Thursday 17th December

The children have had a lovely week in the academy undertaking Christmas activities. The Polar Express has left Dormanstown a few times this week, and the Year 6s enjoyed dressing up as their favourite Christmas character. Lots of craft activities have also been made to celebrate this important time of year as well as us enjoying a delicious Christmas lunch on Tuesday.

Christmas Extravaganza

Please make sure you have watched our Christmas Extravaganza on Facebook.  As we couldn’t undertake our normal Christmas performances this year, each class has given you a little piece of Christmas to enjoy.

Ladies of Steel

Another huge thank you to the Ladies of Steel who brought each child in the academy a Christmas bag to take home on Wednesday.  Your costumes were absolutely fantastic, and you really made the children’s day with your kindness and generosity.

During our Christmas Jumper day the children donated £178 which we will give to the Ladies of Steel to support their charity and community work. The whole Dormanstown community are so grateful for what you have done this year; you all deserve a well-earned rest over Christmas.

Trust Carol Service

We were so lucky to be able to participate in a Trust Carol Service which has been put on our website and posted on Facebook. In these difficult and restricted times, it was an amazing achievement to combine readings and songs from all five of our academies to make a full service.  Well done to all the children involved and to Mr Stogdale for putting the service together.

Covid-19 update over Christmas

Please see the attached letter for informing the academy of any positive cases over the Christmas break. We thank you for your support and communication with school during this time.

Christmas Holidays

We would like to wish everyone a safe and happy Christmas holiday. The children have worked very hard this term, and we are really proud of how they have adapted to all the changes and expectations. We look forward to seeing everyone back in the academy on Monday 4th January 2021

Please continue to stay safe and follow the Tier 3 guidance

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