Weekly Round Up

We have certainly felt the chill in the air this week (along with some very windy days!) but that hasn’t managed to dull the learning going on at Dormanstown!

Thursday saw our children celebrate National Fitness Day, and across school we saw activities both indoors and out where children had the chance to practice their teamwork, motor skills as well as prove their stamina and determination. Mr Williams our PE lead was delighted with all year groups, and all staff commented how hard children tried in their endeavours.

Elsewhere classes have been coming towards the end of their first writing units, and it has been amazing to read some of the stories and reports which have been created. Children have thought hard about their vocabulary, and it is clear that they are taking great pride in their presentation – we look forward to sharing work with our families and community soon.

Well done to Year 5 who won the highest percentage of Golden Tickets for reading this week with a huge 95%, closely followed on 93% by Year 4. Thank you to all our families for supporting your child to read at home.

We look forward to sharing more news next week!

Class Showcase

What a fantastic Multi-skills event B3 and B4 attended. The children enjoyed taking part in the various games working on the skills that facilitated that sport.

From tag rugby, to netball, to cricket -the children worked together and celebrated their ability in each activity. The smiles, cheer and encouragement was a delight to see.

Well done B3 and B4.


Each week we have an ‘Awesome Attendance’ competition for the class or classes with the highest attendance. The class with the highest attendance will receive a letter and the first class to spell out ‘Awesome’ receives a treat for the whole class.

Which class will be the first to receive that treat?

This weeks winners are……….

Missed Learning

 39.5 days of missed learning occurred this week due to unauthorised absences. Unauthorised absences are for holidays, parents/carers not contacting the academy or any other unexplained absence. With most minor ailments, children can be in school, so we really encourage you to think about keeping your child at home.

100% Attendance

This week we had 220 children who achieved 100% Attendance for this week. A huge WELL DONE to you all 😊

Can you get 100% next week?

Missed Appointments

We strive to accommodate parents/carers with appointment times within the academy.

Unfortunately we have noticed that many appointments have been missed, occasionally this may be due to unforeseen circumstances.

If you have to cancel and/or re-arrange your appointment, please ensure you contact the academy as soon as possible.

Failing to turn up for an appointment and not contacting the academy to cancel it has an adverse effect on other parents/carers appointment times. This can also take valuable staff time that could have been utilised by other parents.

Diary Dates and Reminders

Cycle to School week

Next week is National cycle to school week from 25th September to the 29th September.

You can find out more details at :


Open Evenings for 2024

Macmillan Coffee Afternoon

Lunch Menus

Our lunches are provided on a 3 week rota. Next weeks options will be Week 2

Nut Free Academy

A reminder to all parents we are a Nut Free Academy, please read below.

Links to Support our Children and Families

Cost of Living

Mental Health Support in Education

We invite you to an event on 3rd October 2023 at Inspire2Learn, Normanby Road, Middlesbrough, TS6 9AE from 5pm until 6.30pm (please see enclosed leaflet for more information).

The aim of this event is to showcase the current offer available in your child/ren’s school and hear from you what your thoughts are on how this could be improved. We are also running sessions alongside this event for Primary and Secondary age children/young people, so please do bring along your child/young person to participate.

If you have any questions, or to book your place please email holly@redcarlink.com or follow this link https://forms.gle/L9zt5Focnvv7SGK8A

Family Hub Launch Days

Online Course for Parents

Access to Research

Childcare Choices

Max Card


As we are all being affected by the cost-of-living crisis, we have a small stock of preloved uniform and coats/jackets that parents can come and purchase, all we are asking for is a donation. This will be open for you to come and have a look on a Tuesday & Thursday between 08.50 – 09.15 and 14.40 – 15.00 via the main office.


You can also get your children’s uniform here.

Lollipops have a preloved rail out on the shop floor with various items on including polo tops, trousers, sweatshirts/cardigans, shoes, plimsolls, summer dresses etc. All items on the rail are free for anyone to take, they just ask for customers to be considerate of others when taking items. There is a box for anyone who would like to make donations which we then add to the rail.

Facebook – @lollipopsmiddlesbrough

Twitter – @LollipopsMiddl1

Instagram – @lollipops_middlesbrough

20 Norfolk Place
Berwick Hills

Actions for Happiness

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