Dormanstown Blog – 21st May 2021

Our assembly focus this week was on Collaboration, and we discussed this though our Trust Diamond Standards, asking children to work together to choose their nominees for the summer term. Our Character Education assembly focused on Determination.

Great swimming progress from 6S and 6H this week, with lots of children being determined to achieve their next milestone in this essential life skill.

Community Information

Half Term

We have one more week in school before half term. The children will break up on Friday 28th May at 2pm returning to school on Monday 7th June.

Holiday Vouchers

For those entitled to income based Free School Meals, vouchers for the half term break will be issued on Tuesday 25th May. The vouchers have been funded by the Department for Work and Pensions.

30 Hour Provision for Your 3 and 4 Year Olds

As of September, we hope to be able to offer 30 hour provision for your 3 and 4 year olds!

We can offer funded 30-hour provision for those parents entitled and also a flexible paid for service for those not eligible or who require additional hours.

Check your 30-hour eligibility via the website

 Call us on 01642 483696 to register your interest or for more information.

Times Tables Rockstars…

Year 6 – Reece and Alfie

Year 5 – Max and Josie

Year 4 – Reiley and Kenton

Year 3 – Leo and Ollly

Year 2 – Paige

B3A – Albie and Joseph

B2H – Alexis

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Timestables-Rockstar.png
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is spelling-shed-logo-1024x538.jpg

Please continue to stay safe and look after each other.  

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Academy News

End of Year Blog 19th July

A word from Mrs Kell Wow. This week has been incredibly busy,...

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Weekly Blog 12th July

Weekly Round Up What a week! We are so proud of all...

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Weekly Blog 5th July

Weekly Round Up We can't believe it, but somehow we are only...

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Weekly Blog 28th June

Weekly Round Up Thank you to the parents and carers that came...

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Weekly Blog 21st June

Weekly Round Up We've had an exciting week at Dormanstown this week...

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Weekly Blog 14th June

Weekly Round Up What a week! After six years Mrs Hill our...

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Raffle has been drawn, congratulations to all our winners!! ... See MoreSee Less

Raffle has been drawn, congratulations to all our winners!!

4 CommentsComment on Facebook

I'll enjoy my bottle thanks

When can I get my prize please

Omg I had 226-230 but white 🤣

And to top it all off, our leavers finished their assembly and dashed straight to serve up a delicious 3 course meal to their parents! So many budding Gordon Ramseys in the room! ... See MoreSee Less

And to top it all off, our leavers finished their assembly and dashed straight to serve up a delicious 3 course meal to their parents! So many budding Gordon Ramseys in the room!Image attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

3 CommentsComment on Facebook

Was so good we all loved it, thank you Year 6 the food was delicious xx


Awe how lovely

Mrs McDonald has been sharing her best dance moves with the Y6s! ... See MoreSee Less

Well done to Y6 for their all singing, all dancing leavers performance today - you are all superstars! ... See MoreSee Less

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Jade Worsfold Lizzie Smith

Congratulations to this Y4 superstar who won a silver award for her entry into a Redcar and Cleveland wide short story competition! Here she is receiving her award! ... See MoreSee Less

Congratulations to this Y4 superstar who won a silver award for her entry into a Redcar and Cleveland wide short story competition! Here she is receiving her award!

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Fantastic 👍 congratulations hunni. ❤️. X

The HeadStart team will deliver a Holiday Activity Programme specifically aimed at year 6 children who are about to start secondary school in September and who would benefit from further support.
The 4-day programme will run from Monday 29th July until Thursday 1st August, 10am – 2pm at Ings Farm Primary School, Redcar.
Parents and carers can book their children on the programme using the booking form link below.
Please note this is ONLY for Year 6 children.
... See MoreSee Less

The HeadStart team will deliver a Holiday Activity Programme specifically aimed at year 6 children who are about to start secondary school in September and who would benefit from further support. 
The 4-day programme will run from Monday 29th July until Thursday 1st August, 10am – 2pm at Ings Farm Primary School, Redcar. 
Parents and carers can book their children on the programme using the booking form link below.
Please note this is ONLY for Year 6 children.

4 CommentsComment on Facebook

When is the raffle done from the other day please

Jenni Edwards

Louise Claire

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Dormanstown Blog – 14th May 2021

Our assembly focus this week was on Mental Health Awareness Week whose theme was Connecting with Nature. We also looked at Forgiveness in our Character Education assembly.

1T had a fantastic experience on Monday, taking themselves back to Edwardian times and spending a day dressed up and re-enacting what a day at school would be like for a child over a 100 years ago.

Well done to 5N and 5W for another great week at swimming with lots of progress made in developing this essential life skill.

Mental Health Awareness Week

Children spent time using the theme Connecting with Nature to celebrate Mental Health Awareness Week. Our outdoor spaces allowed plenty of opportunities to see the benefits that nature can bring to our mental health.

HeadStart also focused their fortnightly newsletter around activities linked to this theme also. Follow the link below:

Attendance Awards

Yesterday year 6 enjoyed a film afternoon with southern fried chicken, popcorn, and sweet treats. This was an attendance reward for filling up their ‘AWESOME’ chart. This is the second class to receive this reward this year, well done!!

There are a few other classes close to completing their chart too so keep attending to win a reward afternoon!

We are having a whole academy push on attendance for the remainder of the summer term, letters have gone out to parents/carers where attendance has fallen below 96%. Let’s really go for 100% until the 6 weeks holidays and we can have many more rewards!


6S and 6H will be going swimming next week.

Please ensure these children have their swimming costume/shorts and a suitable towel in the academy each day.

Times Tables Rockstars…

Year 6 – Reiley and Harvey

Year 5 – Max and Lola S

Year 4 – Adam and Thomas

Year 3 – Lucia and Lucas

Year 2 – Paige

B3A – Amelia and Heidi

B2H – Alfie

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Timestables-Rockstar.png

Spelling Shed Leader Board…

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is spelling-shed-logo-1024x538.jpg

Please continue to stay safe and look after each other.  

