Weekly Round Up

We had a busy last four days to the term with a focus on celebrating the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.  The children have undertaken lots of activities linked to this in class, including making portraits of the queen in different media in art which we will be using to make a display in the academy.

On Monday, we were delighted to welcome Urban Kaos into the academy who taught each class “A Royal Mash Up” of dances throughout the queen’s reign. Please enjoy watching this on Facebook.  Children and adults had a great time dancing to the familiar tracks.

We had great support for our Nursery and Reception Stay and Play sessions this week – we hope you all enjoyed coming into the academy and working with your children.

On Wednesday, we had Nick from Mellors in the academy who undertook workshops with three year groups on bread and pasta making. All the children were able to take part in this hands-on experience which resulted in some delicious outcomes.

We are sorry that we had to cancel our Jubilee singalong on Thursday, but the weather got the better of us at the last minute! We have recorded all of the songs and will put the performance on Facebook for everyone to watch.  The children enjoyed learning and singing songs from across the reign of the queen, and Year 3 even showed us their recorder playing skills. 

Have a lovely half term and enjoy the long bank holiday celebrations. We look forward to seeing the children back on Monday 6th June.

Class Showcase

This week, our featured classes are Nursery, Reception and B1R so please enjoy reading what they have been learning about.


Nursery had a very special stay and play this week to celebrate the Queen’s Jubilee! It was wonderful to have parents and carers back in school enjoying lots of fun activities with their children. From making split pin guards to decorating our own royal crowns…there was a real buzz in the air! 


Reception have been reading the story the Lighthouse Keepers Lunch.  We made lighthouses using recycled materials, construction, dough and paint. We even made our own zip wire and sent food from the cottage on the cliff to Mr Grinlin in his lighthouse. 

We have been doing lots of practical activities in maths. The children have had lots of fun subtracting numbers, making number bonds to 10 and sorting 3Dshapes.          

Lots of collaboration and imagination has been used in the construction area and we have made some incredible structures.

Great team work Reception Class!


Last Wednesday, B1R enjoyed a lovely walk to Foxrush Farm Woodland as part of our woodland topic. We used our woodland checklists to help us to observe the environment. We also listened to a Percy the Park Keeper story whilst enjoying a yummy snack on our picnic blankets. All of the children were amazing. Well done B1R!

Diary Dates and Reminders

Jubilee Bingo and Activities

The Beat the Street team have put together a Jubilee Bingo and some activities to play to celebrate the Jubilee. The bingo would have to be undertaken whilst watching the celebrations on the tv, but there are lots of fun active games to play too.

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Beach Litter Pick

On Wednesday the 1st of June, Beat the Street is hosting a half term event. To celebrate World Oceans Day, we are hosting a beach front litter pick. Meet in the Majuba Road Car Park in Redcar at 10am. Let the Beat the Street team know if you are going, and find out more information on our event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/2226766484128277

Lunch Menu

Next’s menu will be week 1


Congratulations to 5/6 M and 5 H who have won our Awesome competition this week with 98.33% attendance.

Redcar and Cleveland Mind Support

Links to support for children and families


Please find a link to this fortnight’s HeadStart newsletter.


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