Weekly Blog 3rd May

Weekly Round Up

Another busy week has passed, and whilst we have had sunny moments, we are all hoping that the summer weather is on its way! It has been lovely to open up the field at play time this week, and we all have our fingers crossed it can stay open until the end of the year!

Our after-school clubs have been a hit this week, with dancing, sporting activities and Year 6 booster sessions springing up across the academy. The commitment of the children and staff to these sessions has been a joy to behold!

Year 4 loved their cricket parental enrichment, and the sense of healthy competition was evident throughout! The children have improved their striking and fielding skills a lot this half term, and it was amazing to showcase their skills with their families!

TVED Book 24 is coming towards a close in the next few weeks, and children will be asked to pick their favourite books from the shortlists they have been reading. Ask your child about Nabil Steals A Penguin, Valentine Crow, Lily Grim and more!

We wish our whole community a happy long weekend – don’t forget school won’t be back until next Tuesday!

Class Round Up

It’s time for Year 5, Year 6 and Class B4 to show us what they’ve been up to.

Year 5

We have been very lucky in year 5 this term as we have been working with the poet Bob Beagrie to create some poems all about life as a child. The children took part in two workshops to create our poem and practice performing in in a poetry slam.

We were even more lucky as we got to create animations to go alongside our poems with our own voices narrating. All of this work culminated in a celebration even where parents got to come in and watch our poems and the animations. 

Year 6

Year 6 have been amazing this week!

The lead up to SATs is a very tricky time, when we finish our learning and revise all the work the children have completed in Key Stage 2. The children have tackled their final revision push incredibly, and have been showing fab progress in all areas!

We are very proud of their hard-working attitudes, and the application they have shown.

Well done Year 6!

Class B4

B4 have had a wonderful start to the term. We have enjoyed writing about the myth and legend of George and the Dragon, drawing upon the description of our chosen monster. The children have worked hard in maths focusing on Place Value and number, whilst in science investigating materials and their properties through separation, dissolving and checking materials allow electricity to pass.

 Geography has given us more of an understanding of the North East, looking the physical and human features which will lead to map reading. History takes us to the other side of the globe, leading us through the amazing accomplishment of the Mayans.


Each week we have an ‘Awesome Attendance’ competition for the class or classes with the highest attendance. The class with the highest attendance will receive a letter and the first class to spell out ‘Awesome’ receives a treat for the whole class.

Which class will be the first to receive that treat?

This weeks winners are………

Missed Learning

65.5 days of missed learning occurred this week due to unauthorised absences. Unauthorised absences are for holidays, parents/carers not contacting the academy or any other unexplained absence. With most minor ailments, children can be in school, so we really encourage you to think about keeping your child at home.

100% Attendance

This week we had 225 children who achieved 100% Attendance for this week, which is Fantastic!

A huge WELL DONE to you all.

Can you get 100% next week?

Missed Appointments

We strive to accommodate parents/carers with appointment times within the academy. Unfortunately we have noticed that many appointments have been missed, occasionally this may be due to unforeseen circumstances. If you have to cancel and/or re-arrange your appointment, please ensure you contact the academy as soon as possible. Failing to turn up for an appointment and not contacting the academy to cancel it has an adverse effect on other parents/carers appointment times. This can also take valuable staff time that could have been utilised by other parents.

Diary Dates and Reminders

Lunch Menu

Next week’s choices will be Week 2.

Nut Free Academy

A reminder to all parents we are a Nut Free Academy, please read below.

Links to support our Children and Families

Actions for Happiness

It’s Meaningful May, what actions will you be taking over the Bank Holiday weekend?


You can get your children’s uniform here.

Lollipops have a preloved rail out on the shop floor with various items on including polo tops, trousers, sweatshirts/cardigans, shoes, plimsolls, summer dresses etc. All items on the rail are free for anyone to take, they just ask for customers to be considerate of others when taking items. There is a box for anyone who would like to make donations which we then add to the rail.

Facebook – @lollipopsmiddlesbrough

Twitter – @LollipopsMiddl1

Instagram – @lollipops_middlesbrough

20 Norfolk Place
Berwick Hills

Cost of Living

Healthier Together

The 4 T’s of Diabetes

Wellness Through Art

Soft Play Sessions

National Sleep Helpline


Families Drop In

Online Courses for Parents

Access to Research

Max Card

Latest News

Academy News

Weekly Blog 7th February

Class Dojo Do you know the school now uses Class Dojo? This...

