Weekly Round Up

In this short week in school the children have managed a range of experiences …Y6 managed their trip to Peat Rigg and undertook a great range of outdoor activities.  Many thanks to Mr Mount and Miss Arkless for accompanying them with this.

The children had their full range of after school clubs including choir, tag rugby, orienteering and dance.  Spaces are available at some clubs if any other children would like to attend.

Miss Hill and Miss Hogarth took some children from Y3 to Y6 to the Cross Country Trials through Redcar and Eston Sports Partnership.  We were very proud of our children competing with other schools in the area.

We look forward to seeing you at our MacMillan Coffee afternoon and Cake Bake on Thursday next week (see below) and the 2C parents/carers are invited to our class assembly at 9am on Thursday also.

Class Showcase

This week, our featured classes are 2C, 3L, 4H and B3G, so please enjoy reading what they have been learning about.


We’ve had a great start back to 2C. The children have been busy comparing and grouping materials during our Science lessons and are able to name a variety of objects made from different materials, including plastic, metal and fabric.

They have also worked really hard to represent numbers to 100 using Numicon, Dienes and tens frames when exploring Place Value in Maths.


Year three had a lovely afternoon during our PSHE topic. We spent time discussing and celebrating the life of Queen Elizabeth II. We based our oracy discussion around the amazing things she did for our country and how proud we are of her achievements during her life as the longest serving monarch. The children created collages of the queen and drew special pictures about her life.


In Science, Year 4 have been learning all about sound and how it travels. We have enjoyed exploring lots of different instruments including: drums, ukuleles and even using tuning folks to feel the vibrations. Our aim is  to answer the question, “How do we hear?”


B3G have been working hard and showing off their amazing performing skills. We have ventured down the road of the Roman Empire focusing on the Romans in Britain and Julius Caesar.

Our Science focus has been to understand ‘How do we hear things?’ The children have been amazing at explaining how we hear and exploring the

 resources to show this.

MacMillan Cake Sale and Coffee Afternoon

On Thursday 29th September, we will be having a MacMillan Cake Sale to raise money for this excellent charity.  It will be in the lunch hall. From 2.30pm, we will invite parents/carers in to have some refreshments in the academy before buying their cakes. Children can also come, accompanied by parent/carers after 3pm to buy their sweet treats.  We would be grateful of any donations of cakes, biscuits or sweet treats which we ask are brought into school on the morning of the sale. Many thanks in anticipation of your support.

Communication Systems

At the start of this academic year we launched our new communication app, School Gateway. This new app offers us the opportunity to link our school meals, activities and messages home in one, easily accessible place and reduce our paper consumption making us kinder to the environment!

Thank you to all the parents who have downloaded the app and are using it to confirm trips and after school club bookings, we hope you have found it easy to navigate. If you are yet to get the app, please follow the links below and sign in with your email address and mobile telephone number. If you have any problems, please call into our school office and we will gladly help you.

Apple iPhone users, download the app here: schoolgateway.co.uk/iosdownload

Android phone users, download the app here: schoolgateway.co.uk/androiddownload

Our school website is packed with information regarding the school day, curriculum and learning, term dates and our weekly blog. This lets you know what the children having been doing in school and up and coming events.

Our class teachers still use the wonderful Marvellous Me, which allows teachers to send messages home letting you know what your child has been learning in class and about events they have been involved in. If you haven’t received your Marvellous Me log in code, please get in touch and we can issue this for you.

Lastly, don’t forget our Facebook page, photos of our wonderful children and their achievements, alongside reminders of what’s coming up. Don’t forget to follow us and share in our wonderful school life!

Diary Dates and Reminders

Lunch Menu

Next weeks menu will be week 3


Congratulations to B1R and 4H who have won our Awesome competition this week with 100*% attendance.

Links to support for children and families

Attendance Support

Community School Clothing

A North East based organisation offering a range of free, non-branded school uniform to families. Please follow the link below for more information:

Free Generic School Uniform | Community School Clo (communityschoolclothingscheme.org)

Redcar and Cleveland Family Information Service – Childcare Survey

Redcar and Cleveland Family Information Service have asked if parents/carers would complete this survey on childcare.  Follow the link below please:


Your help to encourage them to complete the survey would be appreciated as it provides valuable information on what parents think about childcare throughout the Borough and in particular, highlights areas where parental support for childcare is needed.

All completed entries will be entered into a Prize Draw for Free Family Swim Vouchers



We have dates available for the online workshop for parents and carers to book on to, including a new Understanding Eating Disorders session, details can be found at https://www.tewv.nhs.uk/get-involved/training/training-for-parents-and-carers-of-children-under-18-in-teesside/

*Please note these sessions are for parents and carers only, we have a separate training programme for staff to access

Parents and carers must request their own place on to training.

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