What a great day we have had in the academy with it being Red Nose Day – fantastic outfits, a wonderful talent show and class relay runs.  It was lovely to see such happy, smiling faces raising money for this wonderful charity.

Our assembly theme this week was self-belief and we linked it to our achievements in the academy and to our Comic Relief talent show that the whole school watched this morning. Our Character Education theme was Service which KS1 was able to link to the support for the people in Ukraine.

This week, our featured classes are Nursery, RB and B1R, so please enjoy reading what they have been up to.

Celebrating Class Achievements


Welcome to No. 2 Lilly Lane

The saying “home is where the heart is” is certainly true in Nursery’s Lilly Lane. We have worked hard to create a new home area that mirrors the children’s own experiences of life at home. The children have been involved in decorating it with wallpaper, accessorising it with picture frames of themselves and have helped organise our kitchen to create an engaging experience for all. The importance of building on children’s interests and experiences, using language to support vocabulary and thinking skills is a crucial part of the learning process and our new domestic role play area is the heart of where all this happens. No.2 Lilly Lane, is the most familiar experience the children can have. It relates directly to their own lives and their interests and is something that all children have in common regardless of their cultural background or previous experience. The learning we have already experienced since creating this has been extraordinary and high quality communication is taking place daily. We look forward to seeing you all at No.2 Lilly Lane soon!


Outdoor Learning!

Reception are extremely proud that the quality of their outdoor learning matches that of their indoor learning! This week the children constructed a castle outside. They worked collaboratively and decided that their castle needed a moat, a drawbridge and battlements to help protect it from invaders. To celebrate the children constructed a table in the great hall and role-played having an amazing banquet!

Understanding of the World!

Our story this week is ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’.  The story stimulated children’s curiosity and they became excited about growing and planting. We talked about what conditions plants need to grow.  Each child planted a seed and wrote an instruction book to help others to plant a seed and grow a flowers.

                                                              Amazing learning Reception!


This week we have been learning all about pets and how we look after them. The children have investigated which pets we can keep at home, we looked at keeping them clean, feeding our pets and what happens if they get poorly. The children had great fun dressing up as a vet and learning how make our pets feel better.

Parent Consultations and Questionnaire

Many thanks to everyone who attended parent consultations this week; it was lovely to have parents and carers in the academy and to speak to you face to face regarding your child’s progress.  Thank you to everyone who completed the questionnaire to share your views on the academy.  If you still have to complete it, please could your return it to the academy by Wednesday 23rd March. Anyone who was unable to attend will get a copy sent home with their child to complete and return please. Many thanks for your support.

British Science Week

This week is British Science Week, and, in the academy, we have all enjoyed learning about Forces using ‘Flight’ as a stimulus. The children from Nursery up to Y6 have looked at the theme of ‘Flight’, working on scientific enquiry and fair testing. 

We kick started the week with a visit from Andy, a scientist from Science Boffins. He delivered an explosive assembly to the whole school before each class got to enjoy a workshop with him based on the universe.

They have investigated a range of different air powered rockets, stunt planes that fly in circles and flying paper straws. The children worked together to investigate which flew the furthest and how they could adapt them to make them fly further. The older children investigated how the protectory of planes affects the distance of flight. 

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Comic Relief – Red Nose Day

The children have had lots of fun today and we raised £183.52, thank you for all your donations! Look out for our photo gallery next week.

Beat the Street

Don’t forget to keep gaining points on your card by visiting the beat boxes and getting lots of valuable exercise. 

Dates for the Diary


It has been brought to our attention, that some inappropriate language and conversations are being had on the Plaza by a very small minority of adults when parents/carers are waiting with their children on a morning. Sadly, these are often in front of many children.  May we ask that parents/carers consider what is being said and act in a responsible way on the academy grounds please.

Lunch Menu

Next week’s menu will be week 1.


Congratulations to 3S who have won our Awesome competition this week.

Please remember to phone the academy if your child is going to be absent and remember the importance of excellent attendance at school.

Times Table Rockstars

Practicing times tables is so important in improving maths and is a huge part of number work from Year 2 upwards. Please encourage your child to use their account to get as fast as they can which will help them be able to apply their knowledge to different areas of maths.

Congratulations to the highest coin collectors this week!

1st – M White
2nd – J Dickinson
3rd – A Bonner

Spelling Shed

Top Spelling Groups this week!

1st – B3G Stage 1 3,586,762
2nd – B3G Stage 2 3,004,230
3rd – 5H 2,654,564

Top Spellers this week!

1st – J Cupples 2,946,660
2nd – F Galloway 2,708,920
3rd – M Walton 894,368


Please click the link below to this fortnights HeadStart newsletter.

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