Weekly Round Up

What a great week of weather we have had, and it has been lovely to see all the children playing outside happily in the sunshine during playtimes and lunchtimes. Please continue to send in hats/caps for the children to protect themselves in the sun and apply suncream before they come to school on hot days.

Our Year 6 children were lucky to have Julie in from HeadStart to do an afternoon about transition which is fast approaching for our oldest children.  There were lots of collaborative activities over the afternoon and we were joined by the Year 6s from Wilton Primary Academy also.

5H have been swimming each afternoon this week and many have been determined to achieve their 25m target.

We’ve got a busy few weeks coming up, so please keep a look out for different events on the diary dates below.

Class Showcase

This week, our featured classes are 5H and 5/6M so please enjoy reading what they have been learning about.


Last week year 5 learnt all about pastry and the different types. Following this, we created two types of pastry desserts. A puff pastry donut, which we decorated with chocolate and sprinkles, and a short crust jam tart. Both looked great!


Year 6 children from DPA and WPA attended a Spark Tees Valley World of Work Event at AV Dawson.  The children learnt about the companies that are based in the local area and their roles through coding.

Diary Dates and Reminders

Week beginning 27th JuneB3G and notified Year 6 swimming – bring kit each day
Tuesday 28th June2T Parental Engagement Afternoon – 1:30pm
Thursday 30th June4HM Parental Engagement Afternoon – 1:30pm
Friday 1st JulyTVEd Book of the Year Event at MFC
Monday 4th July 9amNew Reception Starters parent meeting
Week beginning 4th JulyYear 4 swimming – bring kit each day
Week beginning 4th JulyTransition Week for Year 6
Monday 4th July1M Parental Engagement Afternoon – 1:30pm
Tuesday 5th JulySUMMER FAYRE – 3:15PM
Wednesday 6th JulyYear 5 trip to Beamish
Wednesday 6th July3S Parental Engagement Afternoon – 1:30pm
Thursday 7th JulyYear 2 Danby Trip Nursery Graduation B1R Parental Engagement Afternoon – 1:30pm 5H Parental Engagement Afternoon – 1:30pm
Friday 8th July 9am-10amMorning Nursery Sports Day
Week beginning 11th JulyTransition Week
Tuesday 12th JulySPORTS DAY 1:15PM
Thursday 14th JulyDiamond Standard Award
Friday 15th July (am)Year 6 MFC Careers Event (in school)
Friday 15th JulyOutdoor Lunch Event
Friday 15th July (pm)Year 6 – JUMP 360
Monday 18th JulyYear 6 Leavers Assembly – 10:00am.

Donations for the Summer Fayre

Our Summer Fayre is fast approaching on the 5th July, and we are asking donations for this please. We would be grateful of anything for the raffle or tombola which could include sweets, chocolate, bottles, toiletries, stationery etc.

The bottles can be anything from bubble bath to juice! We would also be grateful if parents/carers and friends could donate some cakes or biscuits for the cake stall on the morning of the Fayre.  Many thanks in anticipation for your support.

Lunch Menu

Next weeks menu will be week 1


Congratulations to B3G who have won our Awesome competition this week with 93.8% attendance.

Links to support for children and families

Cyber Crime event

Please sign up for this event at Tuned In to understand the online world and what your child may have access to and how to keep them safe.

Please sign up for this event at Tuned In to understand the online world and what your child may have access to and how to keep them safe.

Men’s Mental Health

As part of Men’s Health Week, we are running an Eventbrite session explaining on Thursday 21st July 4.00-5.00 on how both Kooth.com and Qwell.io can help and support males. The session will also include discussion around how both services open up accessible ways to both receive and offer support to other males who may have been through similar lived experiences. 

To Sign up please CLICK HERE 

School Gateway

We are excited to share with you that the Academy now uses School Gateway. After many requests for online payment options – this is now available via this brand new app! This will be the hub of all school related communication, club bookings and trip information. In order to stay up to date with what’s going on at school make sure you download the app for free. Letters have been sent out with instructions, but if you have any problems please contact the office.

Headstart Newsletter

Follow the link to the latest HeadStart newsletter


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