Remembrance Day
Class Dojo Do you know the school now uses Class Dojo? This...
Full detailsMrs Kell Weekly Update Class Dojo Do you know the school now...
Full detailsMrs Kell Weekly Update Dear Parents/ Carers, It has been a windy...
Full detailsMessage from Mrs Kell Dear Parents/ Carers, I can't believe Friday has...
Full detailsMessage from Mrs Kell Welcome back! I hope that the school community...
Full detailsMessage from Mrs Kell Reindeer Run Last week we held the annual...
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We are so proud to have been nominated and invited to the RCBC Mayor's Community Achievement Awards 24/25 at the Council Chambers last night.
These six pupils, who form our JLT (Junior Leadership Team), led by the fabulous Mrs Sherwood, have been exemplary in forming and shaping our farm shop and soon to launch, eco-refill products. Did you know: Between 70-100 people visit our farm shop every week!
We are so proud of you all!
Mrs Kell
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Well done to last week's Head Teacher's Award winners and Pot of gold winners! ⭐ ... See MoreSee Less
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Well done all
Well done
Well done kids 👏🏻👏🏻
We are so proud of our Nursery staff and pupils! Just look at these wondrous, impactful experiences, spaces and places for our youngest pupils. We have been scouring Facebook Marketplace, charity shops and our homes to transform the space beyond colourful plastic norms to recycled materials and authentic resources. We hope you love it as much as we do!
Mrs Kell
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Arlo's first day was a success! Arlo has visited most classrooms and has been on the KS2 gate on a morning so far. He loved running around the field and playing at lunchtime with pupils wearing their wellies.
Thank you Sam Bell for making him a gorgeous bandana so he was 'Dormanstown Ready'
Follow more of Arlo's adventures on Facebook and class Dojo pages.
Mrs Kell
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Amazing! Can’t wait to meet Arlo.
GONE PENDING COLLECTION - Free to a good home!
Surplus to requirements, needs to be collected from the academy before Friday lunchtime. Please ring 01642 483696 and leave a message, first come, first served.
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Please can I be concerned for wordrobe please
Well done to our fabulous Head Teacher's Award winner! And congratulations to last week's Pot of Gold winners! Have a wonderful half term and we will see you all on Monday 3rd March. ... See MoreSee Less
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Well done all
Well done
Well done 👏 all x
Photos from Dormanstown Primary Academy's post ... See MoreSee Less
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This afternoon was the first half termly headteacher's afternoon tea party.
A huge well done to this lovely group - The first 6 pupils to receive a headteacher's award. Richly deserved and a pleasure to spend time with!
Can you spot a couple of them raising their little finger as they drink their 'tea'?
Mrs Kell
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Danielle Phillipa Duke Ginge Liam Campbell well done everyone 👏
Well done everyone xx x
Well done kids
Our school farm shop is stocked for this week.
Last week over 100 families visited the farm shop! For those families that have yet to visit, It is 6 items for £2 cash.
One item is a bag of fresh tomatoes, a pack of socks, a bag of nappies, a box of Lurpak individuals or a box of M and S shortbread! We have kept some stock in reserve to allow us to re-stock the shelves over the next few days. Don't forget to look in the freezer as well!
Mrs Kell
#community #communitysupport #communitylove #combattingfoodwaste #environmentallyfriendly
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Is this open to the whole dormanstown community or just those with little ones at school? I love the idea and less package waste going to landfill.
What a wonderful idea 💡 👏
Dormanstown Primary is committed to developing each child’s unique potential within an environment where all pupils can thrive and not only reach their best academically, but also develop a thirst...
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Trust PR and Media Consultant
DNA PR and Publicity
Mobile: 07711 025009
Emma Chawner
Trust Business and Resource Manager
Telephone: 01642 221156
Tees Valley Education, Fulbeck Road, Netherfields, Middlesbrough, TS3 0QS.
Telephone: 01642 483696