drawn, congratulations to all our winners!!

4 CommentsComment on Facebook

I'll enjoy my bottle thanks

When can I get my prize please

Omg I had 226-230 but white 🤣

And to top it all off, our leavers finished their assembly and dashed straight to serve up a delicious 3 course meal to their parents! So many budding Gordon Ramseys in the room! ... See MoreSee Less

And to top it all off, our leavers finished their assembly and dashed straight to serve up a delicious 3 course meal to their parents! So many budding Gordon Ramseys in the room!Image attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

3 CommentsComment on Facebook

Was so good we all loved it, thank you Year 6 the food was delicious xx


Awe how lovely

Mrs McDonald has been sharing her best dance moves with the Y6s! ... See MoreSee Less

Well done to Y6 for their all singing, all dancing leavers performance today - you are all superstars! ... See MoreSee Less

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Jade Worsfold Lizzie Smith

Congratulations to this Y4 superstar who won a silver award for her entry into a Redcar and Cleveland wide short story competition! Here she is receiving her award! ... See MoreSee Less

Congratulations to this Y4 superstar who won a silver award for her entry into a Redcar and Cleveland wide short story competition! Here she is receiving her award!

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Fantastic 👍 congratulations hunni. ❤️. X

The HeadStart team will deliver a Holiday Activity Programme specifically aimed at year 6 children who are about to start secondary school in September and who would benefit from further support.
The 4-day programme will run from Monday 29th July until Thursday 1st August, 10am – 2pm at Ings Farm Primary School, Redcar.
Parents and carers can book their children on the programme using the booking form link below.
Please note this is ONLY for Year 6 children.
... See MoreSee Less

The HeadStart team will deliver a Holiday Activity Programme specifically aimed at year 6 children who are about to start secondary school in September and who would benefit from further support. 
The 4-day programme will run from Monday 29th July until Thursday 1st August, 10am – 2pm at Ings Farm Primary School, Redcar. 
Parents and carers can book their children on the programme using the booking form link below.
Please note this is ONLY for Year 6 children.

4 CommentsComment on Facebook

When is the raffle done from the other day please

Jenni Edwards

Louise Claire

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Friday 29th January 2021

We hope you have enjoyed the lessons that your teachers have put on Showbie this week, and we know that a lot of you have had great feedback for your work.

Some classes have been trialling “live” lessons through the Showbie app.  We are delighted to announce that these will be rolled out to all classes from next week.  Information will be sent out and please remember to check Showbie for updates.

Home Learning

We still have a number of iPads available that our Y2 – Y6 children can loan from the academy to support with their home learning using Showbie.

We are hoping to have devices ready for the younger children in school at some point next week.  Watch out for a message on Facebook.

Online Safety

Please follow this link to a guide for parents on Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) reporting that also provides lots of useful information on online safety:

There is also a quick link straight to the CEOP website at the bottom of our academy website page. 

Critical Worker Places

If you require a critical worker place in the academy please contact the academy office. Places must be booked by Monday at 12 noon to start the following week to allow us to plan numbers and keep staff and children as safe as possible.

Mental Health Week

Children’s Mental Health Week 2021 is next week 1st -7th February.

Place2Be have announced that the theme is Express Yourself, and this year especially could support many children with their mental health.

Expressing yourself is about finding ways to share feelings, thoughts, or ideas, through creativity. This could be through art, music, writing and poetry, dance and drama, photography and film, and doing activities that make you feel good.

Here is a link with information and resources, including an assembly:

Breakfast Packs

We still have breakfast packs available in the academy entrance. Please pop in and collect one if you are passing on your daily walk.

Times Tables Rockstars…

Year 6 – Reece and Alfie

Year 5 – Jose and Max

Year 4 – Reiley and Thomas

Year 3 – Leo and Olly

Year 2 – Paige and Isla

B3A – Albie and Joseph

B3A – Alexis and Noah

Spelling Shed Leader Board…


Please continue to stay safe and follow the Lockdown rules.

Latest News

Academy News

End of Year Blog 19th July

A word from Mrs Kell Wow. This week has been incredibly busy,...

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Weekly Blog 12th July

Weekly Round Up What a week! We are so proud of all...

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Weekly Blog 5th July

Weekly Round Up We can't believe it, but somehow we are only...

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Weekly Blog 28th June

Weekly Round Up Thank you to the parents and carers that came...