Full details

Weekly Blog 31st January

Mrs Kell Weekly Update Class Dojo Do you know the school now...

Full details

Weekly Blog 24th January

Mrs Kell Weekly Update Dear Parents/ Carers, It has been a windy...

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Weekly Blog 17th January

Message from Mrs Kell Dear Parents/ Carers, I can't believe Friday has...

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New Year Blog 10th January

Message from Mrs Kell Welcome back! I hope that the school community...

Full details

End of Term Blog 20th December

Message from Mrs Kell Reindeer Run Last week we held the annual...

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Comments Box SVG iconsUsed for the like, share, comment, and reaction icons

We are so proud to have been nominated and invited to the RCBC Mayor's Community Achievement Awards 24/25 at the Council Chambers last night.
These six pupils, who form our JLT (Junior Leadership Team), led by the fabulous Mrs Sherwood, have been exemplary in forming and shaping our farm shop and soon to launch, eco-refill products. Did you know: Between 70-100 people visit our farm shop every week!

We are so proud of you all!
Mrs Kell
... See MoreSee Less

We are so proud to have been nominated and invited to the RCBC Mayors Community Achievement Awards 24/25 at the Council Chambers last night. 
These six pupils, who form our JLT (Junior Leadership Team), led by the fabulous Mrs Sherwood, have been exemplary in forming and shaping our farm shop and soon to launch, eco-refill products. Did you know: Between 70-100 people visit our farm shop every week! 

We are so proud of you all!
Mrs KellImage attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

8 CommentsComment on Facebook


Amazing 🤩

Well done amazing achievement ⭐️

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Well done to last week's Head Teacher's Award winners and Pot of gold winners! ⭐ ... See MoreSee Less

Well done to last weeks Head Teachers Award winners and Pot of gold winners! ⭐Image attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

3 CommentsComment on Facebook

Well done all

Well done

Well done kids 👏🏻👏🏻

We are so proud of our Nursery staff and pupils! Just look at these wondrous, impactful experiences, spaces and places for our youngest pupils. We have been scouring Facebook Marketplace, charity shops and our homes to transform the space beyond colourful plastic norms to recycled materials and authentic resources. We hope you love it as much as we do!

Mrs Kell
... See MoreSee Less

We are so proud of our Nursery staff and pupils! Just look at these wondrous, impactful experiences, spaces and places for our youngest pupils. We have been scouring Facebook Marketplace, charity shops and our homes to transform the space beyond colourful plastic norms to recycled materials and authentic resources. We hope you love it as much as we do!

Mrs KellImage attachmentImage attachment+7Image attachment

Arlo's first day was a success! Arlo has visited most classrooms and has been on the KS2 gate on a morning so far. He loved running around the field and playing at lunchtime with pupils wearing their wellies.
Thank you Sam Bell for making him a gorgeous bandana so he was 'Dormanstown Ready'
Follow more of Arlo's adventures on Facebook and class Dojo pages.
Mrs Kell
... See MoreSee Less

Arlos first day was a success! Arlo has visited most classrooms and has been on the KS2 gate on a morning so far. He loved running around the field and playing at lunchtime with pupils wearing their wellies.
Thank you Sam Bell for making him a gorgeous bandana so he was Dormanstown Ready
Follow more of Arlos adventures on Facebook and class Dojo pages.
Mrs KellImage attachmentImage attachment+2Image attachment

2 CommentsComment on Facebook


Amazing! Can’t wait to meet Arlo.

GONE PENDING COLLECTION - Free to a good home!
Surplus to requirements, needs to be collected from the academy before Friday lunchtime. Please ring 01642 483696 and leave a message, first come, first served.
... See MoreSee Less

GONE PENDING COLLECTION - Free to a good home!
Surplus to requirements, needs to be collected from the academy before Friday lunchtime. Please ring 01642 483696 and leave a message, first come, first served.Image attachment

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Please can I be concerned for wordrobe please

Well done to our fabulous Head Teacher's Award winner! And congratulations to last week's Pot of Gold winners! Have a wonderful half term and we will see you all on Monday 3rd March. ... See MoreSee Less

Well done to our fabulous Head Teachers Award winner! And congratulations to last weeks Pot of Gold winners! Have a wonderful half term and we will see you all on Monday 3rd March.Image attachmentImage attachment+8Image attachment

3 CommentsComment on Facebook

Well done all

Well done all.xxx

Well done 👏 all x

Photos from Dormanstown Primary Academy's post ... See MoreSee Less

Image attachment

This afternoon was the first half termly headteacher's afternoon tea party.