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-6.png
Latest News

Academy News

End of Year Blog 19th July

A word from Mrs Kell Wow. This week has been incredibly busy,...

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Weekly Blog 12th July

Weekly Round Up What a week! We are so proud of all...

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Weekly Blog 5th July

Weekly Round Up We can't believe it, but somehow we are only...

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Weekly Blog 28th June

Weekly Round Up Thank you to the parents and carers that came...

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Weekly Blog 21st June

Weekly Round Up We've had an exciting week at Dormanstown this week...

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Weekly Blog 14th June

Weekly Round Up What a week! After six years Mrs Hill our...

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Raffle has been drawn, congratulations to all our winners!! ... See MoreSee Less

Raffle has been drawn, congratulations to all our winners!!

4 CommentsComment on Facebook

I'll enjoy my bottle thanks

When can I get my prize please

Omg I had 226-230 but white 🤣

And to top it all off, our leavers finished their assembly and dashed straight to serve up a delicious 3 course meal to their parents! So many budding Gordon Ramseys in the room! ... See MoreSee Less

And to top it all off, our leavers finished their assembly and dashed straight to serve up a delicious 3 course meal to their parents! So many budding Gordon Ramseys in the room!Image attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

3 CommentsComment on Facebook

Was so good we all loved it, thank you Year 6 the food was delicious xx


Awe how lovely

Mrs McDonald has been sharing her best dance moves with the Y6s! ... See MoreSee Less

Well done to Y6 for their all singing, all dancing leavers performance today - you are all superstars! ... See MoreSee Less

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Jade Worsfold Lizzie Smith

Congratulations to this Y4 superstar who won a silver award for her entry into a Redcar and Cleveland wide short story competition! Here she is receiving her award! ... See MoreSee Less

Congratulations to this Y4 superstar who won a silver award for her entry into a Redcar and Cleveland wide short story competition! Here she is receiving her award!

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Fantastic 👍 congratulations hunni. ❤️. X

The HeadStart team will deliver a Holiday Activity Programme specifically aimed at year 6 children who are about to start secondary school in September and who would benefit from further support.
The 4-day programme will run from Monday 29th July until Thursday 1st August, 10am – 2pm at Ings Farm Primary School, Redcar.
Parents and carers can book their children on the programme using the booking form link below.
Please note this is ONLY for Year 6 children.
... See MoreSee Less

The HeadStart team will deliver a Holiday Activity Programme specifically aimed at year 6 children who are about to start secondary school in September and who would benefit from further support. 
The 4-day programme will run from Monday 29th July until Thursday 1st August, 10am – 2pm at Ings Farm Primary School, Redcar. 
Parents and carers can book their children on the programme using the booking form link below.
Please note this is ONLY for Year 6 children.

4 CommentsComment on Facebook

When is the raffle done from the other day please

Jenni Edwards

Louise Claire

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Dormanstown Blog – 7th May 2021

Our assembly theme this week was focused around the British Value of Democracy, and we discussed the elections that were taking place around the country. In Character Education we also discussed courtesy again, and we were looking out for children who showed impeccable manners around the academy; needless to say, we had lots of superb examples.

Children in 4S have been swimming each afternoon this week, and they have really enjoyed being able to resume this essential skill and have made rapid progress in 4 days.  Well done to everyone.


5N and 5W will be going swimming next week.

Please ensure these children have their swimming costume/shorts and a suitable towel in the academy each day.

Multi Sports

Multi Sports after school will start next week in bubbles for 4S, 5N/5W and 6S/6W for those who have reserved a place. If you would like a place for your child, please could you ensure that your child returns their form on Monday and that children have their P.E. kits in school on the relevant days:

Tuesday 4S, Wednesday 5N and 5W and Thursday 6N and 6W (check days correct)

All clubs run from 3-4pm.

Mental Health Week

Next week is Mental Health Week, and the theme is Connecting with Nature.  We will be having an assembly to promote this and having discussions in class.

Follow the link for more information:

Mental Health Awareness Week 2021

Meaningful May

The Action for Happiness calendar this month reflects around what gives our life meaning.  Being a part of something bigger than ourselves and focusing on things that we value is key to our wellbeing. So let’s take time to reflect on what we care about this month and keep these things at the front of our minds as our societies begin to open up again.

Times Tables Rockstars…

Year 6 James and Onyx

Year 5 Max and Kayden

Year 4 Kenton and Reiley

Year 3 Leo and Lucas

B2H Mohammad and Ryan

B3A Heidi

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Timestables-Rockstar.png


Mellors, our catering company, have provided some useful handouts for parents around their summer term theme of “Eating well to help the environment”. There is some interesting information as well as delicious recipes and tips for families to use and challenges to promote a healthy lifestyle.

Please continue to stay safe and look after each other.  

Latest News

Academy News

End of Year Blog 19th July

A word from Mrs Kell Wow. This week has been incredibly busy,...

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Weekly Blog 12th July

Weekly Round Up What a week! We are so proud of all...

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Weekly Blog 5th July

Weekly Round Up We can't believe it, but somehow we are only...

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Weekly Blog 28th June

Weekly Round Up Thank you to the parents and carers that came...

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Weekly Blog 21st June

Weekly Round Up We've had an exciting week at Dormanstown this week...

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Weekly Blog 14th June

Weekly Round Up What a week! After six years Mrs Hill our...

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Raffle has been drawn, congratulations to all our winners!! ... See MoreSee Less

Raffle has been drawn, congratulations to all our winners!!

