Thank you to everyone who supported our Summer Fayre on Tuesday after school. The attendance from children, parents, carers and members of the community was fantastic. Thank you for all the donations received also. It was lovely to see such happy, smiling faces enjoying themselves in the sunshine.
Another busy week in the academy with 5H loving their Beamish trip and 2T visiting Danby Moors Centre. Thank you to all the parents/carers who attended the Parental Engagement afternoons for 1M, 3S, B1R and 5H – the children all appreciated your support with their activities and liked having you in school. It was also good to welcome our new Reception parents into school on Monday as well as a few tears being shed when the same group attended their children’s Nursery Graduation on Thursday.
The children should have received their school report on Friday, with the Year 6s receiving theirs on Monday when they return from transition. Well done on everyone’s achievements this year, and please celebrate these with your child(ren).
All the children will move into their new class on Monday 11th July to transition and get settled in before September. Children will still come in and leave school for the last 7 days through their entrances they have used all year.
Finally, we look forward to welcoming parent/carers to Sports Day on Tuesday 12th July at 1.15pm. Access will be from the side gate next to nursery.
This week, our featured classes are 2T and B2S, so please enjoy reading what they have been learning about.
Year 2 have been busy. As part of our Art curriculum we have been looking at sculptures. The artist we studied was Alberto Giacometti. We had to think about How have Alberto Giacometti’s sculptures show emotions?
Giacometti was a Swiss sculpture who made sculptures with different emotions. So, we designed and made our own sculptures with different emotions using pipe cleaners, tin foil and clay. We had to think about all the skills we would need to create our sculptures. We used rolling, wrapping, twisting, mark making and smoothing. We also had the joy of having our parents in and they helped us to recreate our sculptures. Some emotions we created were sad, lonely, happy and excited.
Over the last couple of weeks, the children in B2S have been busy creating clay sculptures in the style of Alberto Giacometti as part of their art projects and baking cupcakes as par of their D+T.
The children worked with their parents to create clay sculptures. They were able to roll, squeeze, squash and manipulate their clay to make their final design. I think the parents enjoyed it just as much as the parents.
In D+T, the children followed a recipe to bake their own cupcakes. They weighed, sieved, mixed and beat the ingredients before putting them in the oven. When they were cool, the children made chocolate butter icing to decorate them. I am sure they will tell you their favourite part was the taste testing afterwards!
Marvellous Me have a facility to download a memory book for your child, summarising all the badges and activities they have received. It can be used for a child in any year group but would be particularly relevant for Year 6 children whose parents may want to keep these comments as the children come to the end of their Marvellous Me journey. Use the flyer below to download the memory book as a keepsake:
We have signed up to be able to access a range of Yoga Bugs videos and mindfulness techniques. Parents/carers can make their own log in to use at home and access the Parent Portal with your children. Please look out for the letter and follow the link to access these wonderful resources.
We are excited to share with you that the Academy now uses School Gateway. After many requests for online payment options – this is now available via this brand new app! This will be the hub of all school related communication, club bookings and trip information. In order to stay up to date with what’s going on at school make sure you download the app for free. Letters have been sent out with instructions, but if you have any problems please contact the office.
Lunch Menu
Next weeks menu will be week 3
Congratulations to B3G who have won our Awesome competition this week with 95.38% attendance.
Redcar and Cleveland Family Information Service – Childcare Survey
Redcar and Cleveland Family Information Service have asked if parents/carers would complete this survey on childcare. Follow the link below please:
Your help to encourage them to complete the survey would be appreciated as it provides valuable information on what parents think about childcare throughout the Borough and in particular, highlights areas where parental support for childcare is needed.
All completed entries will be entered into a Prize Draw for Free Family Swim Vouchers!
Here is the final HeadStart newsletter for the academic year 2021/22.
As part of Men’s Health Week, we are running an Eventbrite session explaining on Thursday 21st July 4.00-5.00 on how both and can help and support males. The session will also include discussion around how both services open up accessible ways to both receive and offer support to other males who may have been through similar lived experiences.
To Sign up please CLICK HERE
Well done to Y2 and Y6 this week who undertook their assessments...
Full details