We have had a busy week in the academy with lots of activities linked to Children in Need day and some super learning taking place. Class 4S have also really impressed us with their home learning, so a big well done to you all.

Children in Need

The children have had a super week with activities linked to Children in Need.  The focus this year was “Together we can, change young lives” and the resources provided to schools looked a children’s mental health and wellbeing. With a daily “Five to Thrive” video from Joe Wicks, it has really made the children think about how they are feeling, strategies they can use and how to make a difference to themselves and others.

Thank you for sending your children in some great costumes today; we appreciate that it wasn’t as easy this year, but the children all looked so colourful around the academy.

We will let you know how much was donated for this worthwhile cause next week.

Aldi Food

This week we received a very generous donation of surplus food from Aldi, Redcar, and we distributed it to 4S who are currently self-isolating. We are signed up for many more donations; if you feel like you would benefit from a food package, please let us know, and we will do our best to help and support.

Anti-Bullying Week

Next week is Anti-Bullying Week, and the theme is United Against Bullying. The children will be undertaking activities during this week to reflect on and discuss this very important topic.


Showbie is our new home learning app that we hope to use extensively in the academy in the near future. Thank you to everyone who has returned their consent letter.  Additional letters were sent out yesterday, and we ask for them to be returned to the academy as soon as possible.


Please see the attached guidance that we put on Facebook earlier in the week as a reminder of the current lockdown rules.

COVID -19 Symptoms

If any member of your household has symptoms of COVID-19, everybody in your household must self-isolate. You should then arrange to have a test to see if you have COVID-19.

  • a high temperature – this means you feel hot to touch on your chest or back (you do not need to measure your temperature)
  • a new, continuous cough – this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours (if you usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual)
  • a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste – this means you’ve noticed you cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal

Please inform the academy of any test results ASAP, so that any arrangements can be made regarding your child’s bubble.

Please click the link below for more guidance.


Times Tables Rockstars…

Thank you to all the children who have taken part already in the competition this week; however, it doesn’t finish until tomorrow and there is still time to play! The results will be announced on Monday. So far, Year 5 are in the lead!

Max – Year 5

Reece – Year 6

Finley – Year 4

Joseph – B3A

Toby – B2H

Leo – Year 3

Paige – Year 2

For the classes:

Year 5 – 1,491

Year 6 – 421

4S – 272

B3A – 242

2PR – 66

3A – 1

B2H -6


Spelling Shed Leader Board…

Weekly Top Spelling Group:

1st: 4S – 84 364 368

2nd: 6H/S – 78 833752

3rd: B3A – 30 577 466

Weekly Top Spellers:

1st: Mitcheson J – 35 233 086

2nd: Trewhitt E (4S) – 33 828 026

3rd: Balam J – 17 387 914

Autumn Term Points League:

1st: 6H/S – 378 549 092

2nd: B2H English – 263 885 719

3rd: B3A – 209 068 490


Look out for our virtual assembly on Facebook later this afternoon, celebrating all your children’s achievements this week. Some of our Year 6 Junior Leadership Team are presenting the assembly this week!

Please continue to stay safe, especially with the new lockdown rules in place.

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