4 CommentsComment on Facebook

I'll enjoy my bottle thanks

When can I get my prize please

Omg I had 226-230 but white 🤣

And to top it all off, our leavers finished their assembly and dashed straight to serve up a delicious 3 course meal to their parents! So many budding Gordon Ramseys in the room! ... See MoreSee Less

And to top it all off, our leavers finished their assembly and dashed straight to serve up a delicious 3 course meal to their parents! So many budding Gordon Ramseys in the room!Image attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

3 CommentsComment on Facebook

Was so good we all loved it, thank you Year 6 the food was delicious xx


Awe how lovely

Mrs McDonald has been sharing her best dance moves with the Y6s! ... See MoreSee Less

Well done to Y6 for their all singing, all dancing leavers performance today - you are all superstars! ... See MoreSee Less

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Jade Worsfold Lizzie Smith

Congratulations to this Y4 superstar who won a silver award for her entry into a Redcar and Cleveland wide short story competition! Here she is receiving her award! ... See MoreSee Less

Congratulations to this Y4 superstar who won a silver award for her entry into a Redcar and Cleveland wide short story competition! Here she is receiving her award!

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Fantastic 👍 congratulations hunni. ❤️. X

The HeadStart team will deliver a Holiday Activity Programme specifically aimed at year 6 children who are about to start secondary school in September and who would benefit from further support.
The 4-day programme will run from Monday 29th July until Thursday 1st August, 10am – 2pm at Ings Farm Primary School, Redcar.
Parents and carers can book their children on the programme using the booking form link below.
Please note this is ONLY for Year 6 children.
... See MoreSee Less

The HeadStart team will deliver a Holiday Activity Programme specifically aimed at year 6 children who are about to start secondary school in September and who would benefit from further support. 
The 4-day programme will run from Monday 29th July until Thursday 1st August, 10am – 2pm at Ings Farm Primary School, Redcar. 
Parents and carers can book their children on the programme using the booking form link below.
Please note this is ONLY for Year 6 children.

4 CommentsComment on Facebook

When is the raffle done from the other day please

Jenni Edwards

Louise Claire

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Dormanstown Blog – 30th April 2021

Our assembly theme this week was focused around commitment and we had a discussion around the Captain Tom 100.  The children tried to think of a challenge they could commit to, based around the number 100.  Please send in any photos or videos of any achievements the children did at home, so we can celebrate these.  In Character Education we also looked at courtesy and children had some good discussions around what this meant. 

We look forward to welcoming 3A back to the assembly next week.  Many children engaged in their home learning offer, and some excellent work was submitted via Showbie. Well done for all your efforts.


Our block of swimming at Saltburn Baths is starting next week with children attending in bubble groups.  The following year groups will be attending for every afternoon in their allocated weeks:

w.b. 3rd May – 4S

w.b. 10th May – 5W and 5S

w.b. 17th May – 6S and 6H

Please ensure the children have their swimming costume/shorts and a suitable towel in the academy on their allocated day.


Please follow the link to the HeadStart Newsletter:

HeadStart Newsletter 26th April- 7th May 2021

Breakfast Packs

We have had another delivery of breakfast packs which the children have brought home today.

Times Tables Rockstars…

Year 6 – Reece and Alfie

Year 5 – Max and Josie

Year 4 – Reiley and Kenton

Year 3 – Ryan and Jake

Year 2 – Paige

B2H – Mohammad

B3A – Heidi

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Timestables-Rockstar.png

Spelling Shed Leader Board…

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is spelling-shed-logo-1024x538.jpg

Please continue to stay safe and look after each other.  

Latest News

Academy News

End of Year Blog 19th July

A word from Mrs Kell Wow. This week has been incredibly busy,...

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Weekly Blog 12th July

Weekly Round Up What a week! We are so proud of all...

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Weekly Blog 5th July

Weekly Round Up We can't believe it, but somehow we are only...

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Weekly Blog 28th June

Weekly Round Up Thank you to the parents and carers that came...

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Weekly Blog 21st June

Weekly Round Up We've had an exciting week at Dormanstown this week...

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Weekly Blog 14th June

Weekly Round Up What a week! After six years Mrs Hill our...

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Raffle has been drawn, congratulations to all our winners!! ... See MoreSee Less

Raffle has been drawn, congratulations to all our winners!!

4 CommentsComment on Facebook

I'll enjoy my bottle thanks

When can I get my prize please

Omg I had 226-230 but white 🤣

And to top it all off, our leavers finished their assembly and dashed straight to serve up a delicious 3 course meal to their parents! So many budding Gordon Ramseys in the room! ... See MoreSee Less

And to top it all off, our leavers finished their assembly and dashed straight to serve up a delicious 3 course meal to their parents! So many budding Gordon Ramseys in the room!Image attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

3 CommentsComment on Facebook

Was so good we all loved it, thank you Year 6 the food was delicious xx


Awe how lovely

Mrs McDonald has been sharing her best dance moves with the Y6s! ... See MoreSee Less

Well done to Y6 for their all singing, all dancing leavers performance today - you are all superstars! ... See MoreSee Less

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Jade Worsfold Lizzie Smith

Congratulations to this Y4 superstar who won a silver award for her entry into a Redcar and Cleveland wide short story competition! Here she is receiving her award! ... See MoreSee Less

Congratulations to this Y4 superstar who won a silver award for her entry into a Redcar and Cleveland wide short story competition! Here she is receiving her award!

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Fantastic 👍 congratulations hunni. ❤️. X

The HeadStart team will deliver a Holiday Activity Programme specifically aimed at year 6 children who are about to start secondary school in September and who would benefit from further support.
The 4-day programme will run from Monday 29th July until Thursday 1st August, 10am – 2pm at Ings Farm Primary School, Redcar.
Parents and carers can book their children on the programme using the booking form link below.
Please note this is ONLY for Year 6 children.
... See MoreSee Less

The HeadStart team will deliver a Holiday Activity Programme specifically aimed at year 6 children who are about to start secondary school in September and who would benefit from further support. 
The 4-day programme will run from Monday 29th July until Thursday 1st August, 10am – 2pm at Ings Farm Primary School, Redcar. 
Parents and carers can book their children on the programme using the booking form link below.
Please note this is ONLY for Year 6 children.