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Weekly Blog 21st June

Weekly Round Up We've had an exciting week at Dormanstown this week...

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Weekly Blog 14th June

Weekly Round Up What a week! After six years Mrs Hill our...

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Raffle has been drawn, congratulations to all our winners!! ... See MoreSee Less

Raffle has been drawn, congratulations to all our winners!!

4 CommentsComment on Facebook

I'll enjoy my bottle thanks

When can I get my prize please

Omg I had 226-230 but white 🤣

And to top it all off, our leavers finished their assembly and dashed straight to serve up a delicious 3 course meal to their parents! So many budding Gordon Ramseys in the room! ... See MoreSee Less

And to top it all off, our leavers finished their assembly and dashed straight to serve up a delicious 3 course meal to their parents! So many budding Gordon Ramseys in the room!Image attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

3 CommentsComment on Facebook

Was so good we all loved it, thank you Year 6 the food was delicious xx


Awe how lovely

Mrs McDonald has been sharing her best dance moves with the Y6s! ... See MoreSee Less

Well done to Y6 for their all singing, all dancing leavers performance today - you are all superstars! ... See MoreSee Less

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Jade Worsfold Lizzie Smith

Congratulations to this Y4 superstar who won a silver award for her entry into a Redcar and Cleveland wide short story competition! Here she is receiving her award! ... See MoreSee Less

Congratulations to this Y4 superstar who won a silver award for her entry into a Redcar and Cleveland wide short story competition! Here she is receiving her award!

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Fantastic 👍 congratulations hunni. ❤️. X

The HeadStart team will deliver a Holiday Activity Programme specifically aimed at year 6 children who are about to start secondary school in September and who would benefit from further support.
The 4-day programme will run from Monday 29th July until Thursday 1st August, 10am – 2pm at Ings Farm Primary School, Redcar.
Parents and carers can book their children on the programme using the booking form link below.
Please note this is ONLY for Year 6 children.
... See MoreSee Less

The HeadStart team will deliver a Holiday Activity Programme specifically aimed at year 6 children who are about to start secondary school in September and who would benefit from further support. 
The 4-day programme will run from Monday 29th July until Thursday 1st August, 10am – 2pm at Ings Farm Primary School, Redcar. 
Parents and carers can book their children on the programme using the booking form link below.
Please note this is ONLY for Year 6 children.

4 CommentsComment on Facebook

When is the raffle done from the other day please

Jenni Edwards

Louise Claire

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Celebration Assembly

Friday 22nd January 2021

Praise and Share

Latest News

Academy News

End of Year Blog 19th July

A word from Mrs Kell Wow. This week has been incredibly busy,...

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Weekly Blog 12th July

Weekly Round Up What a week! We are so proud of all...

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Weekly Blog 5th July

Weekly Round Up We can't believe it, but somehow we are only...

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Weekly Blog 28th June

Weekly Round Up Thank you to the parents and carers that came...

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Weekly Blog 21st June

Weekly Round Up We've had an exciting week at Dormanstown this week...

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Weekly Blog 14th June

Weekly Round Up What a week! After six years Mrs Hill our...

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Mobile uploads ... See MoreSee Less

Raffle has been drawn, congratulations to all our winners!! ... See MoreSee Less

Raffle has been drawn, congratulations to all our winners!!

4 CommentsComment on Facebook

I'll enjoy my bottle thanks

When can I get my prize please

Omg I had 226-230 but white 🤣

And to top it all off, our leavers finished their assembly and dashed straight to serve up a delicious 3 course meal to their parents! So many budding Gordon Ramseys in the room! ... See MoreSee Less

And to top it all off, our leavers finished their assembly and dashed straight to serve up a delicious 3 course meal to their parents! So many budding Gordon Ramseys in the room!Image attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

3 CommentsComment on Facebook

Was so good we all loved it, thank you Year 6 the food was delicious xx


Awe how lovely

Mrs McDonald has been sharing her best dance moves with the Y6s! ... See MoreSee Less

Well done to Y6 for their all singing, all dancing leavers performance today - you are all superstars! ... See MoreSee Less

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Jade Worsfold Lizzie Smith

Congratulations to this Y4 superstar who won a silver award for her entry into a Redcar and Cleveland wide short story competition! Here she is receiving her award! ... See MoreSee Less

Congratulations to this Y4 superstar who won a silver award for her entry into a Redcar and Cleveland wide short story competition! Here she is receiving her award!

