Weekly Round Up

What a week it has been in school!

World Book Day was amazing! Your support in providing costumes and inspiration for the children to read more is incredible! The range of characters walking around school yesterday was unbelievable, and the excitement and book buzz in the building was a highlight of the term! Don’t forget all children will now have their free book token which you can redeem at all local bookshops and major supermarkets.

We also had some tremendously exciting news from Mr Williams and his team of Y5 entrepreneurs this week, who have been busy surveying children and making a pitch to try and secure funding for additional play equipment for school. The Y5’s had to present a Dragon’s Den style pitch, explaining how they would put any money they are given to good use and to support active bodies, active minds around the building. We are delighted to announce that the children were successful, and have secured £3000 in funding for additional resources – which should be with us in time for summer!

Next week sees some of our choir travel to London to sing at The Royal Albert Hall, so we look forward to reporting on that next week!

Enjoy your weekend!

Class Round Up

What’s the latest news from Year 1, Year 2 and Class B2? Let’s have a look and see.

Year 1

We have been really busy in year 1 so far this half term.

In our DT topic we have been learning how to build a stable bridge. We have been testing a range of materials to find the strongest one.

We have been folding paper in a variety of ways to see how we can make it stronger.

We sketched out our designs for our bridge and chose the materials and tools that we will need to make our bridge and have now started to make the bridges using our design.

Year 2

A mystery occurred in our classroom! We came into school to find that the classroom was covered in lily pads! Lily pads on the floor, on the tables and on the chairs! We looked at clues to investigate and had lots of interesting thoughts as to why this might be.

We thought that perhaps we’d had a visit from some cheeky frogs! This reminded Miss Clark of a story called ‘Tuesday,’ where some seemingly ordinary frogs from a pond go on a magical adventure throughout a city. We decided to use this unusual event to write a mystery narrative. 

In Design and Technology, our class has been engaged in a hands-on project of designing and making moving vehicles.

The children have been very creative in planning and constructing their vehicles, applying their knowledge of materials and mechanisms. It has been wonderful to see them working collaboratively throughout this topic.

Class B2

B2 have been enjoying doing ‘Dance’ in PE. We have been listening  to different genres of music and moving our bodies  in relation to the music. We chose the song ‘Murder on the Dance Floor’ and have created a movement sequence that coincides with the song.

In Art, we are studying Lucy Pittaway. She is a local artist. We listened to music and drew shapes in a style that matches Lucy Pittaway. We created a mood board and looked at warm and cool colours and created observational drawings from her marvellous art work.

We also enjoyed celebrating World Book Day. Our very own Snow White was poisoned by a pear! Luckily, she was ok!


Each week we have an ‘Awesome Attendance’ competition for the class or classes with the highest attendance. The class with the highest attendance will receive a letter and the first class to spell out ‘Awesome’ receives a treat for the whole class.

Which class will be the first to receive that treat?

This weeks winners are………

Missed Learning

37 days of missed learning occurred this week due to unauthorised absences. Unauthorised absences are for holidays, parents/carers not contacting the academy or any other unexplained absence. With most minor ailments, children can be in school, so we really encourage you to think about keeping your child at home.

100% Attendance

This week we had 223 children who achieved 100% Attendance for this week, which is Brilliant!

A huge WELL DONE to you all.

Can you get 100% next week?

Missed Appointments

We strive to accommodate parents/carers with appointment times within the academy. Unfortunately we have noticed that many appointments have been missed, occasionally this may be due to unforeseen circumstances. If you have to cancel and/or re-arrange your appointment, please ensure you contact the academy as soon as possible. Failing to turn up for an appointment and not contacting the academy to cancel it has an adverse effect on other parents/carers appointment times. This can also take valuable staff time that could have been utilised by other parents.


There would appear to be a problem with head lice in the academy.  Several parents have informed us that their child has headlice; obviously this must mean that there are other children who also have the problem. 

I have taken this opportunity to provide some up-to-date advice for treating headlice and I would ask every parent to please check their child’s hair tonight and every night and treat if necessary. 

It is not sufficient to simply shampoo your child’s hair; this will not get rid of the lice – parents should visit a chemist, supermarket or see their family doctor to purchase or obtain a prescription for headlice lotion and follow the instructions.  An alternative method, and one which does not involve the use of chemicals, is as follows: 

  • Fill a sink with water 
  • Wet the child’s hair 
  • Apply conditioner 
  • Comb (with a fine tooth comb or nit comb) the child’s hair into the sink.  If there are any lice they will fall out into the water. 

It is recommended that the above treatment be done for at least 4 days. 

If you know your child has headlice, please treat it as soon as possible and check your child’s hair every night.   

The school nurse can be contacted via school, if any further advice or information is needed

Diary Dates and Reminders

Lunch Menu

Next weeks choices will be Week 2

Nut Free Academy

A reminder to all parents we are a Nut Free Academy, please read below.

Links to support our Children and Families

Actions for Happiness

What actions could you take to have a Mindful March.

Cost of Living

SEND Family Voice

World Book Day Story Writing Competition

To celebrate World Book Day and National Careers Week, Building our Future would like you to write a story, of a maximum of 500 words, that explains why it is important to know where we get energy, and how we use it.

We want you to create an “Energy Superhero” – we want a fantastic name for your hero, and they must have Super Powers – these are sources of energy, such as Wind, Solar, Tidal, Biomass….the list goes on.

What will happen to your Superhero? Why do they need to use their Energy Super Powers? Will they save the day or the planet?

The only limit is the number of words – we want the most creative, wonderful stories, and it can include illustrations.

Prizes will include a book voucher for the winning entry, and a class visit to the O&M Base for Dogger Bank Wind Farm, at the Port of Tyne.

The wind farm is being built in the North Sea, and will be the largest offshore wind farm in the world, with nearly 300 wind turbines. The cables that will transmit the renewable electricity from the wind farm and into the national electricity network to be distributed to homes and businesses are being buried right under our feet here in the Tees Valley.

Entries should be submitted to Jacqui Hutchinson, Primary Careers Co-ordinator, via the RCVDA Building our Future web page: https://www.rcvda.org.uk/2024/03/06/world-book-day-competition-building-our-future/ or via your school teacher.

Deadline for entries is Friday 12th April (so you have the Easter holidays too to work on your story), and judges will include Equinor and SSE Renewables representatives from Dogger Bank Wind Farm, wind farm supply chain company Keltbray, Teesside Un


You can get your children’s uniform here.

Lollipops have a preloved rail out on the shop floor with various items on including polo tops, trousers, sweatshirts/cardigans, shoes, plimsolls, summer dresses etc. All items on the rail are free for anyone to take, they just ask for customers to be considerate of others when taking items. There is a box for anyone who would like to make donations which we then add to the rail.

Facebook – @lollipopsmiddlesbrough

Twitter – @LollipopsMiddl1

Instagram – @lollipops_middlesbrough

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