What a busy week we had in the academy! All classes have taken part in a Sports morning or afternoon with a range of activities on the school field. The children showed some amazing sportsmanship and support for each other, and we were lucky to have the weather on our side all week. Thank you to Mr Campbell for organising the week.
Year 6 and Year 5 have both had exciting STEM projects in the academy linked to the Windfarms being built off our coast which have again involved super collaboration and applied knowledge from a range of subjects.
Our assembly theme on Monday was Aspiration/Ambition and Mr Campbell talked about the journey Gareth Southgate has been on from missing a penalty kick in 1996 to being the successful England football manager he s today. On Wednesday, Mr Long continued to look at Gratitude, as part of our Character Education work.
Let’s keep up our push for great attendance until the end of the summer term. Remember, it is important that children are in school every day.
We have a vacancy for a lunchtime supervisor from September 2021. Please see the attached recruitment pack/application form and share with anyone who you think would like to apply.
Unfortunately, as we had very little interest, the Summer Clubs will not be running in the summer holiday. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.
As of September 2021, we hope to be able to offer 30 hour provision for your 3 and 4 year olds!
We can offer funded 30-hour provision for those parents entitled and also a flexible paid for service for those not eligible or who require additional hours.
Check your 30-hour eligibility via the website www.childcarechoices.gov.uk
Call us on 01642 483696 to register your interest or for more information.
For the safety of everyone, please can we remind parents and carers that we ask that face masks are worn on the Plaza when dropping off and collecting children. We appreciate your support in this matter.
Year 6 – Reece
Year 5 – Max and Noah
Year 4 – Reiley and Thomas
Year 3 – Kyron and Connor
B2H – Mohamad
Please continue to stay safe and look after each other.
Weekly Round Up This week we have heard all about the amazing...
Full detailsCareer Opportunity We currently have a Lunchtime Supervisor position available. This position...
Full detailsCongratulations to our Autumn Term Diamond Standard winners. Curiosity Finley D for...
Full details