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Fantastic 👍 congratulations hunni. ❤️. X

The HeadStart team will deliver a Holiday Activity Programme specifically aimed at year 6 children who are about to start secondary school in September and who would benefit from further support.
The 4-day programme will run from Monday 29th July until Thursday 1st August, 10am – 2pm at Ings Farm Primary School, Redcar.
Parents and carers can book their children on the programme using the booking form link below.
Please note this is ONLY for Year 6 children.
... See MoreSee Less

The HeadStart team will deliver a Holiday Activity Programme specifically aimed at year 6 children who are about to start secondary school in September and who would benefit from further support. 
The 4-day programme will run from Monday 29th July until Thursday 1st August, 10am – 2pm at Ings Farm Primary School, Redcar. 
Parents and carers can book their children on the programme using the booking form link below.
Please note this is ONLY for Year 6 children.

4 CommentsComment on Facebook

When is the raffle done from the other day please

Jenni Edwards

Louise Claire

Load more


Friday 22nd January 2021

What a lot of wonderful work we have seen on Showbie this week. Thank you to everyone who has overcome technical difficulties or given up their phones to support their children in accessing their work.

We would also like to thank the families of children in the academy for their patience on Thursday when we had the challenging weather. 

IPads and Showbie

We have had a reasonable uptake of the offer for you to borrow your child’s iPad in order to access Showbie and home learning.  We have rolled this out to Y2 to Y6 so far, but we hope to have some more devices soon to support the younger year groups too. If you would still like to loan the iPad or are struggling accessing Showbie, please contact the academy office or your child’s class teacher as soon as possible.

Online Safety

There has never been a more important time to ensure that children are using their devices and the internet in a safe and responsible manner. Follow this link to information for parents to support their child in staying safe and some additional family activities linked to viewing videos online, live streaming, gaming and cyber-security.

Parents homepage (

Critical Worker Places

If you require a critical worker place in the academy please contact the academy office. Places must be booked by Monday at 12 noon to start the following week to allow us to plan numbers and keep staff and children as safe as possible.

Virtual School Library

Pupils can have access to a free online library where they can find free reading and writing activities from their favourite children’s authors.  Every week a popular children’s author or illustrator will provide you with free books, exclusive videos and their top three recommended reads. This week the featured author is Jacqueline Wilson. 

Virtual School Library | Oak Academy (

Junior Community Champions

How proud we were to hear that some of our children had been awarded Junior Community Champions by the Ladies of Steel as they had helped them deliver their Covid information leaflets around the houses in Dormanstown. Well done to Lucy, Grace, Adam, Bobby and Laiton: what wonderful role models you are.

Covid Tests for Non-Symptomatic Key Workers/People Who Cannot Work from Home

Please see this useful facility starting on Monday 25th January:

Anxiety Workshop for Parents/Carers

CAMHS are running an online Anxiety Workshop for parents and carers on the 25th January. Please see the flyer below for information.

Breakfast Packs

At the end of the week, we received our take home breakfast packs from the National Schools Breakfast Scheme. The children in the academy will bring a pack home, and parents/carers of other children can collect them from the academy as part of your daily exercise.  Please watch out for a Facebook message to let you know when they are available to collect and the arrangements for doing this.

Times Tables Rockstars…

Winners of the battle this week are:

Year 6 – Alfie and Heidi

Year 5 – Harley and Kayden

Year 4 – Reiley / Amelia

Year 3 – Ryan and Harper

Year 2 –  Paige and Emme

B3A – Tyley and Albie

B2H – Lennox and Alexis

It is wonderful to see so many children taking part, some managing to stay in the top two spots and also how we have some new names creeping to the top of the leaderboard too.

Spelling Shed Leader Board…


Please continue to stay safe and follow the Lockdown rules.

Latest News

Academy News

End of Year Blog 19th July

A word from Mrs Kell Wow. This week has been incredibly busy,...

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Weekly Blog 12th July

Weekly Round Up What a week! We are so proud of all...

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Weekly Blog 5th July

Weekly Round Up We can't believe it, but somehow we are only...

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Weekly Blog 28th June

Weekly Round Up Thank you to the parents and carers that came...

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Weekly Blog 21st June

Weekly Round Up We've had an exciting week at Dormanstown this week...

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Weekly Blog 14th June

Weekly Round Up What a week! After six years Mrs Hill our...