4 CommentsComment on Facebook

When is the raffle done from the other day please

Jenni Edwards

Louise Claire

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Dormanstown Blog – 23rd April 2021

Another great week in the academy with children engaged in their learning and producing some very positive outcomes. We did unfortunately have to close a bubble this week, so we are supporting our Year 3 children to work remotely again.        

Thank You!

 We want to say a huge thank you to the Ladies of Steel who provided every child in the academy with a hygiene pack funded and organised by themselves. This was such relevant gesture with the focus on hygiene during the pandemic and allowed all the classes to engage in sessions on the importance of keeping clean and looking after your teeth. Another level of support much appreciated by the academy, families and the community.


As part of our involvement in the HeadStart programme to give all children the necessary support to build resilience to achieve good emotional health, the Y5 children began their HeadStarters programme This was one of ten virtual sessions focused around their own wellbeing and aiming to increase their confidence and self-esteem.

TVEd Pupil Therapy and Wellbeing Offer

At TVEd, we offer a full range of support for Pupil Therapy and Wellbeing. The poster details the various therapies we offer to our children and the stakeholders we work with in order to achieve this. Please get in touch with the Pastoral Team if you require any further information.

Times Tables Rockstars…

Year 6 – Reece and James

Year 5 – Kayden and Max

Year 4 – Reiley and Kenton

Year 3 – Declan and Leo

B2H – Mohamad and Warren

B3A – Heidi and Alfie

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Timestables-Rockstar.png

Spelling Shed Leader Board…

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is spelling-shed-logo-1024x538.jpg

Please continue to stay safe and look after each other.  

Latest News

Academy News

End of Year Blog 19th July

A word from Mrs Kell Wow. This week has been incredibly busy,...

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Weekly Blog 12th July

Weekly Round Up What a week! We are so proud of all...

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Weekly Blog 5th July

Weekly Round Up We can't believe it, but somehow we are only...

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Weekly Blog 28th June

Weekly Round Up Thank you to the parents and carers that came...

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Weekly Blog 21st June

Weekly Round Up We've had an exciting week at Dormanstown this week...

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Weekly Blog 14th June

Weekly Round Up What a week! After six years Mrs Hill our...

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Raffle has been drawn, congratulations to all our winners!! ... See MoreSee Less

Raffle has been drawn, congratulations to all our winners!!

4 CommentsComment on Facebook

I'll enjoy my bottle thanks

When can I get my prize please

Omg I had 226-230 but white 🤣

And to top it all off, our leavers finished their assembly and dashed straight to serve up a delicious 3 course meal to their parents! So many budding Gordon Ramseys in the room! ... See MoreSee Less

And to top it all off, our leavers finished their assembly and dashed straight to serve up a delicious 3 course meal to their parents! So many budding Gordon Ramseys in the room!Image attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

3 CommentsComment on Facebook

Was so good we all loved it, thank you Year 6 the food was delicious xx


Awe how lovely

Mrs McDonald has been sharing her best dance moves with the Y6s! ... See MoreSee Less

Well done to Y6 for their all singing, all dancing leavers performance today - you are all superstars! ... See MoreSee Less

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Jade Worsfold Lizzie Smith

Congratulations to this Y4 superstar who won a silver award for her entry into a Redcar and Cleveland wide short story competition! Here she is receiving her award! ... See MoreSee Less

Congratulations to this Y4 superstar who won a silver award for her entry into a Redcar and Cleveland wide short story competition! Here she is receiving her award!

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Fantastic 👍 congratulations hunni. ❤️. X

The HeadStart team will deliver a Holiday Activity Programme specifically aimed at year 6 children who are about to start secondary school in September and who would benefit from further support.
The 4-day programme will run from Monday 29th July until Thursday 1st August, 10am – 2pm at Ings Farm Primary School, Redcar.
Parents and carers can book their children on the programme using the booking form link below.
Please note this is ONLY for Year 6 children.
... See MoreSee Less

The HeadStart team will deliver a Holiday Activity Programme specifically aimed at year 6 children who are about to start secondary school in September and who would benefit from further support. 
The 4-day programme will run from Monday 29th July until Thursday 1st August, 10am – 2pm at Ings Farm Primary School, Redcar. 
Parents and carers can book their children on the programme using the booking form link below.
Please note this is ONLY for Year 6 children.

4 CommentsComment on Facebook

When is the raffle done from the other day please

Jenni Edwards

Louise Claire

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Diamond Standard Awards

Willow D – Curiosity

Always asking questions to further her knowledge, particularly during lockdown, where she went the extra mile to extend her learning.
Leo S – Care

Having such a caring attitude to all members of the Academy going the extra mile to be positive and cheering others up. 
Miss Calvert – Commitment

Working tirelessly throughout the last year to provide delicious meals for our children. Every day has been challenging but she has persevered and adapted with a smile! Thank you!
Mrs Perry – Courage

Despite having several major operations she has never complained about the pain and has given 100% to her work everyday!

Thank you Mrs Perry!
Latest News

Academy News

End of Year Blog 19th July

A word from Mrs Kell Wow. This week has been incredibly busy,...

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Weekly Blog 12th July

Weekly Round Up What a week! We are so proud of all...

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Weekly Blog 5th July

Weekly Round Up We can't believe it, but somehow we are only...

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Weekly Blog 28th June

Weekly Round Up Thank you to the parents and carers that came...

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Weekly Blog 21st June

Weekly Round Up We've had an exciting week at Dormanstown this week...

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Weekly Blog 14th June

Weekly Round Up What a week! After six years Mrs Hill our...

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Raffle has been drawn, congratulations to all our winners!! ... See MoreSee Less

Raffle has been drawn, congratulations to all our winners!!

