Another busy week in the academy with children in Y1, 3, 4, and 5 working hard on their assessments this week. Y2 and Y6 have theirs next week. In Monday’s assembly, we looked at another of our Diamond Standards – Care – talking about how we can care for ourselves, our friends, our family and our community. Later on in the week, Mr Long talked about Self-Discipline, as part of our Character Education, and everyone was interested to hear how he had got on with his exercises.
YGAM is a website that provides the tools and information to build resilience, inform, educate and safeguard young people about the potential harm of gaming and gambling. Follow the link below to find out about support for parents:
Another website that provides support is Get Safe Online which provide webinars about your child and online gaming.
Follow the link below for further information:
Gaming4Good Webinars – Get Safe Online
This website is passionate about improving learning, mental health, and quality of life for children and young people. The following link provides support around dealing with Anxiety.
We have a vacancy for a lunchtime supervisor from September 2021. Please see the attached recruitment pack/application form and share with anyone who you think would like to apply.
Multi-sports will continue for EYFS/KS1 children next week (3 – 4pm) for children who have booked a place.
Tuesday – Multi-Sports – Reception
Wednesday – Multi-Sports – Y1 & Y2
Thursday – Multi- Sports Y3
We are looking into providing Summer Clubs during the first and last weeks of the summer holidays. A letter will come out on Monday for parents to express an interest in children attending any of the sessions.
As of September 2021, we hope to be able to offer 30 hour provision for your 3 and 4 year olds!
We can offer funded 30-hour provision for those parents entitled and also a flexible paid for service for those not eligible or who require additional hours.
Check your 30-hour eligibility via the website
Childcare Choices | 30 Hours Free Childcare, Tax-Free Childcare and More | Help with Costs | GOV.UK
All about Government help with childcare costs, including 15 to 30 hours free childcare, Tax-Free Childcare, tax credits, Universal Credit, vouchers and support while you study
Call us on 01642 483696 to register your interest or for more information.
For the safety of everyone, please can we remind parents and carers that we ask that face masks are worn on the Plaza when dropping off and collecting children. We appreciate your support in this matter.
Year 6 – Mais and James
Year 5 – Max
Year 4 – Adam and Reiley
Year 3 – Connor and Lucas
B3A – Heidi
Weekly Round Up Our staff have loved meeting their new classes this...
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