Governance/ LAC Committee

Our Local Academy Committee is made up of a range of members, who represent our academy community in support the educational experiences for all our pupils.

Academy Governance

The governance structure for Dormanstown Primary Academy is Tees Valley Education Trust Board Governance – Tees Valley Education.

At Academy level, Trustees retain all delegated powers but local academy committees (LAC) have the responsibility to promulgate community spirit, cohesion, wellbeing and interaction at an academy level.

Dormanstown Primary Local Academy Committee

ChairSister Anita Smith
Head TeacherAntje Kell
Community RepresentativeCeri Cawley
Community RepresentativeSharon Robertson
Parent RepresentativeClaire Reed
Staff RepresentativeSharon Sherwood

Sister Anita Smith – Chair of Committee

Address: Tees Valley Education, Dormanstown Primary Academy, South Avenue, Redcar TS10 5LY

A current member of the religious community, Sister Anita has had involvement with the Trust’s academies in various roles over the years, with her links to the parish she serves and as a member of the governing bodies of both Brambles and Pennyman Primary Academies. Sister Anita is a retired teacher, having worked in Ghana, Swaziland and the UK.

Antje Kell – Head Teacher

Ceri Cawley – Community Representative

I wanted to represent the community for the academy as I am also a Parent and a Ward Councillor for Dormanstown area. It is good to know what is happening within the academy as in my Councillor role it is easy for me to feed the information back into our communities. It is not just parents who like to know what is happening it is also aunties, uncles, grandparents and the general public. This academy is important to everyone.

Claire Reed – Parent Representative

I am a local resident to the school and both of my children attend Dormanstown. I volunteer within the community for the young and the elderly. Joining on this committee really interests me and I love to have an input and give feedback on our children’s education.

Sharon Sherwood – Staff Representative

Sharon Robertson – Community Representative

Proud to be part of

Tees Valley Education