Well done to everyone making an amazing effort today wearing red to show our support for ‘Show Racism the Red Card’.
The children have taken part in activities to help raise awareness and we have raised a lot of money!
We will update you on the amount raised once it has all been counted.
Just a reminder that teachers will phone parents/carers at their allocated time on Monday or Tuesday to discuss their child’s progress.
Thank you for for sending in suitable warm clothing; this supports our outdoor P.E.
We are currently liaising with our uniform supplier, myclothing.com in preparation for rolling out our new logo! We are delighted to announce we will be offering every child one free school sweatshirt or cardigan.
Please complete the form to order a sweatshirt or cardigan for your child, and return it to the academy by Monday 19th October.
You can order additional uniform from myclothing.com
Thank you to those who have returned the recent letters, consents, ICT agreements, Lexia consent, home learning questionnaire – we are sending another copy home those who have not yet provided these. Please note your child cannot access any IT without the ICT agreement and Lexia consent – please return by Monday 19th October. Thank you.
These will start on Friday 23rd October and the children return back to school on Monday 2nd November.
Year 6 – SH and Reece
Year 5 – Spencer and Harley
Year 4 -Reiley and Charlie
Year 3 Leo and Olly
Year 2 – Lola and Harley
B2H – Noah and Alexis
B1R – Lydia
B3A – Albie
Weekly Top Group
1st: B3A – 109 006 302
2nd: B2H English – 106 442 060
3rd: 6H/S – 53 055270
Weekly Top Speller
1st: Balam J – 101 792 254
2nd: Houlden L – 10 413 550
3rd: Jones C – 7 257 502
Points League
1st: B2H English – 211 913 678
2nd: 6H/S – 199 139 074
3rd: B3A – 136 943 422
Our assembly theme this week was Resilience with our Wednesday Character Education...
Full detailsWillow D – CuriosityAlways asking questions to further her knowledge, particularly during...
Full details