“The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled.”- Plutarch


At the ages of four to five, children are at one of the most important stages in their development. Here at Dormanstown Primary Academy, we aspire to nurture our youngest children to become caring, curious and resilient young individuals. Our children are provided with the strong start required to develop the robust building blocks needed to shape a successful future.


In Reception, our learning follows the Early years foundation stage statutory framework (2024) supported by the Birth to 5 Matters guidance. We pride ourselves on providing each unique child with a nurturing, enabling environment where they can form positive relationships with practitioners and peers. Children learn holistically through playful opportunities which embed the characteristics of effective learning. Additionally, children at Dormanstown Reception benefit from small group work. This allows the child to receive the necessary amount of scaffolding to boost their learning further. We have high expectations of our children and encourage them to take great pride in their work, developing a love for learning along the way.


Continuous provision is a key aspect of life in Reception. Our provision is carefully and strategically planned out, with a clear direction of development as the children progress through their learning journey. Our Reception classroom provides a warm, welcoming and language rich environment for the children to take ownership of their learning. We aim to nurture curious minds by following the interests of the children. Our provision is enhanced weekly depending on our topic and the interests of the child.

Outdoor Learning

In the early years foundation stage, we believe that outdoor play is pivotal for a child to develop curiosity, creativity and a detailed schema of the world around them. Our vast outdoor provision provides an extension of our classroom. We aim to allow the child to take ownership of their learning by allowing a free flow between the indoor and outdoor areas. Children are encouraged to play outside in all weather conditions, allowing ample opportunity for investigation, physical development and resilience.

British Values and Cultural Capital

Collaboration, curiosity and individuality is at the heart of what we do. We see the child as a whole and promote individual liberty. We explore risky play, mutual respect and tolerance in our environment. As we appreciate the child for their individuality, we encourage them to do the same for their peers. In addition to this, we aspire to expose our children to the world outside of Dormanstown. We learn tolerance through a culturally rich curriculum, learning about different places around the world along with their cultures and beliefs. The children also benefit from one trip per term. We encourage the children to take their learning outside of the classroom and experience the world around them.

Parental Involvement

Parental involvement is at the forefront of academic success here at Dormanstown. We pride ourselves on creating a strong sense of community within our School. We welcome parents to attend engagement sessions termly, this allows families to feel part of their child’s education. We also communicate with parents consistently through ‘Class Dojo’. Our Reception page is updated weekly with a summary of our learning and pictures of the children alongside. Parents are also welcomed into the Academy for our weekly ‘Pot of Gold’ assemblies, this allows us to celebrate our children’s successes together. Parents are welcome to request to meet with Miss Brown as they feel necessary.

We encourage parents to work with us to boost learning at home. We ask that parents read with children at least three times per week, liaising with us via their child’s reading record. We also provide parents with specialised resources to support with phonics development at home. These resources are always specifically tailored to the needs of your child (following the Read, Write, Inc. scheme).

Proud to be part of

Tees Valley Education