4 CommentsComment on Facebook

I'll enjoy my bottle thanks

When can I get my prize please

Omg I had 226-230 but white 🤣

And to top it all off, our leavers finished their assembly and dashed straight to serve up a delicious 3 course meal to their parents! So many budding Gordon Ramseys in the room! ... See MoreSee Less

And to top it all off, our leavers finished their assembly and dashed straight to serve up a delicious 3 course meal to their parents! So many budding Gordon Ramseys in the room!Image attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

3 CommentsComment on Facebook

Was so good we all loved it, thank you Year 6 the food was delicious xx


Awe how lovely

Mrs McDonald has been sharing her best dance moves with the Y6s! ... See MoreSee Less

Well done to Y6 for their all singing, all dancing leavers performance today - you are all superstars! ... See MoreSee Less

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Jade Worsfold Lizzie Smith

Congratulations to this Y4 superstar who won a silver award for her entry into a Redcar and Cleveland wide short story competition! Here she is receiving her award! ... See MoreSee Less

Congratulations to this Y4 superstar who won a silver award for her entry into a Redcar and Cleveland wide short story competition! Here she is receiving her award!

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Fantastic 👍 congratulations hunni. ❤️. X

The HeadStart team will deliver a Holiday Activity Programme specifically aimed at year 6 children who are about to start secondary school in September and who would benefit from further support.
The 4-day programme will run from Monday 29th July until Thursday 1st August, 10am – 2pm at Ings Farm Primary School, Redcar.
Parents and carers can book their children on the programme using the booking form link below.
Please note this is ONLY for Year 6 children.
... See MoreSee Less

The HeadStart team will deliver a Holiday Activity Programme specifically aimed at year 6 children who are about to start secondary school in September and who would benefit from further support. 
The 4-day programme will run from Monday 29th July until Thursday 1st August, 10am – 2pm at Ings Farm Primary School, Redcar. 
Parents and carers can book their children on the programme using the booking form link below.
Please note this is ONLY for Year 6 children.

4 CommentsComment on Facebook

When is the raffle done from the other day please

Jenni Edwards

Louise Claire

Load more

Hygiene Packs

Thank You! We want to say a huge thank you to the Ladies of Steel who provided every child in the academy with a hygiene pack funded and organised by themselves. This was such relevant gesture with the focus on hygiene during the pandemic and allowed all the classes to engage in sessions on the importance of keeping clean and looking after your teeth. Another level of support much appreciated by the academy, families and the community.

Latest News

Academy News

End of Year Blog 19th July

A word from Mrs Kell Wow. This week has been incredibly busy,...

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Weekly Blog 12th July

Weekly Round Up What a week! We are so proud of all...

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Weekly Blog 5th July

Weekly Round Up We can't believe it, but somehow we are only...

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Weekly Blog 28th June

Weekly Round Up Thank you to the parents and carers that came...

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Weekly Blog 21st June

Weekly Round Up We've had an exciting week at Dormanstown this week...

Full details

Weekly Blog 14th June

Weekly Round Up What a week! After six years Mrs Hill our...

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Raffle has been drawn, congratulations to all our winners!! ... See MoreSee Less

Raffle has been drawn, congratulations to all our winners!!

4 CommentsComment on Facebook

I'll enjoy my bottle thanks

When can I get my prize please

Omg I had 226-230 but white 🤣

And to top it all off, our leavers finished their assembly and dashed straight to serve up a delicious 3 course meal to their parents! So many budding Gordon Ramseys in the room! ... See MoreSee Less

And to top it all off, our leavers finished their assembly and dashed straight to serve up a delicious 3 course meal to their parents! So many budding Gordon Ramseys in the room!Image attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

3 CommentsComment on Facebook

Was so good we all loved it, thank you Year 6 the food was delicious xx


Awe how lovely

Mrs McDonald has been sharing her best dance moves with the Y6s! ... See MoreSee Less

Well done to Y6 for their all singing, all dancing leavers performance today - you are all superstars! ... See MoreSee Less

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Jade Worsfold Lizzie Smith

Congratulations to this Y4 superstar who won a silver award for her entry into a Redcar and Cleveland wide short story competition! Here she is receiving her award! ... See MoreSee Less

Congratulations to this Y4 superstar who won a silver award for her entry into a Redcar and Cleveland wide short story competition! Here she is receiving her award!

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Fantastic 👍 congratulations hunni. ❤️. X

The HeadStart team will deliver a Holiday Activity Programme specifically aimed at year 6 children who are about to start secondary school in September and who would benefit from further support.
The 4-day programme will run from Monday 29th July until Thursday 1st August, 10am – 2pm at Ings Farm Primary School, Redcar.
Parents and carers can book their children on the programme using the booking form link below.
Please note this is ONLY for Year 6 children.
... See MoreSee Less

The HeadStart team will deliver a Holiday Activity Programme specifically aimed at year 6 children who are about to start secondary school in September and who would benefit from further support. 
The 4-day programme will run from Monday 29th July until Thursday 1st August, 10am – 2pm at Ings Farm Primary School, Redcar. 
Parents and carers can book their children on the programme using the booking form link below.
Please note this is ONLY for Year 6 children.

4 CommentsComment on Facebook

When is the raffle done from the other day please

Jenni Edwards

Louise Claire

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Dormanstown Blog 16th April 2021

We were so happy to welcome all the children back to the academy this week.  They have settled well into their summer term projects, put lots of effort into their work and been supportive of their peers.   Well done everyone.                           

Gold Coins, Pot of Gold and Celebration Assembly

Our children have been earning lots of gold coins this week, and they will go into the prize draw during Celebration Assembly. We look forward to seeing who will receive our Pot of Gold awards this week and celebrating the achievements.


Thank you for your support by standing within the indicated space when bringing dogs onto the Plaza.  We appreciate this for the safety and convenience of everyone.

We have had some reports of inappropriate language used on the Plaza in front of other parents and children.  We would respectfully ask you to use acceptable language at drop off and pick up times. Thank you.


We are so pleased to be part of the HeadStart programme to give all children the necessary support to build resilience to achieve good emotional health.

