We have managed to get plenty of outdoor play this week despite the showery weather, and the children have been really focused on their curriculum work during this shorter week.
We wish the Year 6 children “Good Luck” in their SATs next week as they reach this important landmark in their school career. They have all worked very hard and have been really committed to attending booster clubs before and after school.
We were lucky to have Leah Johnstone, Engagement Co-ordinator for Beat the Street, in the academy, delivering an assembly to celebrate the scheme and explain how the initiative is going to be continued in the summer term to support an active lifestyle (we will send further details out in the coming weeks).
This week, our featured classes are, 2T and B2S, so please enjoy reading what they have been learning about.
Although it has been a short week, Year 2 have been very busy. We have watched our bean sprout seeds start to grow. We are doing an investigation and have to observe them very closely.
In English we have started planning our own myth. We have been creating our own dragons and planning our story.
In Music we learned to play the Boomwhackers and experimented with pitch. We were able to play the song – ‘Twinkle Twinkle.’
We have had a busy first couple of weeks back after Easter.
The children completed a role play activity linked to The Gingerbread Man. They took on the role of a police officer to interview the Fox in order to write a report on what actually happened to the Gingerbread Man.
In maths we have been busy working on place value. The children have used lots of equipment to represent tens and ones in a number. In science we are looking at plants. The children used their iPads to find and identify different plants in the academy grounds. We have found garden plants and wild plants.
Please can we remind children and parents/carers that children should not be wearing jewellery to school. Only a small pair of stud earrings are allowed which should be removed for P.E. Children should not be wearing bracelets, rings or large earrings.
Please be considerate when parking near the academy at the beginning and end of the school day. Although we realise that space is limited, do not block the drives of neighbouring houses or park on the double yellow lines. Thank you for your co-operation in this matter.
Next week’s menu will be week 3.
Congratulations to B1R and B2S who have both won our Awesome competition this week with 100% attendance.
HeadStart Newsletter 25th April 2022 – Wakelet
Please see below posters for courses The Link are offering.
Use this link for the booking form: Booking Form – Training 2022.pdf
Action for Happiness – Meaningful May
School Lunches To comply with government guidelines, we have needed to change...
Full detailsWillow D – CuriosityAlways asking questions to further her knowledge, particularly during...
Full details