We hope that everyone enjoyed the half term break, especially the glorious weather. In Monday’s assembly, we looked at one of our Diamond Standards – Curiosity – focusing on World Environment Day and, later on in the week, we continued our Character Education work on Self-Discipline.
With the high temperatures and sunshine at the moment, please send your child to school with sun hats/caps and apply sun cream before coming to school to keep them safe whilst outdoors at play and lunchtimes.
The National School Breakfast Programme has launched its breakfast at home area on the Family Action website, where you will find lots of information and advice on providing a low cost, nutritious, daily breakfast at home.
It shows the benefits of eating a healthy breakfast, and the impact this can have on their child’s readiness to learn, health and wellbeing. It contains six main categories: get organised, nutrition and wellbeing, family fun, top tips, recipes and videos and research.
Multisports will resume again for EYFS/KS1 children next week (3 – 4pm) for children who have booked a place.
Tuesday – Multi-Sports – Reception
Wednesday – Multi-Sports – Y1 & Y2
Thursday – Multi- Sports Y3
As of September 2021, we hope to be able to offer 30 hour provision for your 3 and 4 year olds!
We can offer funded 30-hour provision for those parents entitled and also a flexible paid for service for those not eligible or who require additional hours.
Check your 30-hour eligibility via the website www.childcarechoices.gov.uk
Call us on 01642 483696 to register your interest or for more information.
For the safety of everyone, please can we remind parents and carers that we ask that face masks are worn on the Plaza when dropping off and collecting children. We appreciate your support in this matter.
Year 6 – James and Mais
Year 5 – Kayden and Lucy P
Year 4 – Reiley and Adam
Year 3 – Noah and Lucas
B3A – Heidi
Please continue to stay safe and look after each other.
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