Another great week in the academy with the children having such positive engagement in their learning tasks as well as fantastic behaviour.

Pot of Gold

We are so proud to be giving out our new “Pot of Gold” certificates as our Friday reward based on our values: Inspiration, Aspiration, Collaboration, Celebration.

Once the children have received at least one of each badge, they will receive the main logo badge featuring all four values.

As our badges are being especially made to order, we will make sure the children receive them as soon as they arrive. The children have all voted for their replacement for a Honk reward token following ideas gathered from Pupil Voice and discussions in Academy Council. The children have voted for a gold coin that will be kept in a golden pot in each classroom, before been put into the Friday draw to be in with the chance to choose a prize.

Red Nose Day

Great fun was had in the academy today as we celebrated Comic Relief. It was non-uniform, with staff and children wearing something red.  We had a joke competition in line with the theme of “Funny is Power”.  Watch out for our winners from each class on FaceBook where you can vote for the funniest! Thank you for all your donations that we will give to this amazing charity.


Please can any outstanding uniform issues be remedied over the Easter break, so every child is in full school uniform for our return on the 12th April. 


 The childrenhave found out about the Census in school this week which is an important exercise in understanding the population of our country and what their needs will be in the future.

Drop off and Collection

Can we ask that any dogs brought onto the Plaza at the beginning or end of the day are kept on a lead and under control at all times. Please can we ask that parents/carers leave the academy as soon as possible after dropping off or collecting their child?

Easter Holidays

The children break up for the Easter holidays on Thursday 25th March at their normal collection time. Friday 26th March is a PD Day for the staff in school.

Everyone will return to the academy, following the break, on Monday 12th April.

Barnardo’s Workshops for Parents

Please see below for a useful workshop on Child Criminal Exploitation run by Barnardo’s.

Tests for Non-Symptomatic Key Workers/People Who Cannot Work from Home

Times Tables Rockstars…

Year 6 – Reece and Lucas P

Year 5 – Kayden and Spencer

Year 4 – Adam and Pepe

Year 3 – Lucas and Kyron

Year 2 – Paige and Maddy

B3A – Amelia and Joseph

B2H – Ryan and Alexis 

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Please continue to stay safe and look after each other.  

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