A huge well done to this lovely group - The first 6 pupils to receive a headteacher's award. Richly deserved and a pleasure to spend time with!

Can you spot a couple of them raising their little finger as they drink their 'tea'?
Mrs Kell
... See MoreSee Less

This afternoon was the first half termly headteachers afternoon tea party. 

A huge well done to this lovely group - The first 6 pupils to receive a headteachers award. Richly deserved and a pleasure to spend time with!

Can you spot a couple of them raising their little finger as they drink their tea? 
Mrs KellImage attachmentImage attachment+7Image attachment

17 CommentsComment on Facebook

Danielle Phillipa Duke Ginge Liam Campbell well done everyone 👏

Well done everyone xx x

Well done kids

Load More

Our school farm shop is stocked for this week.

Last week over 100 families visited the farm shop! For those families that have yet to visit, It is 6 items for £2 cash.

One item is a bag of fresh tomatoes, a pack of socks, a bag of nappies, a box of Lurpak individuals or a box of M and S shortbread! We have kept some stock in reserve to allow us to re-stock the shelves over the next few days. Don't forget to look in the freezer as well!

Mrs Kell
#community #communitysupport #communitylove #combattingfoodwaste #environmentallyfriendly
... See MoreSee Less

Our school farm shop is stocked for this week. 

Last week over 100 families visited the farm shop! For those families that have yet to visit, It is 6 items for £2 cash. 

One item is a bag of fresh tomatoes, a pack of socks, a bag of nappies, a box of Lurpak individuals or a box of M and S shortbread! We have kept some stock in reserve to allow us to re-stock the shelves over the next few days. Dont forget to look in the freezer as well!

Mrs Kell
#community #communitysupport #communitylove #combattingfoodwaste #environmentallyfriendlyImage attachmentImage attachment+2Image attachment

2 CommentsComment on Facebook

Is this open to the whole dormanstown community or just those with little ones at school? I love the idea and less package waste going to landfill.

What a wonderful idea 💡 👏

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Weekly Blog 19th April

Weekly Round Up

We have had a lovely week this week, although the weather has not always felt as Spring-like as we would like!

Our Y3/4 football teams represented our school beautifully this week, playing against schools from across Redcar and Cleveland. They tried their best and played as a team, and even though not every result went our way all staff were proud of the teams’ efforts.

Our Y6 children were incredibly proud of themselves this week, as they had some amazing results in the practice math’s SATs they have been attempting this week. We had some incredibly high scores, and every single student smashed their previous best scores – well done Y6!

We would like to thank you all for your support with children’s learning this term, and for the efforts you go to in order to help your child – particularly in reading at home. Can we remind our community that we run competitions in school to see which classes are reading the most at home, with prizes for the best class each week. For your child to help their class, they need to have read a minimum of three times with signatures in their reading record. Please ask your child’s teacher if you would like any support with this.

Enjoy your weekend!

Class Round Up

Time to see what Year 1, Year 2 and Class B2 have been up to.

Year 1

In year 1 the children have started to learn some ball skills.

So far, the children have learnt how to pass a ball to a partner using control. They have been practicing a bounce pass and a chest pass.

The children have also been learning how to dribble bounce a ball with one or two hands. This was very tricky but the children worked really hard to do this well.

Finally, the children have started to play simple passing games in a small group where they stop and pass the ball when tagged by someone from the opposite team.

Year 2

In Year 2, the children have had lots of fun learning all about the weather. We even had the chance to make wind streamers to see how the wind moves! We looked at sunny days and investigated how shadows change throughout the day. 

We have also been keeping a weather diary. Recording the weather conditions each day is helping the children to understand different weather patterns. 

Class B2

In B2 we cannot believe that is our final term. We have enjoyed settling back into our routine and have been doing some lovely learning.

In PE we are improving our ball skills. We have been rolling, throwing, catching and bouncing. We even tried bouncing the ball and walking. We are having so much fun.

