Happy New Year to everyone, and we hope you had a lovely, relaxing Christmas break.

This week, our virtual assemblies were based on the theme of New Year’s Resolutions on Monday and our new Character Education virtue was friendliness on Wednesday.  We hope to return to in person assemblies this coming week.

Ladies of Steel

We would like to say a huge thank you to the Ladies of Steel who gave a Christmas selection box to every child in the academy on Tuesday 21st December. The volunteers came dressed in festive costumes and really put a smile on all the children’s faces.

Take a look on our Gallery page to see more photos from this exciting event.

Morning Club and After School Clubs

Morning Club with Mr Campbell will resume next week for the KS2 children who have been booked in by parents.

After School clubs will be as follows:

Monday – EYFS Multisports

Tuesday – Year 3 & 4 Gymnastics

Thursday – Year 1 & 2 Gymnastics

Thursday – Year 5 & 6 Cooking

If you asked for your child to attend, you will receive a letter today to confirm their place for next week.

Diamond Standard Awards

Congratulations to the following children and staff who were awarded a Diamond Standard award at the end of the autumn term.  They were nominated by staff or children to achieve this important award. Please see Mr Long’s video congratulating all the winners on the last day of term.

Layla Earl for Care

Layla always tidies up after other at playtime. She does so without ever having to be asked, but will always do her bit to keep the yard tidy every day without fail. She has been a fantastic support to all the lunchtime staff this year.

Miss Arkless for Courage

For teachers moving to new year groups, it takes courage to learn the new curriculum and expectations – this is particularly true in Y6. Miss Arkless has embraced her new position, and planned fantastic work which has allowed the Y6 children to shine. Her love of reading has inspired her students to great things, and she has been a fantastic role model to her class.

Spencer Mitchell for Commitment

Spencer has shown his deep love of reading this term, embracing a wide range of texts of various genre. He always achieves his golden ticket, and is so enthusiastic and committed to get his nose back into a good story whenever he has finished his work.

Evangeline Lumley for Curiosity

Evangeline is such a kind child. She is always seeking out new people to play with, and learning new skills from the other children on the playground. Her curiosity shines through as she involves herself in games and conversations with children from all age groups.

Young Voices

We have been allocated a new date for the choir Young Voices singing event in Sheffield which is Thursday 28th April 2022.  Choir members have received a letter about this, and we still have some spaces available on the bus if any more choir members would like to attend this event. Please contact the office for further information.

Nursery New Starters

If anyone has a child who will turn 3 years old during this academic year, please make sure they are registered for a place in Nursery. Contact the school office to put your child’s name down, so Mrs Marsh can contact you at the appropriate time prior to your child starting.

COVID update

Due to ongoing COVID cases, we ask that parents wear a face covering if speaking to staff, coming to Reception or attending any meetings.

Many thanks for your co-operation in this matter.

Lunch Menu

The menu for week beginning 17th January is Week 2. Please see below.


Congratulations to B3G who have won our Awesome competition this week with 98.5% attendance!

Please remember to phone the academy if your child is going to be absent and remember the importance of excellent attendance at school.

Times Tables Rockstars

Practicing times tables is so important in improving maths and is a huge part of number work from Year 2 upwards. Please encourage your child to use their account to get as fast as they can which will help them be able to apply their knowledge to different areas of maths.

Congratulations to the highest coin collectors this week!

1st – C Jeff
2nd – R Clark-Wood
3rd – K Standing

Spelling Shed

Top Spelling Groups this week!

1st – 3S – 23599,154
2nd – 5H – 2,426,952
3rd – 1M Group 1 – 1,845,164

Top Spellers this week!

1st – P Slater – 6,260,442
2nd – M Haywood – 5,124,554
3rd – T Jones – 3,775,664

Community News

Please continue to stay safe and look after each other.

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