Friday 26th February 2021

We hope that everyone had a relaxing half term break and enjoyed the last of the snow as well as some spring sunshine. Both the children in the academy and those at home have enjoyed the work on Showbie this week, and it has been great to see some new faces on the live sessions.  Remember to check on Showbie for the times of the live lessons and join your class for the last week of home learning. 

Full re-opening

Following the Government announcement on Monday, we are delighted that all children will return to the academy on Monday 8th March. Our arrangements will be similar to the autumn term, and we will send a letter to clarify all details on Monday.

World Book Day and Online Book Fair

Thursday 4th March is World Book Day, and Mr Stammers has posted a challenge on FaceBook to send in photos of reading in unusual place.  We look forward to seeing some of your ideas to make us smile.

Next week, some of the work on Showbie will be based around World Book Day.  In the academy, we are all focusing on “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” to create a wonderful display and as a stimulus for other activities.

We are also working with Usborne Books to provide an online Book Fair.  This is similar to the book fairs that we normally have in school. You can order books online for your children to enjoy.


Please see the link below to the latest HeadStart newsletter for the 22nd Feb to the 5th March. HeadStart works with children and young people to promote positive emotional wellbeing.

Packed Lunches

Can we please remind parents of the expectations with packed lunches, as we have noted some children have excessive amounts of food in their packed lunches, particularly sweet items.

 Children may bring a packed lunch to the academy but energy drinks, fizzy drinks, hot drinks, soup, flasks, or glass containers are not allowed for health and safety reasons. We would actively discourage sweets and chocolate bars in packed lunches, as we are committed to ensuring that the children adopt healthy lifestyles.


We have noticed that a number of children are wearing trainers in the academy.  Although we appreciate that it is difficult to source all clothing at the moment, we would ask that children wear plain black shoes for school.  Many thanks for your support.

Tests for Non-Symptomatic Key Workers/People Who Cannot Work from Home

Home Learning

We still have iPads available for Year 1 to Year 6 to loan. Please contact the academy office if you would like to take up this offer to support your child’s access to Showbie, even for this last week of home learning.

Breakfast Packs

We still have a few breakfast packs left.  Please pop in and collect one from the entrance to the academy if you are passing on your daily walk.

Times Tables Rockstars…

Year 6 – Lucas M and Onyx

Year 5 – Harley and Jackson

Year 4 – Sienna and Riley

Year 3 – Jake and Kyron

Year 2 – Paige and Emme

R1/M – Mubarak

B2H – Alexis

B3A – Albie and Luca

Spelling Shed Leader Board…


Please continue to stay safe and follow the Lockdown rules.

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