In English, we have been reading The Three Billy Goats Gruff. We have acted out the story and we all did an excellent job of remembering the story line. From this, we plotted it onto a story map and now we are retelling the story in writing.


Each week we have an ‘Awesome Attendance’ competition for the class or classes with the highest attendance. The class with the highest attendance will receive a letter and the first class to spell out ‘Awesome’ receives a treat for the whole class.

Which class will be the first to receive that treat?

This weeks winners are………

And huge congratulations to Class B2 who are Awesome!

Missed Learning

48.5 days of missed learning occurred this week due to unauthorised absences. Unauthorised absences are for holidays, parents/carers not contacting the academy or any other unexplained absence. With most minor ailments, children can be in school, so we really encourage you to think about keeping your child at home.

100% Attendance

This week we had 222 children who achieved 100% Attendance for this week, which is Amazing!

A huge WELL DONE to you all.

Can you get 100% next week?

Missed Appointments

We strive to accommodate parents/carers with appointment times within the academy. Unfortunately we have noticed that many appointments have been missed, occasionally this may be due to unforeseen circumstances. If you have to cancel and/or re-arrange your appointment, please ensure you contact the academy as soon as possible. Failing to turn up for an appointment and not contacting the academy to cancel it has an adverse effect on other parents/carers appointment times. This can also take valuable staff time that could have been utilised by other parents.

Diary Dates and Reminders

Year 5 would like to invite their parents to attend a Celebration event on Tuesday 23rd April at 1.30pm.

Lunch Menu

Next week’s choices will be Week 3.

Nut Free Academy

A reminder to all parents we are a Nut Free Academy, please read below.

Links to support our Children and Families

Actions for Happiness

More than halfway through April, what actions are you taking for Active April?


You can get your children’s uniform here.

Lollipops have a preloved rail out on the shop floor with various items on including polo tops, trousers, sweatshirts/cardigans, shoes, plimsolls, summer dresses etc. All items on the rail are free for anyone to take, they just ask for customers to be considerate of others when taking items. There is a box for anyone who would like to make donations which we then add to the rail.

Facebook – @lollipopsmiddlesbrough

Twitter – @LollipopsMiddl1

Instagram – @lollipops_middlesbrough

20 Norfolk Place
Berwick Hills

Cost of Living

Healthier Together


There would appear to be a problem with head lice in the academy.  Several parents have informed us that their child has headlice; obviously this must mean that there are other children who also have the problem. 

I have taken this opportunity to provide some up-to-date advice for treating headlice and I would ask every parent to please check their child’s hair tonight and every night and treat if necessary. 

It is not sufficient to simply shampoo your child’s hair; this will not get rid of the lice – parents should visit a chemist, supermarket or see their family doctor to purchase or obtain a prescription for headlice lotion and follow the instructions.  An alternative method, and one which does not involve the use of chemicals, is as follows: 

  • Fill a sink with water 
  • Wet the child’s hair 
  • Apply conditioner 
  • Comb (with a fine tooth comb or nit comb) the child’s hair into the sink.  If there are any lice they will fall out into the water. 

It is recommended that the above treatment be done for at least 4 days. 

If you know your child has headlice, please treat it as soon as possible and check your child’s hair every night.   

The school nurse can be contacted via school, if any further advice or information is needed

The 4 T’s of Diabetes

Wellness Through Art

SEND Family Voice

Soft Play Sessions

National Sleep Helpline


Families Drop In

Online Courses for Parents

Access to Research

Max Card

Latest News

Academy News

Weekly Blog 7th February

Class Dojo Do you know the school now uses Class Dojo? This...

Full details

Weekly Blog 31st January

Mrs Kell Weekly Update Class Dojo Do you know the school now...

Full details

Weekly Blog 24th January

Mrs Kell Weekly Update Dear Parents/ Carers, It has been a windy...

Full details

Weekly Blog 17th January

Message from Mrs Kell Dear Parents/ Carers, I can't believe Friday has...

Full details

New Year Blog 10th January

Message from Mrs Kell Welcome back! I hope that the school community...

Full details

End of Term Blog 20th December

Message from Mrs Kell Reindeer Run Last week we held the annual...

