It was wonderful to be able to welcome everyone back in the academy this week for Parent Consultations and for Dormanstown Rocks!
Our assembly theme this week was Gratitude, linked to Harvest with our Character Education theme continuing with Co-operation.
We certainly did rock Dormanstown on Wednesday afternoon! It was great to have such an amazing audience of parents, carers and members of the community to see all of our children perform on our impressive stage on the Plaza. Children from Nursery to Year 6 all had a chance to go on the stage and share the songs they had been learning. The community spirit was so noticeable and we hope this is the start of many more events to come. A big thank you to Mr Nixon, our music teacher, for co-ordinating the event and to Thirteen Housing, who kindly gave us a community grant to support the costs for the event.
Thank you to everyone who attended this week and had a chance to speak to their child’s class teacher. It was really productive to be able to do this face to face after all the recent challenges. Thank you for your continued support with your child’s learning and progress.
We will be having Harvest Festival assemblies on Tuesday morning within the academy. Please send in donations of non-perishable goods for our Harvest display which we will be donating to the Food Bank.
We can’t wait to see your spooky costumes on Wednesday 20th October for the Halloween Disco. Please can Reception and Key Stage One children bring their clothes in a named bag which they will change into after lunch. Tickets are still available from the office. Key Stage Two children can be collected from the Plaza after their event.
On Friday 22nd October, we will be raising money for Show Racism the Red Card and the theme is “Wear Red Day”. In the academy, the children and staff will be able to wear anything red on the day for a suggested £1 donation (please no PJs/nightwear).
During the day, the children will be taking part in some activities to raise awareness of this extremely important and prevalent issue. We hope that you are able to support us with this very worthwhile charity, and we look forward to an exciting day!
Please use the following link or see the letter that the children brought home this week to give consent for your child to have a flu nasal spray. The last day for giving consent is the 29th October and the team will be in the academy on Thursday 4th November to give the immunisations.
Also taking place on Friday 22nd we will have a bouncy castle in the academy for our first half termly reward this year. It is so exciting to have these rewards back in the academy and we are so pleased to be celebrating 100% attendance and positive behaviour.
Congratulations to 1M who have won our Awesome Attendance competition this week!
To achieve a golden ticket, our children need to read at home 3 times and have their reading records signed by a parent.
Check out our Facebook page to find out this week’s winners!
Key Stage 1 – 68 Golden Tickets won!
Top three classes:
Year 1 – 93%
Year 2 – 74%
Reception – 59%
Key Stage 2 – 72 Golden Tickets won!
Top three classes:
Year 5 – 79%
B2S – 67%
B3G – 64%
Whole School – 140 Golden Tickets!
Top Spelling Groups this week!
1st – B3G Stage 1 – 24,960,060
2nd – 3S – 20,178,986
3rd – B2S Group 1 – 6,073,458
Top Spellers this week!
1st – J Balam – 11,643,530
2nd – L Hoyle – 11,132,062
3rd – L Morton – 9,052,216
Practicing times tables is so important in improving maths and is a huge part of number work from Year 2 upwards. Please encourage your child to use their account to get as fast as they can which will help them be able to apply their knowledge to different areas of maths.
Congratulations to the highest coin collectors this week!
1st – L Morton
2nd – M White
3rd – O Bell
Please continue to stay safe and look after each other.
Message from Mrs Kell Dear Parents/ Carers, I can't believe Friday has...
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