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Raffle has been drawn, congratulations to all our winners!! ... See MoreSee Less

Raffle has been drawn, congratulations to all our winners!!

4 CommentsComment on Facebook

I'll enjoy my bottle thanks

When can I get my prize please

Omg I had 226-230 but white 🤣

And to top it all off, our leavers finished their assembly and dashed straight to serve up a delicious 3 course meal to their parents! So many budding Gordon Ramseys in the room! ... See MoreSee Less

And to top it all off, our leavers finished their assembly and dashed straight to serve up a delicious 3 course meal to their parents! So many budding Gordon Ramseys in the room!Image attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

3 CommentsComment on Facebook

Was so good we all loved it, thank you Year 6 the food was delicious xx


Awe how lovely

Mrs McDonald has been sharing her best dance moves with the Y6s! ... See MoreSee Less

Well done to Y6 for their all singing, all dancing leavers performance today - you are all superstars! ... See MoreSee Less

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Jade Worsfold Lizzie Smith

Congratulations to this Y4 superstar who won a silver award for her entry into a Redcar and Cleveland wide short story competition! Here she is receiving her award! ... See MoreSee Less

Congratulations to this Y4 superstar who won a silver award for her entry into a Redcar and Cleveland wide short story competition! Here she is receiving her award!

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Fantastic 👍 congratulations hunni. ❤️. X

The HeadStart team will deliver a Holiday Activity Programme specifically aimed at year 6 children who are about to start secondary school in September and who would benefit from further support.
The 4-day programme will run from Monday 29th July until Thursday 1st August, 10am – 2pm at Ings Farm Primary School, Redcar.
Parents and carers can book their children on the programme using the booking form link below.
Please note this is ONLY for Year 6 children.
... See MoreSee Less

The HeadStart team will deliver a Holiday Activity Programme specifically aimed at year 6 children who are about to start secondary school in September and who would benefit from further support. 
The 4-day programme will run from Monday 29th July until Thursday 1st August, 10am – 2pm at Ings Farm Primary School, Redcar. 
Parents and carers can book their children on the programme using the booking form link below.
Please note this is ONLY for Year 6 children.

4 CommentsComment on Facebook

When is the raffle done from the other day please

Jenni Edwards

Louise Claire

Load more


Friday 15th January 2021

During the second week of lockdown, we have had a good uptake with our Home Learning with some great work produced.  Thank you to everyone who has engaged and shared your outcomes with your teachers via Showbie. The children in the academy have been role models and very focused on their work too; we are very proud of them all.

Ipad Support

We would like to offer support to Dormanstown children by providing a loan of their school iPad to enable completion of home learning activities.  The iPad remains the property of the academy and will be loaned to your child for the lockdown period. The iPad can be used to access Showbie and the home learning activities but will be reliant on home Wi Fi access. Your child can also use the apps installed on the iPad that they usually use in school.  We will require a loan agreement to be signed and for a parent to come to the academy to collect the iPad. We have allocated iPads for children in Y2 to Y6, should you wish to loan your child’s iPad then please look out for a text message which will be sent to you early next week

Critical Worker Places

If you require a critical worker place in the academy please contact the academy office. Places must be booked by Monday at 12 noon for the following week to allow us to plan numbers and keep staff and children as safe as possible.

Free School Meal Vouchers

Free School Meal vouchers are being rolled out to those entitled who are not in school weekly. They will continue to come in their current form towards the end of the week. If you have had a recent change in circumstances and think that you may be eligible for these vouchers please get in touch with the school office who can easily find this out for you with just a few details.

Anxiety Workshop for Parents/Carers

CAMHS are running an online Anxiety Workshop for parents and carers on the 25th January. Please see the flyer below for information.

Breakfast Packs

We are pleased to say that we will receive some of our take home breakfast packs from the National Schools Breakfast Scheme next week. The children in the academy will bring a pack home, and adults can collect them from the academy as part of your daily exercise.  Please watch out for a Facebook message to let you know when they are available to collect and the arrangements for doing this.

Redcar Foodbank Centres

Are you struggling for food during these difficult times?

You do not need a voucher for the food bank right now. Here are the times and places where you can go.

Redcar Area Foodbank centres open during Lockdown are:
Monday: Newcomen Methodist Church, Redcar 11am-12.30pm, St Hilda’s of Whitby, Grangetown 11am-12.30pm
Tuesday: Emmanuel Church (Echo Hall), Saltburn 12.30-2.30 pm
Wednesday: South Bank Baptist Church 10.30-12.30,East Cleveland Baptist Church, Redcar 11am-12.30pm
Thursday: Brotton Methodist Church 1-2.30pm
Friday: St George’s, Normanby 10am-12noon.