KS2 had a virtual assembly on Wednesday to introduce the programme and the Y5 children are starting a programme of work to become HeadStarters next week. This involve them being engaged in an accredited pathway of education that aims to build resilience, knowledge around their own wellbeing and increase their confidence and self-esteem.

Please see the links below to the HeadStart website and their most current newsletter.

HeadStart South Tees

HeadStart Newsletter 12th – 23rd April

We also have a new sign in school to show that we are a HeadStart school.

Online Safety

Please find two more links to informative resources that support parents/carers in their understanding of online safety.

The online facts of life to support children’s digital safety | Internet Matters

Online safety issues – advice to support children| Internet Matters

Breakfast Packs

We have had another delivery of Breakfast Packs this week, so the children will be bringing cereal home and will continue to have bagels when they arrive in the academy on a morning.

Times Tables Rockstars…

Year 3 – Leo and Olly

Year 4 – Kenton and Reiley

Year 5 – Max and Lola S

Year 6 – Reece and Lucas

B3A – Heidi and Amelia

B2H – Toby and Alexis

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Timestables-Rockstar.png

Spelling Shed Leader Board…

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is spelling-shed-logo-1024x538.jpg


Pot of gold this week for Morning nursery is Isla Picknett for Inspiration…our new topis is minibeasts and she wanted to make a bug cafe outside. She spent all of Wednesday morning transforming our shed into the Minibeast coffee shop and even found a table cloth and set it for her first customers. 

Pot of gold for afternoon nursery is Trixy Tighe for collaboration…she has worked so hard with her friends to make a minibeast hotel and find creatures to put in. She has shown excellent sharing skills and kindness. 


Pot of Gold – Aspiration – Joel Wheater for aspiring to learn red words and to become more independent in his learning.

Praise and Share – Alfie McQuillan – Building a fantastic minibeast house using construction materials.

Reception – Class RB

My Pot of gold this week is for Aiden and Thomas for amazing collaboration when constructing a model together and for recording their shared learning.

My Praise and share is Freya for her lovely pieces of writing she has worked really hard on this week.  

Reception – Class RM

Pot of Gold Rosie Nelson ASPIRATION for aspiring to be a better reader. Rosie has been practising her new phonic sounds in the areas and trying really hard to read her RWI book.

Praise and Share Malak Alsadoun for her enthusiasm to write and beginning to form letters correctly when copying words.

Year 1 T

Pot of Gold – Lexi Allenden for aspiring to be the best version of herself. She always listens and completes her work to the best of her ability. 

Praise and Share – Tommy-Jay Cox for being able to remember the names of the continents which he learnt during lockdown! 

Year 2P

Pot of Gold – Brooke Lillystone – Inspiration. Inspiring others to read with expression and telling the story with her voice. 

Praise and Share – Isla Betteridge – Showing perseverance with her Maths. Understanding Multiplication as repeated addition and arrays. 

Year 2R

Pot of Gold – Lilly Jackson for being an inspiration to others with her attitude to learning, she is a delight to teach with her positivity and her willingness to want to do her best, well done Lilly!

Praise and Share – Jaxon Jones for producing some lovely independent instruction writing, he has really tried to think of his sentences on his own and was really proud of himself for doing so, go Jaxon!  

Year 3A

Our pot of gold child is Anthony Jones this week for inspiring others with his politeness, enthusiasm for learning and his zest for life! He makes us smile every single day!

Our praise and share child is Jack Reed for much improved concentration and effort in all aspects of learning.

Year 4S


4S Sienna Jones for aspiring to be the best that she can be and making an excellent effort in improving her handwriting. Well done Sienna!

Praise and Share 

Riley Stubbs for being a kind and considerate friend and for having impeccable manners. 


our Aspiration Pot of Gold this week is Judd Reed. He has completed some amazing independent writing, that others should aspire to. 

Praise and Share is George Nawton-Tunnicliffe. He worked independently to write the sounds he could hear.

Year 5

Celebration – Jackson Smith

Wow – where do I start? He has had an incredible week and worked so hard throughout the entire period. He has had a wonderful, positive attitude and myself and Mrs McLean are sooooo proud of him! 

Inspiration – Lexie Kenyon

For working extremely hard in all areas of the curriculum and for having a superb attitude to all she does and for putting in 110% effort! She really has gone the extra mile this week. 

Praise and Share – Coby Waller

For having some wonderful ideas in writing and for choose some amazing and purposeful vocabulary. 

Praise and Share – Harvey Meredith

For working really hard in all areas of the curriculum but especially in Maths!


My Celebration Pot of Gold is Joshua Balam for his drive and enthusiasm when contributing to class discussions in science and art lessons this week. 

My Praise and Share is AJ Trowsdale for great use of onomatopoeia in his descriptive sentences. 

Year 6S

Collaborations – Mais Sharbaji and Heidi Singh, for working as part of a team together during maths, supporting each other and having meaningful discussions about their work.

Praise and Share – Stephen Tooth – Excellent explanations in maths this week.

Year 6H

Our Pot of gold this week is: Leo Slater for inspiration. Leo has had an amazing first week back, completing all work to an extremely high standard.

Praise and share is: Alfie Cochrane for some awesome reading skills this week.

Please continue to stay safe and look after each other.  

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Academy News

End of Year Blog 19th July

A word from Mrs Kell Wow. This week has been incredibly busy,...

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Weekly Blog 12th July

Weekly Round Up What a week! We are so proud of all...

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Weekly Blog 5th July

Weekly Round Up We can't believe it, but somehow we are only...

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Weekly Blog 28th June

Weekly Round Up Thank you to the parents and carers that came...

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Weekly Blog 21st June

Weekly Round Up We've had an exciting week at Dormanstown this week...

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Weekly Blog 14th June

Weekly Round Up What a week! After six years Mrs Hill our...

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Mobile uploads ... See MoreSee Less

Raffle has been drawn, congratulations to all our winners!! ... See MoreSee Less

Raffle has been drawn, congratulations to all our winners!!

