A settled start to this half term with flu immunisations in school as well as school photographs. Our assembly themes were Personal Safety and Responsibility, linked to Bonfire Night, and our Character Education theme was Courage.

Thank you from the Footprints Food Bank

The Foodbank was very grateful for our donations from Harvest Festival.  Thank you to everyone who made donations.

Poppy Appeal

In support of the Royal British Legion, and to commemorate the lives of all British and Commonwealth armed forces servicemen and women who died in the two World Wars and later conflicts, we have appeal items in the academy. Please see the suggested donations for the items below.

Dates for the Diary


9th NovTrust Cross Country Event
Y1-6 competing from all the academies in the Trust
11th NovRemembrance Day
Poppy Appeal resources to donate to available in the academy.
15 – 19th NovAnti-Bullying Week
The theme is “One Kind Word” and we will be undertaking work in the academy around this. 15th November – Odd Socks Day
Children can come to school in odd socks to celebrate individuality.  
16th NovNursery Theatre Visit
to see The Hungry Caterpillar
19th NovChildren in Need
The theme is “Together we Can”. Non-Uniform Day and “Strictly On” dance competition in the academy.
15th – 22nd NovRoad Safety Week
22nd Nov – Road Safety Workshops in the academy run by Cleveland Fire Brigade.
8th DecChristingle Service
In the academy
9th DecY2 Trip to Danby Moors Centre
Linked to their Science work
13th DecTrust Carol Service
Choir and Y5/6 at St Nicholas Church, Guisborough
Tues 14th Dec Wed 15th DecEYFS Christmas Performances
starting at 9.30am
14th Dec pmKS1 and KS2 Trips to the Pantomime
Reception/KS1 to see The Tin Foil Man KS2 to see Elf the Musical
16th Dec   2pm 17th Dec 9.30amKS1 Christmas Performances
17th DecChristmas Dinner and Christmas Jumper Day
Children can wear Christmas jumpers or Christmas party clothes.
20th Dec 2pmKS2 Carols on the Plaza
Singing a selection of traditional and fun Christmas carols/songs for parents.
22nd DecParents drop in afternoon and Break up for the Christmas Holidays

Teesside at Christmas Appeal 2021

We would like to support the Teesside at Christmas Appeal who are looking to give filled shoe boxes of gifts and essentials to those who would go without at Christmas. Please use the link below or look at the posters below to find details of what is recommended to go in the shoe boxes.  If anyone would like to donate a filled shoe box or to send items in that we can make boxes up in school, then please do so by Monday 29th November, so we can give them to this small, local charity. 

(14) Teesside at Christmas Appeal | Facebook

Term Dates and P.D. Days


HeadStart Newsletter

Action for Happiness

This month’s theme is New Ways November. Action for Happiness are encouraging you to try something new!  Learning something new or getting involved in an activity that really absorbs and interests us is great for our wellbeing. Keeping our brains active is not only good for us physically but it can help you feel you are flourishing as you see yourself make progress with a new skill, or just make you smile as you make a mess and decide to start again. 🙂  Being playful and trying new things is important, as is remembering that it’s OK not to get it right first time – change “I can’t do it”, into “I can’t do it…yet!” This month’s calendar is full of ideas to help you decide what to try next.


Congratulations to B2S  who have won our Awesome competition this week.

Times Tables Rockstars…

Spelling Shed Leader Board…

Please continue to stay safe and look after each other.

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