For a limited time, anyone who needs help can attend one of our centres without a voucher or E-referral from a referral agency. You will need to give some basic information at the foodbank centre before receiving a parcel.

Health Advice Posters

The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health have created advice posters for parents and young people during the pandemic. There is a link below to the posters and a short video created specifically for young people.

Honkers of the Week…

EYFS Bubble:

AJ Barstow

For excellent progress in reading.

Y1 – Y3 Bubble

Emme Berry

Showing perseverance with her art work and being a pleasure to teach. 

Y4/5 Bubble

Harrison Berry

For always trying his best and producing quality work. He has also grown in confidence and is beginning to believe in himself. We are so proud of you and you should be proud of yourself too!

KS2 SEND Bubble

Warren Campbell

For his fantastic ideas for the next part of the story in English. 

Y6 Bubble:

Heidi Swales

For excellent growth mind-set this week.


Joey Martel – has sent videos every day of his work and what he is doing at home. He is completing everything on Showbie to an incredible standard. He even got his mummy and daddy to make their own school one day. Daddy had to put on his shirt and tie and Joey put his uniform on and his mummy made a timetable! Amazing work! 


My home learning Honker this week (even though she is in school) is Jessika Gowland as not only has she been working hard in school but she has also been continuing her learning at home through Showbie!

My Praise and Share is in school and is Darcie Bonas for working incredibly hard in maths and really challenging herself when doing column addition.


Ross Clark Wood for Honker as he has really tried to come on board this week with his online learning and produced some lovely writing and maths work.

Praise and Share: Sophia-Grace Finley for fantastic online learning all week, but especially for her elf clothes that she made and actually sewed with a needle and thread!


This week’s Honker is Harrie Bracchi for his fabulous commitment to home learning this week.

Praise and share is Freya Pocock-Richardson for her beautiful writing and drawings this week.. 


Honker – Ellexis Smith for providing some excellent answers to reasoning questions in maths! She has also worked tirelessly so far; well done Ellexis!

Praise and Share: Alisha Whiteside for showing a good understanding of nouns and adjectives. 


Honker – Jaxon Jones – Amazing home learning! Completing tasks set every day. A true role model for Year2!

Praise and Share – Lydia Morton – Applying her new knowledge of verbs and adverbs to her written work, great work Lydia! 


Honker – Harry Lock for fully engaging in his home learning and giving 100%: well done Harry!

Praise and Share – Maddy Haywood for also fully engaging in her home learning. I was really impressed with some of her Geography work she sent to me using her research skills to find out facts about Europe and Australia. Well done Maddy! 


Honker: Sammie Worsfold  for excellent engagement in her school work this week. She has been committed every single day and produced some great work. Well done, Sammy!

P&S Ryan Hunter for astounding me with the quality of work he has produced and making me laugh with his messages and photos. He has really put a smile on my face this week. 


Honker goes to Charlie for excellent work on Showbie. He constantly sends work and checks tasks that need to be completed. He is on fire !🔥 

Praise and Share goes to Jacob for showing resilience and working to the best of his ability. Well done! 


Home Learning Honker  – Max Tighe

For always producing fabulous work, that shows he has made a clear conscious effort and a lot of thought has gone into it. P.S – Happy Birthday Max!

Praise and Share –  Archie Turner 

For always being an eager learner and for responding to feedback given to support his learning. 


Honker is Leo Slater for completing all his online work as well as completing some amazing additional home learning with his parents … the cake he made looked awesome!

My praise and share is Kieron Bourne for some lovely positive affirmations in his PSHE work.

Times Tables Rockstars…

Winners of the battle this week are:

Year 6 – Alfie and Reece

Year 5 – Josie and Harley

Year 4 – Thomas and Elliott

Year 3 – Ryan and Anthony

Year 2 –  Paige and Lydia

B3A – Tyley and Luca

B2H – Alexis and Ryan

Spelling Shed Leader Board…

Weekly Top Spelling group

1st: 6H/S – 71 287 041

2nd: 2PR – 52 075 576

3rd: 3A – 36 757 806

Weekly Top Speller

1st: Houlden L – 25 451 342

2nd: Slater P – 24 179 392

3rd: Hunter R – 18 334 348

Spring Term Points League

1st: 6H/S – 124 584 436

2nd: 2PR – 94 099 028

3rd: 3A – 42 398 536


Please continue to stay safe and follow the Lockdown rules.