4 CommentsComment on Facebook

I'll enjoy my bottle thanks

When can I get my prize please

Omg I had 226-230 but white 🤣

And to top it all off, our leavers finished their assembly and dashed straight to serve up a delicious 3 course meal to their parents! So many budding Gordon Ramseys in the room! ... See MoreSee Less

And to top it all off, our leavers finished their assembly and dashed straight to serve up a delicious 3 course meal to their parents! So many budding Gordon Ramseys in the room!Image attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

3 CommentsComment on Facebook

Was so good we all loved it, thank you Year 6 the food was delicious xx


Awe how lovely

Mrs McDonald has been sharing her best dance moves with the Y6s! ... See MoreSee Less

Well done to Y6 for their all singing, all dancing leavers performance today - you are all superstars! ... See MoreSee Less

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Jade Worsfold Lizzie Smith

Congratulations to this Y4 superstar who won a silver award for her entry into a Redcar and Cleveland wide short story competition! Here she is receiving her award! ... See MoreSee Less

Congratulations to this Y4 superstar who won a silver award for her entry into a Redcar and Cleveland wide short story competition! Here she is receiving her award!

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Fantastic 👍 congratulations hunni. ❤️. X

The HeadStart team will deliver a Holiday Activity Programme specifically aimed at year 6 children who are about to start secondary school in September and who would benefit from further support.
The 4-day programme will run from Monday 29th July until Thursday 1st August, 10am – 2pm at Ings Farm Primary School, Redcar.
Parents and carers can book their children on the programme using the booking form link below.
Please note this is ONLY for Year 6 children.
... See MoreSee Less

The HeadStart team will deliver a Holiday Activity Programme specifically aimed at year 6 children who are about to start secondary school in September and who would benefit from further support. 
The 4-day programme will run from Monday 29th July until Thursday 1st August, 10am – 2pm at Ings Farm Primary School, Redcar. 
Parents and carers can book their children on the programme using the booking form link below.
Please note this is ONLY for Year 6 children.

4 CommentsComment on Facebook

When is the raffle done from the other day please

Jenni Edwards

Louise Claire

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Dormanstown Blog – 19th March 2021

Another great week in the academy with the children having such positive engagement in their learning tasks as well as fantastic behaviour.

Pot of Gold

We are so proud to be giving out our new “Pot of Gold” certificates as our Friday reward based on our values: Inspiration, Aspiration, Collaboration, Celebration.

Once the children have received at least one of each badge, they will receive the main logo badge featuring all four values.

As our badges are being especially made to order, we will make sure the children receive them as soon as they arrive. The children have all voted for their replacement for a Honk reward token following ideas gathered from Pupil Voice and discussions in Academy Council. The children have voted for a gold coin that will be kept in a golden pot in each classroom, before been put into the Friday draw to be in with the chance to choose a prize.

Red Nose Day

Great fun was had in the academy today as we celebrated Comic Relief. It was non-uniform, with staff and children wearing something red.  We had a joke competition in line with the theme of “Funny is Power”.  Watch out for our winners from each class on FaceBook where you can vote for the funniest! Thank you for all your donations that we will give to this amazing charity.


Please can any outstanding uniform issues be remedied over the Easter break, so every child is in full school uniform for our return on the 12th April. 


 The childrenhave found out about the Census in school this week which is an important exercise in understanding the population of our country and what their needs will be in the future.

Drop off and Collection

Can we ask that any dogs brought onto the Plaza at the beginning or end of the day are kept on a lead and under control at all times. Please can we ask that parents/carers leave the academy as soon as possible after dropping off or collecting their child?

Easter Holidays

The children break up for the Easter holidays on Thursday 25th March at their normal collection time. Friday 26th March is a PD Day for the staff in school.

Everyone will return to the academy, following the break, on Monday 12th April.

Barnardo’s Workshops for Parents

Please see below for a useful workshop on Child Criminal Exploitation run by Barnardo’s.

Tests for Non-Symptomatic Key Workers/People Who Cannot Work from Home

Times Tables Rockstars…

Year 6 – Reece and Lucas P

Year 5 – Kayden and Spencer

Year 4 – Adam and Pepe

Year 3 – Lucas and Kyron

Year 2 – Paige and Maddy

B3A – Amelia and Joseph

B2H – Ryan and Alexis 

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Timestables-Rockstar.png

Please continue to stay safe and look after each other.  

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-14.png
Latest News

Academy News

End of Year Blog 19th July

A word from Mrs Kell Wow. This week has been incredibly busy,...

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Weekly Blog 12th July

Weekly Round Up What a week! We are so proud of all...

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Weekly Blog 5th July

Weekly Round Up We can't believe it, but somehow we are only...

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Weekly Blog 28th June

Weekly Round Up Thank you to the parents and carers that came...

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Weekly Blog 21st June

Weekly Round Up We've had an exciting week at Dormanstown this week...

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Weekly Blog 14th June

Weekly Round Up What a week! After six years Mrs Hill our...

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Raffle has been drawn, congratulations to all our winners!! ... See MoreSee Less

Raffle has been drawn, congratulations to all our winners!!

4 CommentsComment on Facebook

I'll enjoy my bottle thanks

When can I get my prize please

Omg I had 226-230 but white 🤣

And to top it all off, our leavers finished their assembly and dashed straight to serve up a delicious 3 course meal to their parents! So many budding Gordon Ramseys in the room! ... See MoreSee Less

And to top it all off, our leavers finished their assembly and dashed straight to serve up a delicious 3 course meal to their parents! So many budding Gordon Ramseys in the room!Image attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

3 CommentsComment on Facebook

Was so good we all loved it, thank you Year 6 the food was delicious xx


Awe how lovely

Mrs McDonald has been sharing her best dance moves with the Y6s! ... See MoreSee Less

Well done to Y6 for their all singing, all dancing leavers performance today - you are all superstars! ... See MoreSee Less

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Jade Worsfold Lizzie Smith

Congratulations to this Y4 superstar who won a silver award for her entry into a Redcar and Cleveland wide short story competition! Here she is receiving her award! ... See MoreSee Less

Congratulations to this Y4 superstar who won a silver award for her entry into a Redcar and Cleveland wide short story competition! Here she is receiving her award!

