Our assembly theme this week was focused around commitment and we had a discussion around the Captain Tom 100.  The children tried to think of a challenge they could commit to, based around the number 100.  Please send in any photos or videos of any achievements the children did at home, so we can celebrate these.  In Character Education we also looked at courtesy and children had some good discussions around what this meant. 

We look forward to welcoming 3A back to the assembly next week.  Many children engaged in their home learning offer, and some excellent work was submitted via Showbie. Well done for all your efforts.


Our block of swimming at Saltburn Baths is starting next week with children attending in bubble groups.  The following year groups will be attending for every afternoon in their allocated weeks:

w.b. 3rd May – 4S

w.b. 10th May – 5W and 5S

w.b. 17th May – 6S and 6H

Please ensure the children have their swimming costume/shorts and a suitable towel in the academy on their allocated day.


Please follow the link to the HeadStart Newsletter:

HeadStart Newsletter 26th April- 7th May 2021

Breakfast Packs

We have had another delivery of breakfast packs which the children have brought home today.

Times Tables Rockstars…

Year 6 – Reece and Alfie

Year 5 – Max and Josie

Year 4 – Reiley and Kenton

Year 3 – Ryan and Jake

Year 2 – Paige

B2H – Mohammad

B3A – Heidi

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Spelling Shed Leader Board…

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is spelling-shed-logo-1024x538.jpg

Please continue to stay safe and look after each other.  

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