Latest News

Academy News

End of Year Blog 19th July

A word from Mrs Kell Wow. This week has been incredibly busy,...

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Weekly Blog 12th July

Weekly Round Up What a week! We are so proud of all...

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Weekly Blog 5th July

Weekly Round Up We can't believe it, but somehow we are only...

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Weekly Blog 28th June

Weekly Round Up Thank you to the parents and carers that came...

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Weekly Blog 21st June

Weekly Round Up We've had an exciting week at Dormanstown this week...

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Weekly Blog 14th June

Weekly Round Up What a week! After six years Mrs Hill our...

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Raffle has been drawn, congratulations to all our winners!! ... See MoreSee Less

Raffle has been drawn, congratulations to all our winners!!

4 CommentsComment on Facebook

I'll enjoy my bottle thanks

When can I get my prize please

Omg I had 226-230 but white 🤣

And to top it all off, our leavers finished their assembly and dashed straight to serve up a delicious 3 course meal to their parents! So many budding Gordon Ramseys in the room! ... See MoreSee Less

And to top it all off, our leavers finished their assembly and dashed straight to serve up a delicious 3 course meal to their parents! So many budding Gordon Ramseys in the room!Image attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

3 CommentsComment on Facebook

Was so good we all loved it, thank you Year 6 the food was delicious xx


Awe how lovely

Mrs McDonald has been sharing her best dance moves with the Y6s! ... See MoreSee Less

Well done to Y6 for their all singing, all dancing leavers performance today - you are all superstars! ... See MoreSee Less

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Jade Worsfold Lizzie Smith

Congratulations to this Y4 superstar who won a silver award for her entry into a Redcar and Cleveland wide short story competition! Here she is receiving her award! ... See MoreSee Less

Congratulations to this Y4 superstar who won a silver award for her entry into a Redcar and Cleveland wide short story competition! Here she is receiving her award!

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Fantastic 👍 congratulations hunni. ❤️. X

The HeadStart team will deliver a Holiday Activity Programme specifically aimed at year 6 children who are about to start secondary school in September and who would benefit from further support.
The 4-day programme will run from Monday 29th July until Thursday 1st August, 10am – 2pm at Ings Farm Primary School, Redcar.
Parents and carers can book their children on the programme using the booking form link below.
Please note this is ONLY for Year 6 children.
... See MoreSee Less

The HeadStart team will deliver a Holiday Activity Programme specifically aimed at year 6 children who are about to start secondary school in September and who would benefit from further support. 
The 4-day programme will run from Monday 29th July until Thursday 1st August, 10am – 2pm at Ings Farm Primary School, Redcar. 
Parents and carers can book their children on the programme using the booking form link below.
Please note this is ONLY for Year 6 children.

4 CommentsComment on Facebook

When is the raffle done from the other day please

Jenni Edwards

Louise Claire

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Friday 8th January 2021

It was lovely to see all the children’s smiling faces on Monday as they came back to school after the Christmas Break. With Monday night’s government announcement, the situation changed very quickly and the majority of our children are now completing home learning due to the lockdown. We hope that everyone stays safe during this time and, once the vaccine is more widely available, we can have a truly Happy New Year.

Children in School

If you think your child is eligible for a place in the academy as you are a key worker or they are vulnerable, you must phone the office to discuss.  We ask that all children are booked in by the lunchtime of the Monday before they need to attend please so we can organise staffing/lunches etc. Please remember that the children need to be in full school uniform when attending and for them to put extra layers on under their uniform as we have the windows open in classrooms for ventilation


We were able to provide some of our families with a Christmas hamper that was donated by the Mike Hind charity appeal. They contained a wonderful selection of foods to support breakfasts and lunches over the holidays, and we hope that you found them helpful. We want to send a huge thank you everyone involved in the appeal, including the organisation and delivery of the hampers as it was a mammoth task to get them to every school in Redcar and Cleveland.


Well done to all the children (and parents) this week who have got to grips with Showbie.  We realise that it was brand new for lots of people and it does take some perseverance to navigate your way round it. Mr Stammers made a video to describe how to use Showbie, and it is posted on Facebook if you haven’t already seen it.  It is definitely worth a watch!

