Friday 22nd January 2021

What a lot of wonderful work we have seen on Showbie this week. Thank you to everyone who has overcome technical difficulties or given up their phones to support their children in accessing their work.

We would also like to thank the families of children in the academy for their patience on Thursday when we had the challenging weather. 

IPads and Showbie

We have had a reasonable uptake of the offer for you to borrow your child’s iPad in order to access Showbie and home learning.  We have rolled this out to Y2 to Y6 so far, but we hope to have some more devices soon to support the younger year groups too. If you would still like to loan the iPad or are struggling accessing Showbie, please contact the academy office or your child’s class teacher as soon as possible.

Online Safety

There has never been a more important time to ensure that children are using their devices and the internet in a safe and responsible manner. Follow this link to information for parents to support their child in staying safe and some additional family activities linked to viewing videos online, live streaming, gaming and cyber-security.

Parents homepage (

Critical Worker Places

If you require a critical worker place in the academy please contact the academy office. Places must be booked by Monday at 12 noon to start the following week to allow us to plan numbers and keep staff and children as safe as possible.

Virtual School Library

Pupils can have access to a free online library where they can find free reading and writing activities from their favourite children’s authors.  Every week a popular children’s author or illustrator will provide you with free books, exclusive videos and their top three recommended reads. This week the featured author is Jacqueline Wilson. 

Virtual School Library | Oak Academy (

Junior Community Champions

How proud we were to hear that some of our children had been awarded Junior Community Champions by the Ladies of Steel as they had helped them deliver their Covid information leaflets around the houses in Dormanstown. Well done to Lucy, Grace, Adam, Bobby and Laiton: what wonderful role models you are.

Covid Tests for Non-Symptomatic Key Workers/People Who Cannot Work from Home

Please see this useful facility starting on Monday 25th January:

Anxiety Workshop for Parents/Carers

CAMHS are running an online Anxiety Workshop for parents and carers on the 25th January. Please see the flyer below for information.

Breakfast Packs

At the end of the week, we received our take home breakfast packs from the National Schools Breakfast Scheme. The children in the academy will bring a pack home, and parents/carers of other children can collect them from the academy as part of your daily exercise.  Please watch out for a Facebook message to let you know when they are available to collect and the arrangements for doing this.

Times Tables Rockstars…

Winners of the battle this week are:

Year 6 – Alfie and Heidi

Year 5 – Harley and Kayden

Year 4 – Reiley / Amelia

Year 3 – Ryan and Harper

Year 2 –  Paige and Emme

B3A – Tyley and Albie

B2H – Lennox and Alexis

It is wonderful to see so many children taking part, some managing to stay in the top two spots and also how we have some new names creeping to the top of the leaderboard too.

Spelling Shed Leader Board…


Please continue to stay safe and follow the Lockdown rules.

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