What a week!
Year 6 smashed their SATs!
It was a long, difficult week for the whole school with children either testing – or trying their best to stay quiet to support the older children while they do!
We are so proud of every Year 6 today, as despite the challenges placed before them, they used all their strategies and all of their knowledge to do the absolute best they could in every test paper laid before them!
On Thursday lunch time, our awesome dinner staff put on a celebratory lunch of parmos, chips, homemade garlic sauce and pancakes – much deserved!
Friday saw the end of the week off in style with a trip down to the beach for some much needed relaxing and time with friends.
A huge thank you to every family member involved in supporting the Year 6’s, reminding them about boosters, helping with revision or giving them the moral support they needed to be successful – we look forward to seeing the results at the end of the year!
Let’s see what Reception and Class B1 have been up to since we last saw them.
Reception have had a great week learning all about under the sea following our story of the Rainbow Fish.
We have talked about the different sea animals and produced some excellent writing describing them.
We are very excited to explore how to keep our ocean safe and clean next week as we progress further into life under the sea.
For the last few weeks B1 have been learning about minibeasts.
We have had lots of fun Minibeast hunting around our indoor and outdoor classroom and learning about spiders, bees and caterpillars.
We have made playdough spiders, baked yummy honey biscuits using the bees honey and we have been observing our class caterpillars to see how they are growing.
Last Thursday, B1 and B2 enjoyed a trip out to Foxrush Farm woodland where we saw lots of minibeasts in their natural habitats.
Each week we have an ‘Awesome Attendance’ competition for the class or classes with the highest attendance. The class with the highest attendance will receive a letter and the first class to spell out ‘Awesome’ receives a treat for the whole class.
Which class will be the first to receive that treat?
This weeks winners are………
54 days of missed learning occurred this week due to unauthorised absences. Unauthorised absences are for holidays, parents/carers not contacting the academy or any other unexplained absence. With most minor ailments, children can be in school, so we really encourage you to think about keeping your child at home.
This week we had 234 children who achieved 100% Attendance for this week, which is Amazing!
A huge WELL DONE to you all.
Can you get 100% next week?
We strive to accommodate parents/carers with appointment times within the academy. Unfortunately we have noticed that many appointments have been missed, occasionally this may be due to unforeseen circumstances. If you have to cancel and/or re-arrange your appointment, please ensure you contact the academy as soon as possible. Failing to turn up for an appointment and not contacting the academy to cancel it has an adverse effect on other parents/carers appointment times. This can also take valuable staff time that could have been utilised by other parents.
Next week’s choices will be Week 1.
A reminder to all parents we are a Nut Free Academy, please read below.
Meaningful May only has two weeks left, what actions will you be take this weekend?
You can get your children’s uniform here.
Lollipops have a preloved rail out on the shop floor with various items on including polo tops, trousers, sweatshirts/cardigans, shoes, plimsolls, summer dresses etc. All items on the rail are free for anyone to take, they just ask for customers to be considerate of others when taking items. There is a box for anyone who would like to make donations which we then add to the rail.
Facebook – @lollipopsmiddlesbrough
Twitter – @LollipopsMiddl1
Instagram – @lollipops_middlesbrough
20 Norfolk Place
Berwick Hills
All our links and flyers to help our families can now be found here.
Weekly Round up What a week it has been at Dormanstown! The...
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