During the second week of lockdown, we have had a good uptake with our Home Learning with some great work produced. Thank you to everyone who has engaged and shared your outcomes with your teachers via Showbie. The children in the academy have been role models and very focused on their work too; we are very proud of them all.
We would like to offer support to Dormanstown children by providing a loan of their school iPad to enable completion of home learning activities. The iPad remains the property of the academy and will be loaned to your child for the lockdown period. The iPad can be used to access Showbie and the home learning activities but will be reliant on home Wi Fi access. Your child can also use the apps installed on the iPad that they usually use in school. We will require a loan agreement to be signed and for a parent to come to the academy to collect the iPad. We have allocated iPads for children in Y2 to Y6, should you wish to loan your child’s iPad then please look out for a text message which will be sent to you early next week.
If you require a critical worker place in the academy please contact the academy office. Places must be booked by Monday at 12 noon for the following week to allow us to plan numbers and keep staff and children as safe as possible.
Free School Meal vouchers are being rolled out to those entitled who are not in school weekly. They will continue to come in their current form towards the end of the week. If you have had a recent change in circumstances and think that you may be eligible for these vouchers please get in touch with the school office who can easily find this out for you with just a few details.
CAMHS are running an online Anxiety Workshop for parents and carers on the 25th January. Please see the flyer below for information.
We are pleased to say that we will receive some of our take home breakfast packs from the National Schools Breakfast Scheme next week. The children in the academy will bring a pack home, and adults can collect them from the academy as part of your daily exercise. Please watch out for a Facebook message to let you know when they are available to collect and the arrangements for doing this.
Are you struggling for food during these difficult times?
You do not need a voucher for the food bank right now. Here are the times and places where you can go.
Redcar Area Foodbank centres open during Lockdown are:
Monday: Newcomen Methodist Church, Redcar 11am-12.30pm, St Hilda’s of Whitby, Grangetown 11am-12.30pm
Tuesday: Emmanuel Church (Echo Hall), Saltburn 12.30-2.30 pm
Wednesday: South Bank Baptist Church 10.30-12.30,East Cleveland Baptist Church, Redcar 11am-12.30pm
Thursday: Brotton Methodist Church 1-2.30pm
Friday: St George’s, Normanby 10am-12noon.
For a limited time, anyone who needs help can attend one of our centres without a voucher or E-referral from a referral agency. You will need to give some basic information at the foodbank centre before receiving a parcel.
The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health have created advice posters for parents and young people during the pandemic. There is a link below to the posters and a short video created specifically for young people.
EYFS Bubble:
AJ Barstow
For excellent progress in reading.
Y1 – Y3 Bubble
Emme Berry
Showing perseverance with her art work and being a pleasure to teach.
Y4/5 Bubble
Harrison Berry
For always trying his best and producing quality work. He has also grown in confidence and is beginning to believe in himself. We are so proud of you and you should be proud of yourself too!
KS2 SEND Bubble
Warren Campbell
For his fantastic ideas for the next part of the story in English.
Y6 Bubble:
Heidi Swales
For excellent growth mind-set this week.
Joey Martel – has sent videos every day of his work and what he is doing at home. He is completing everything on Showbie to an incredible standard. He even got his mummy and daddy to make their own school one day. Daddy had to put on his shirt and tie and Joey put his uniform on and his mummy made a timetable! Amazing work!
My home learning Honker this week (even though she is in school) is Jessika Gowland as not only has she been working hard in school but she has also been continuing her learning at home through Showbie!
My Praise and Share is in school and is Darcie Bonas for working incredibly hard in maths and really challenging herself when doing column addition.
Ross Clark Wood for Honker as he has really tried to come on board this week with his online learning and produced some lovely writing and maths work.
Praise and Share: Sophia-Grace Finley for fantastic online learning all week, but especially for her elf clothes that she made and actually sewed with a needle and thread!
This week’s Honker is Harrie Bracchi for his fabulous commitment to home learning this week.
Praise and share is Freya Pocock-Richardson for her beautiful writing and drawings this week..
Honker – Ellexis Smith for providing some excellent answers to reasoning questions in maths! She has also worked tirelessly so far; well done Ellexis!
Praise and Share: Alisha Whiteside for showing a good understanding of nouns and adjectives.
Honker – Jaxon Jones – Amazing home learning! Completing tasks set every day. A true role model for Year2!
Praise and Share – Lydia Morton – Applying her new knowledge of verbs and adverbs to her written work, great work Lydia!
Honker – Harry Lock for fully engaging in his home learning and giving 100%: well done Harry!
Praise and Share – Maddy Haywood for also fully engaging in her home learning. I was really impressed with some of her Geography work she sent to me using her research skills to find out facts about Europe and Australia. Well done Maddy!
Honker: Sammie Worsfold for excellent engagement in her school work this week. She has been committed every single day and produced some great work. Well done, Sammy!
P&S Ryan Hunter for astounding me with the quality of work he has produced and making me laugh with his messages and photos. He has really put a smile on my face this week.
Honker goes to Charlie for excellent work on Showbie. He constantly sends work and checks tasks that need to be completed. He is on fire !🔥
Praise and Share goes to Jacob for showing resilience and working to the best of his ability. Well done!
Home Learning Honker – Max Tighe
For always producing fabulous work, that shows he has made a clear conscious effort and a lot of thought has gone into it. P.S – Happy Birthday Max!
Praise and Share – Archie Turner
For always being an eager learner and for responding to feedback given to support his learning.
Honker is Leo Slater for completing all his online work as well as completing some amazing additional home learning with his parents … the cake he made looked awesome!
My praise and share is Kieron Bourne for some lovely positive affirmations in his PSHE work.
Winners of the battle this week are:
Year 6 – Alfie and Reece
Year 5 – Josie and Harley
Year 4 – Thomas and Elliott
Year 3 – Ryan and Anthony
Year 2 – Paige and Lydia
B3A – Tyley and Luca
B2H – Alexis and Ryan
Weekly Top Spelling group
1st: 6H/S – 71 287 041
2nd: 2PR – 52 075 576
3rd: 3A – 36 757 806
Weekly Top Speller
1st: Houlden L – 25 451 342
2nd: Slater P – 24 179 392
3rd: Hunter R – 18 334 348
Spring Term Points League
1st: 6H/S – 124 584 436
2nd: 2PR – 94 099 028
3rd: 3A – 42 398 536
Weekly Round up Welcome back to a new term at Dormanstown! We...
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