Supporting Good Attendance

At Dormanstown, our first step in supporting attendance is to have regular contact with parents/carers on the school gates and playground at the start and end of every day and with phone calls and home visits. We keep parents/carers updated of their child’s attendance through weekly MarvellousMe messages and half termly text messages. We encourage good attendance with the children through rewards and recognition; every class take part in our weekly awesome attendance competition and the class with the highest attendance wins our attendance trophy filled with treats. At the start of each academic year, we ask parents/carers to sign a Good Attendance Home School Agreement (link below).

The overarching approach to attendance at Dormanstown is through our Attendance Graduated Responses. We regularly review the attendance of all children of compulsory school age (5-15 years) using our School Age Attendance Graduated Response in order to ensure they are attending as fully as possible. Our Attendance Graduated Response is based on the previous half term’s absence with consideration of pastoral needs and significant medical factors.

School Age Attendance Graduated Response

If parents/carers have any questions about attendance or would like support with their child’s good attendance, please speak to your child’s class teacher, Mrs Sherwood (Safeguarding, Pastoral and Welfare Lead), Mrs McCormick (Parent Advisor and Pupil Welfare Support) or Ms Lees (Assistant Head of Academy).

  • Good Attendance and Home School Agreement Download
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