Pastoral and Welfare Support

If you require any support with any elements of pastoral or welfare work whilst we are in lockdown, please contact the academy.  There will be members of the pastoral team in every day who will be available. Please don’t struggle with food or any other issues when we can usually point you in the right direction.

We aim to send weekly food vouchers for those entitled to income based free school meals who are not attending school. At present the government hasn’t launched their scheme so we are organising for these to come from the academy. If you have problems accessing them, please ring the office. Thank you for your patience as we await further instructions from the Department for Education.

Times Tables Rockstars…

These are the results from the ‘Battle’

Year 2 – Paige and Brooke

Year 3 – Ryan and Sammie

Year 4 – Thomas and Evie

Year 5 – Max and Josie

Year 6 – Alfie and Kieron

B2H – Toby and Ryan

B3A – Luca and Allie

Spelling Shed Leader Board…

Weekly Top Spelling Group:

1st: 6H/S – 85 259 432

2nd: 2PR – 59 537 268

3rd: 5N/W – 14 505 496

Weekly Top Spellers:

1st: Houlden L – 43 821 876

2nd: Slater P – 30 343 472

3rd: Bourne K – 13 292 746

Spring Term Points League:

1st: 6H/S – 85 259 432

2nd: 2PR – 59 537 268

3rd: 5N/W – 14 505 496


Action for Happiness…

This month, Action for Happiness are encouraging everyone to focus on small steps to try to boost happiness – for ourselves and others around us – to spread kindness and hopefully inspire others to do the same.

Please continue to stay safe and follow the Lockdown rules.

Latest News

Academy News

End of Year Blog 19th July

A word from Mrs Kell Wow. This week has been incredibly busy,...

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Weekly Blog 12th July

Weekly Round Up What a week! We are so proud of all...

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Weekly Blog 5th July

Weekly Round Up We can't believe it, but somehow we are only...

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Weekly Blog 28th June

Weekly Round Up Thank you to the parents and carers that came...

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Weekly Blog 21st June

Weekly Round Up We've had an exciting week at Dormanstown this week...

Full details

Weekly Blog 14th June

Weekly Round Up What a week! After six years Mrs Hill our...

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Raffle has been drawn, congratulations to all our winners!! ... See MoreSee Less

Raffle has been drawn, congratulations to all our winners!!

4 CommentsComment on Facebook

I'll enjoy my bottle thanks

When can I get my prize please

Omg I had 226-230 but white 🤣

And to top it all off, our leavers finished their assembly and dashed straight to serve up a delicious 3 course meal to their parents! So many budding Gordon Ramseys in the room! ... See MoreSee Less

And to top it all off, our leavers finished their assembly and dashed straight to serve up a delicious 3 course meal to their parents! So many budding Gordon Ramseys in the room!Image attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

3 CommentsComment on Facebook

Was so good we all loved it, thank you Year 6 the food was delicious xx


Awe how lovely

Mrs McDonald has been sharing her best dance moves with the Y6s! ... See MoreSee Less

Well done to Y6 for their all singing, all dancing leavers performance today - you are all superstars! ... See MoreSee Less

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Jade Worsfold Lizzie Smith

Congratulations to this Y4 superstar who won a silver award for her entry into a Redcar and Cleveland wide short story competition! Here she is receiving her award! ... See MoreSee Less

Congratulations to this Y4 superstar who won a silver award for her entry into a Redcar and Cleveland wide short story competition! Here she is receiving her award!

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Fantastic 👍 congratulations hunni. ❤️. X

The HeadStart team will deliver a Holiday Activity Programme specifically aimed at year 6 children who are about to start secondary school in September and who would benefit from further support.
The 4-day programme will run from Monday 29th July until Thursday 1st August, 10am – 2pm at Ings Farm Primary School, Redcar.
Parents and carers can book their children on the programme using the booking form link below.
Please note this is ONLY for Year 6 children.
... See MoreSee Less

The HeadStart team will deliver a Holiday Activity Programme specifically aimed at year 6 children who are about to start secondary school in September and who would benefit from further support. 
The 4-day programme will run from Monday 29th July until Thursday 1st August, 10am – 2pm at Ings Farm Primary School, Redcar. 
Parents and carers can book their children on the programme using the booking form link below.
Please note this is ONLY for Year 6 children.

4 CommentsComment on Facebook

When is the raffle done from the other day please

Jenni Edwards

Louise Claire

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