Weekly Round Up

During this busy week all the children have made a successful transition into their new classes.  This time has given them the opportunity to get to know their new teachers and learning assistants.  It has been lovely to welcome Miss Clark and Miss Lowrie to Dormanstown this week who are working with Year 2 and Year 3 respectively.

Thank you for everyone who attended sports day on Tuesday; it was great to see so many parents, carers and friends cheering their children on. There was so much participation, team work and great sports skills seen throughout the afternoon which was wonderful to see.

Our Diamond Standard winners were celebrated at the Trust Awards Ceremony at Middlesbrough Football Club on Thursday.  Many congratulations to all the winners this year, and a special well done to Matilda who won the overall Trust award for Curiosity – a fantastic achievement.

The Year 6 children had a great end to the week with a Careers and Enterprise Workshop led by Middlesbrough Football Club during the morning, followed by their end of year treat at Jump 360 in the afternoon. A great time was had by all.

We also gave the children an end of term celebration with a bouncy castle treat on Friday. Due to the impact Covid has had on attendance this year, each child got a turn on here this term.  However, next year, this will revert back to a 100% attendance and good behaviour treat for children who have achieved this. Friday also saw the children enjoy their Fish Friday Lunch provided by Mellors – it was another delicious end of term treat.

Our last day in the academy is Tuesday 19th July when the children will finish at normal time. We wish good luck to our Year 6 children as they move onto secondary school and hope everyone has a wonderful summer holiday. We look forward to seeing everyone back on Monday 5th September.

Class Showcase

This week, our featured classes are Year 1 M, 3S, 4HM and B3G, so please enjoy reading what they have been learning about.

We had a fabulous afternoon with parents and helpers. The children enjoyed planning a miniature garden and picking different materials that they would use. They then worked together to create a garden on a paper plate. There was such a variety of gardens created. A super job by all. 


We had a fabulous afternoon with parents and helpers. The children enjoyed planning a miniature garden and picking different materials that they would use. They then worked together to create a garden on a paper plate. There was such a variety of gardens created. A super job by all. 


Year Three invited in parents and carers to share in their learning this half term. Based on the Vikings topic, children and adults worked together to create their own Viking warriors from clay, and it was lovely to see so many families in school together sharing in the children’s learning.

Year 4HM

Year 4 have really enjoyed taking their maths work outside. They have been using their problem solving techniques learnt over the year and applying them to a range of different maths problems. They have shown their ability to  collaboratively to solve them.


What a few weeks B3G have had. From swimming to transition to Sports Day, it’s been a busy one. 

It was wonderful to see the children in the pool and watching them either achieve their 25m or grow in confidence as they moved effectively through the water. To end our focus on History we looked at the effects Margret Thatcher had on the North by focusing on the mining strikes through role play. And finally transitioning in our newbies to their new environment where they’ve all been exceptional as I’m sure you saw on Sports Day! Great effort B3G. 

Diary Dates and Reminders

Marvellous Me – Memory Book

Marvellous Me have a facility to download a memory book for your child, summarising all the badges and activities they have received.  It can be used for a child in any year group but would be particularly relevant for Year 6 children whose parents may want to keep these comments as the children come to the end of their Marvellous Me journey. Use the flyer below to download the memory book as a keepsake:

Yoga Bugs

We have signed up to be able to access a range of Yoga Bugs videos and mindfulness techniques.  Parents/carers can make their own log in to use at home and access the Parent Portal with your children.  A letter has been sent via the School Gateway: please follow the link within this to access these wonderful resources.

School Gateway

Online payment options – this is now available via this brand new app! This will be the hub of all school related communication, club bookings and trip information. In order to stay up to date with what’s going on at school make sure you download the app for free. Letters have been sent out with instructions, but if you have any problems please contact the office.

Lunch Menu

Next weeks menu will be week 1

Holiday Meals 

As we are all aware how expensive eating out can be, please see below for good deals on children’s meals over the summer holidays. 


Congratulations to 5H who have won our Awesome competition this week with 98% attendance.

Links to support for children and families

Redcar and Cleveland Family Information Service – Childcare Survey

Redcar and Cleveland Family Information Service have asked if parents/carers would complete this survey on childcare.  Follow the link below please:


Your help to encourage them to complete the survey would be appreciated as it provides valuable information on what parents think about childcare throughout the Borough and in particular, highlights areas where parental support for childcare is needed.

All completed entries will be entered into a Prize Draw for Free Family Swim Vouchers!

Action for Happiness

This month’s theme is Jump Back Up July.

Men’s Mental Health

As part of Men’s Health Week, we are running an Eventbrite session explaining on Thursday 21st July 4.00-5.00 on how both Kooth.com and Qwell.io can help and support males. The session will also include discussion around how both services open up accessible ways to both receive and offer support to other males who may have been through similar lived experiences. 

To Sign up please CLICK HERE 

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