Monday’s assembly was based on Children’s Mental Health Week, and our Character Education theme was respect. We also promoted Safer Internet Day as well as welcoming the author, Helen Rutter, into the academy.
We are looking forward to some of the children from our base classes attending a choir rehearsal at Pennyman Primary on Monday, to sing with other children from within the Trust.
Each week we will be celebrating the work of 3 classes in school on a rotation, so all classes will be covered over a month. This week we are featuring Nursery, RB and B1R.
On Tuesday, we promoted Safer Internet Day with the theme of ‘All fun and games? Exploring respect and relationships online’. Each class undertook activities to support the children in being aware of how they should respond to situations online when accessing games and other activities.
To mark National Obesity Week 2022, Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council’s Health Improvement Team, in Partnership with Everyone Active, are launching a competition open to all children of primary school age throughout Redcar and Cleveland. Please read the letter below to find out more details. Please get entries in by the 17th February.
If your child is wearing the incorrect shoes they will be changed into plain black plimsolls.
Please enjoy seeing what classes have been up to:
This week in Nursery we have continued our topic of Winter. We have explored animals of the Artic and Antarctic and completed some fun ice melting experiments in science! We’ve also been practicing dressing ourselves for the cold weather.
Children in reception have been learning about cleanliness. We did an experiment where we used pepper to represent germs.
The children put their finger in the pepper and the pepper stuck to their finger like germs.
They put soap on their finger and were amazed to see that the pepper did not stick.
We also opened our toy museum and explored old and new toys. We learned what kinds of materials they are made from, how they are made and how they move.
This week in B1R, we have been working on our fine motor skills. We have used our fine motor skills to thread cereal onto pipe cleaners to make some yummy bird feeders, and we have made patterns using the pegs and peg boards. We have also been reading the story Little Red Riding Hood. The children have been using the puppets from our story tray to help them to retell the story.
We celebrated Children’s Mental Health Week by starting the week with an assembly to promote the theme of “Growing Together”. In class, we undertook activities such as mindfulness, yoga and other activities that made us look after ourselves.
The menu for week beginning 14th February is Week 3. Please see below
Congratulations to B2S who have won our Awesome competition this week with 100% attendance.
Please remember to phone the academy if your child is going to be absent and remember the importance of excellent attendance at school.
Practicing times tables is so important in improving maths and is a huge part of number work from Year 2 upwards. Please encourage your child to use their account to get as fast as they can which will help them be able to apply their knowledge to different areas of maths.
Congratulations to the highest coin collectors this week!
1st – M White
2nd – L Pattison
3rd – A Jones
Top Spelling Groups this week!
1st – 5H – 20,774,604
2nd – B3G Stage 2 – 6,962,882
3rd – 1m Group 1 – 5,927,891
Top Spellers this week!
1st – A Bonner – 5,234,296
2nd – E Trewhitt – 4,381,480
3rd – A Kent – 4,263,304
Please continue to stay safe and look after each other.
Full detailsOur assembly theme this week was focused around commitment and we had...
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