It has been lovely to see the children back in the academy after the half term break. They have come back very settled with positive attitudes and all eager to learn.
As we sent out the message earlier in the week regarding the ventilation in classrooms, we have seen the majority of children have a jumper/cardigan in school this week. Thank you for your support in this matter to keep your child comfortable in class.
Also, just a reminder, that most P.E. lessons are undertaken outside at the current time, so a tracksuit or leggings/hoodie are advisable for P.E. alongside plimsolls.
We hope that all children on free school meals received their holiday food vouchers. These were fully funded by Tees Valley Education, and we hope that they supported families over the holidays during these exceptional circumstances we find ourselves in.
The children have brought home another breakfast pack this week; we hope that these are supportive in providing a nutritious breakfast before school and setting the children up for a day of learning.
Our new academy logo is proving very popular, and the children have been learning about the values in their assemblies in class. Our new uniform is available to order from
The jumpers that the academy is providing for each child are on order, and we hope to take delivery soon. We will let you know when we receive them.
We are also delighted that we received our brand new books with the logo on this week. The children are starting to use them over the next few weeks, and they are very proud of them.
Please see the following link to request Christmas Food Hampers from Feeding Families:
Feeding Families provides and delivers FREE hampers to hundreds of families in the North East. You can apply if you are in financial need and struggle on a day-to-day basis to feed your family.
(more information on Facebook)
We are pleased to be teaming up with Aldi in the very near future to receive donations of a variety of different foods. This will help us to continue to support those who are self isolating or who need extra support during this very stressful and worrying time. Look out for more details to come out very soon.
If any member of your household has symptoms of COVID-19, everybody in your household must self-isolate. You should then arrange to have a test to see if you have COVID-19.
Please inform the academy of any test results ASAP, so that any arrangements can be made regarding your child’s bubble.
Please click the link below for more guidance.
Year 6 – Shilo and Reece
Year 5 – Spencer and Josie
Year 4 – Reiley and Lewis
Year 3 – Leo and Olly
Year 2 – Paige and Maddy
Year 1 – Saif and Bonnie
B2H – Noah and Ryan
B3A – Albie and Joseph
Weekly Top Spelling Group:
1st: 6H/S – 52 681 720
2nd: 4S – 40 239 258
3rd: 5N/W – 18 918 258
Weekly Top Spellers:
1st: Standing K – 21 463 376
2nd: Stubbs R – 12 953 738
3rd: Houlden L – 11 048 728
Autumn Term League Points
1st: 6H/S – 301 142 636
2nd: B2H English – 245 388 826
3rd: B3A – 181 164 808
Although Covid is restricting our lives, we can find new ways to keep making progress. Trying out new things can actually boost our well-being. When we open up to new ideas, it helps us stay curious and engaged. It can also bring a sense of accomplishment and help to boost our self-confidence and resilience. There are so many ways to learn new things and this month we’re encouraging everyone to find new and creative ways to overcome our frustrating situations.
Look out for our virtual assembly on Facebook later this afternoon, celebrating all your children’s achievements this week
Please continue to stay safe, especially with the new lockdown rules in place.
Well done to Y2 and Y6 this week who undertook their assessments...
Full detailsClass Dojo Do you know the school now uses Class Dojo? This...
Full detailsOn Monday, KS2 had an assembly from Rita Richardson (Schools Education Co-ordinator...
Full details