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Fantastic 👍 congratulations hunni. ❤️. X

The HeadStart team will deliver a Holiday Activity Programme specifically aimed at year 6 children who are about to start secondary school in September and who would benefit from further support.
The 4-day programme will run from Monday 29th July until Thursday 1st August, 10am – 2pm at Ings Farm Primary School, Redcar.
Parents and carers can book their children on the programme using the booking form link below.
Please note this is ONLY for Year 6 children.
... See MoreSee Less

The HeadStart team will deliver a Holiday Activity Programme specifically aimed at year 6 children who are about to start secondary school in September and who would benefit from further support. 
The 4-day programme will run from Monday 29th July until Thursday 1st August, 10am – 2pm at Ings Farm Primary School, Redcar. 
Parents and carers can book their children on the programme using the booking form link below.
Please note this is ONLY for Year 6 children.

4 CommentsComment on Facebook

When is the raffle done from the other day please

Jenni Edwards

Louise Claire

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Dormanstown Blog – 12th March 2021

It has been wonderful to have our children back in the academy this week.  They have settled back in so well, enjoyed seeing their friends and had great focus on their work.

Our assemblies this week have focused on the values on our logo: Inspiration, Aspiration, Collaboration, Celebration.

The children have also been really motivated to try to achieve one of this week’s daily Praise and Share awards.

New Signage

We are sure you have all seen our new signage at the front of the academy.  We have also additional logos inside the academy which the children and staff have felt so proud to see.

Return to School

Here are two links from Childline and the NSPCC that parents/carers may use whilst supporting their children on their return to the academy:




Thank you for the support from parents and carers this week in getting the children back into full school uniform and maintaining our expectations. We appreciate that sourcing clothing isn’t as easy at the moment, so please contact us if anyone is having any issues. School jumpers and cardigans can be ordered from: and Lollipops Middlesborough


On Thursday, Class RM had their pizza party for being the first class before Christmas to achieve all the letters of AWESOME by having the best attendance in school for 7 separate weeks. The attendance this week has got off to a fantastic start. Let’s see which other classes can achieve their AWESOME letters and have a celebration in their class!

Barnardo’s Workshops for Parents

Please see below for a useful workshop on Child Criminal Exploitation run by Barnardo’s.

Tests for Non-Symptomatic Key Workers/People Who Cannot Work from Home

Breakfast Packs

We have had another delivery of breakfast packs this week.  Children will be bringing home cereal and porridge, and we will be offering everyone bagels in the academy.  

Times Tables Rockstars…


Year 6 – Shilo and Lucas P

Year 5 – Harley and Josie

Year 4 – Finley and Reiley

Year 3 – Kyron and Ryan

Year 2 – Paige and Maddy

B2H – Alexis and Noah

B3A – Josh and Joseph

Spelling Shed Leader Board…

Please continue to stay safe and look after each other.  

Latest News

Academy News

End of Year Blog 19th July

A word from Mrs Kell Wow. This week has been incredibly busy,...

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Weekly Blog 12th July

Weekly Round Up What a week! We are so proud of all...

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Weekly Blog 5th July

Weekly Round Up We can't believe it, but somehow we are only...

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Weekly Blog 28th June

Weekly Round Up Thank you to the parents and carers that came...

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Weekly Blog 21st June

Weekly Round Up We've had an exciting week at Dormanstown this week...

Full details

Weekly Blog 14th June

Weekly Round Up What a week! After six years Mrs Hill our...

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Mobile uploads ... See MoreSee Less

Raffle has been drawn, congratulations to all our winners!! ... See MoreSee Less

Raffle has been drawn, congratulations to all our winners!!

4 CommentsComment on Facebook

I'll enjoy my bottle thanks

When can I get my prize please

Omg I had 226-230 but white 🤣

And to top it all off, our leavers finished their assembly and dashed straight to serve up a delicious 3 course meal to their parents! So many budding Gordon Ramseys in the room! ... See MoreSee Less

And to top it all off, our leavers finished their assembly and dashed straight to serve up a delicious 3 course meal to their parents! So many budding Gordon Ramseys in the room!Image attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

3 CommentsComment on Facebook

Was so good we all loved it, thank you Year 6 the food was delicious xx


Awe how lovely

Mrs McDonald has been sharing her best dance moves with the Y6s! ... See MoreSee Less

Well done to Y6 for their all singing, all dancing leavers performance today - you are all superstars! ... See MoreSee Less

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Jade Worsfold Lizzie Smith

Congratulations to this Y4 superstar who won a silver award for her entry into a Redcar and Cleveland wide short story competition! Here she is receiving her award! ... See MoreSee Less

Congratulations to this Y4 superstar who won a silver award for her entry into a Redcar and Cleveland wide short story competition! Here she is receiving her award!

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Fantastic 👍 congratulations hunni. ❤️. X

The HeadStart team will deliver a Holiday Activity Programme specifically aimed at year 6 children who are about to start secondary school in September and who would benefit from further support.
The 4-day programme will run from Monday 29th July until Thursday 1st August, 10am – 2pm at Ings Farm Primary School, Redcar.
Parents and carers can book their children on the programme using the booking form link below.
Please note this is ONLY for Year 6 children.
... See MoreSee Less

The HeadStart team will deliver a Holiday Activity Programme specifically aimed at year 6 children who are about to start secondary school in September and who would benefit from further support. 
The 4-day programme will run from Monday 29th July until Thursday 1st August, 10am – 2pm at Ings Farm Primary School, Redcar. 
Parents and carers can book their children on the programme using the booking form link below.
Please note this is ONLY for Year 6 children.

4 CommentsComment on Facebook

When is the raffle done from the other day please

Jenni Edwards

Louise Claire

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