Admissions Arrangements

Dormanstown Primary Academy has adopted the local authority’s policy for admissions and applications for places at Dormanstown Primary Academy will be made in accordance with the ‘Co- ordinated Admission Arrangements’ which forms part of the Local Authority’s (LA) published admission arrangements.

Applications must be made on the common application form (CAF) which is provided by the Local Authority.  Full details can be found by clicking the following link:-  co ordinated admissions scheme.

Any parent wishing to consider Dormanstown Primary Academy for their child can contact Dormanstown Primary Academy for an appointment.

Please note that this process is for mainstream classes only. Parents and carers wishing to apply for places in the SEND classes must speak to the SENDCo in their current school, who is responsible for applying for a place.

Appeals Guidance

Parents / carers, if they wish, have the right of appeal to an independent appeal panel if they are dissatisfied with an admissions decision of the Academy. The appeal panel will be independent of the Academy. The arrangements for appeals will be in line with the School Admission Appeals Code published by the Department for Education. The decision of the panel is binding on all parties.

Parents can only appeal once for any academic year unless there has been a change in circumstances relevant to the application.

School admission appeals timetable

In-year transfer applications:

Appeals for children refused a place at a preferred school as a result of an in-year transfer application will be heard within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged.

September 2025 entry

Applications for Reception places for September 2025 must be submitted to the Local Authority by January 15th 2025. Parents will be informed of the decision no later than the 16th April 2025. Appeals for children refused a place at a preferred school for admission to Reception class in September 2025 will be heard according to the Local Authority statutory timescales. Final decisions will be made during June/July following panel hearings.

Parents/carers will be notified of their appeal date at least 10 school days before the hearing.

A copy of the school’s statement of case will be sent to each parent/carer 5 school days before the hearing.

Any additional evidence parents/carers wish to submit in support of their appeal must be sent to the clerk at least 7 school days before the hearing. Any evidence not submitted by this deadline may not be considered by the independent appeal panel.

Admissions for children under statutory school age

We manage our own admissions for children under statutory school age.  If you would like to apply for a nursery place for your child, please contact the school on 01642 483696 or call into reception for an application form. You are welcome to visit the school to view the nursery facilities and discuss your child’s needs with a member of the nursery team.

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Tees Valley Education