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Comments Box SVG iconsUsed for the like, share, comment, and reaction icons

We are so proud to have been nominated and invited to the RCBC Mayor's Community Achievement Awards 24/25 at the Council Chambers last night.
These six pupils, who form our JLT (Junior Leadership Team), led by the fabulous Mrs Sherwood, have been exemplary in forming and shaping our farm shop and soon to launch, eco-refill products. Did you know: Between 70-100 people visit our farm shop every week!

We are so proud of you all!
Mrs Kell
... See MoreSee Less

We are so proud to have been nominated and invited to the RCBC Mayors Community Achievement Awards 24/25 at the Council Chambers last night. 
These six pupils, who form our JLT (Junior Leadership Team), led by the fabulous Mrs Sherwood, have been exemplary in forming and shaping our farm shop and soon to launch, eco-refill products. Did you know: Between 70-100 people visit our farm shop every week! 

We are so proud of you all!
Mrs KellImage attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

8 CommentsComment on Facebook


Amazing 🤩

Well done amazing achievement ⭐️

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Well done to last week's Head Teacher's Award winners and Pot of gold winners! ⭐ ... See MoreSee Less

Well done to last weeks Head Teachers Award winners and Pot of gold winners! ⭐Image attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

3 CommentsComment on Facebook

Well done all

Well done

Well done kids 👏🏻👏🏻

We are so proud of our Nursery staff and pupils! Just look at these wondrous, impactful experiences, spaces and places for our youngest pupils. We have been scouring Facebook Marketplace, charity shops and our homes to transform the space beyond colourful plastic norms to recycled materials and authentic resources. We hope you love it as much as we do!

Mrs Kell
... See MoreSee Less

We are so proud of our Nursery staff and pupils! Just look at these wondrous, impactful experiences, spaces and places for our youngest pupils. We have been scouring Facebook Marketplace, charity shops and our homes to transform the space beyond colourful plastic norms to recycled materials and authentic resources. We hope you love it as much as we do!

Mrs KellImage attachmentImage attachment+7Image attachment

Arlo's first day was a success! Arlo has visited most classrooms and has been on the KS2 gate on a morning so far. He loved running around the field and playing at lunchtime with pupils wearing their wellies.
Thank you Sam Bell for making him a gorgeous bandana so he was 'Dormanstown Ready'
Follow more of Arlo's adventures on Facebook and class Dojo pages.
Mrs Kell
... See MoreSee Less

Arlos first day was a success! Arlo has visited most classrooms and has been on the KS2 gate on a morning so far. He loved running around the field and playing at lunchtime with pupils wearing their wellies.
Thank you Sam Bell for making him a gorgeous bandana so he was Dormanstown Ready
Follow more of Arlos adventures on Facebook and class Dojo pages.
Mrs KellImage attachmentImage attachment+2Image attachment

2 CommentsComment on Facebook


Amazing! Can’t wait to meet Arlo.

GONE PENDING COLLECTION - Free to a good home!
Surplus to requirements, needs to be collected from the academy before Friday lunchtime. Please ring 01642 483696 and leave a message, first come, first served.
... See MoreSee Less

GONE PENDING COLLECTION - Free to a good home!
Surplus to requirements, needs to be collected from the academy before Friday lunchtime. Please ring 01642 483696 and leave a message, first come, first served.Image attachment

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Please can I be concerned for wordrobe please

Well done to our fabulous Head Teacher's Award winner! And congratulations to last week's Pot of Gold winners! Have a wonderful half term and we will see you all on Monday 3rd March. ... See MoreSee Less

Well done to our fabulous Head Teachers Award winner! And congratulations to last weeks Pot of Gold winners! Have a wonderful half term and we will see you all on Monday 3rd March.Image attachmentImage attachment+8Image attachment

3 CommentsComment on Facebook

Well done all

Well done all.xxx

Well done 👏 all x

Photos from Dormanstown Primary Academy's post ... See MoreSee Less

Image attachment

This afternoon was the first half termly headteacher's afternoon tea party.

A huge well done to this lovely group - The first 6 pupils to receive a headteacher's award. Richly deserved and a pleasure to spend time with!

Can you spot a couple of them raising their little finger as they drink their 'tea'?
Mrs Kell
... See MoreSee Less

This afternoon was the first half termly headteachers afternoon tea party. 

A huge well done to this lovely group - The first 6 pupils to receive a headteachers award. Richly deserved and a pleasure to spend time with!

Can you spot a couple of them raising their little finger as they drink their tea? 
Mrs KellImage attachmentImage attachment+7Image attachment

17 CommentsComment on Facebook

Danielle Phillipa Duke Ginge Liam Campbell well done everyone 👏

Well done everyone xx x

Well done kids

Load More

Our school farm shop is stocked for this week.

Last week over 100 families visited the farm shop! For those families that have yet to visit, It is 6 items for £2 cash.

One item is a bag of fresh tomatoes, a pack of socks, a bag of nappies, a box of Lurpak individuals or a box of M and S shortbread! We have kept some stock in reserve to allow us to re-stock the shelves over the next few days. Don't forget to look in the freezer as well!

Mrs Kell
#community #communitysupport #communitylove #combattingfoodwaste #environmentallyfriendly
... See MoreSee Less

Our school farm shop is stocked for this week. 

Last week over 100 families visited the farm shop! For those families that have yet to visit, It is 6 items for £2 cash. 

One item is a bag of fresh tomatoes, a pack of socks, a bag of nappies, a box of Lurpak individuals or a box of M and S shortbread! We have kept some stock in reserve to allow us to re-stock the shelves over the next few days. Dont forget to look in the freezer as well!

Mrs Kell
#community #communitysupport #communitylove #combattingfoodwaste #environmentallyfriendlyImage attachmentImage attachment+2Image attachment

2 CommentsComment on Facebook

Is this open to the whole dormanstown community or just those with little ones at school? I love the idea and less package waste going to landfill.

What a wonderful idea 💡 👏

Load more

End of Term Blog 22nd March

Weekly Round Up

It’s Easter!

We have made it the holidays – thank you to everyone in our community for their efforts this term – it has been incredibly successful!

This week we have seen beautiful services at church, where families were dazzled by violins, singing, xylophones and readings by children across KS2.

Year groups have also been opening their doors for parental engagement sessions – a particular well done to the Y4/5 parents who braved the cold for our PE session.

The bonnets and easter eggs brought in for our design competitions this week were incredible – and the team judging the entries all commented how difficult it was to choose between such incredible entries!

It seems like a long time ago, but we are also grateful for the excellent attendance at parents evening this week. We love sharing the children’s hard work with you, and the support we have from families at home to keep driving forward the children’s learning.

We wish you all a safe, happy Easter and look forward to the final term of the year! 

Class Round Up

Let’s see how Year 5 and Class B4 have gotten on with a guest appearance from our Nursery Class.

Year 5

Although it has been short, we have had a very busy half term. We have completed lots of interesting writing pieces such as a quest narrative, a recount and a set of instructions of how to be a monarch. In Maths, we have been looking at time, converting measurements and the four operations. Possibly most exciting of all though we attended our first netball tournament. The children represented the school impeccably and some even came home with medals! 

Class B4

Another fun packed half term. We have created some fabulous art work with Jean-Michel Basquiat as our focus and made some wonderful teddies as part of our textiles strand. The children have worked so hard this term- I am so proud of all their efforts – Enjoy a well deserved break B4!!!

Easter Bonnet Parade

Morning and afternoon nursery enjoyed participating in the Easter Bonnet Parade. We had some amazing creations from home and some very worthy winners!

Well done Nursery!


Each week we have an ‘Awesome Attendance’ competition for the class or classes with the highest attendance. The class with the highest attendance will receive a letter and the first class to spell out ‘Awesome’ receives a treat for the whole class.

Which class will be the first to receive that treat?

This weeks winners are………

Missed Learning

31.5 days of missed learning occurred this week due to unauthorised absences. Unauthorised absences are for holidays, parents/carers not contacting the academy or any other unexplained absence. With most minor ailments, children can be in school, so we really encourage you to think about keeping your child at home.

100% Attendance

This week we had 219 children who achieved 100% Attendance for this week, which is Brilliant!

A huge WELL DONE to you all.

Can you get 100% when we return after Easter?

Missed Appointments

We strive to accommodate parents/carers with appointment times within the academy. Unfortunately we have noticed that many appointments have been missed, occasionally this may be due to unforeseen circumstances. If you have to cancel and/or re-arrange your appointment, please ensure you contact the academy as soon as possible. Failing to turn up for an appointment and not contacting the academy to cancel it has an adverse effect on other parents/carers appointment times. This can also take valuable staff time that could have been utilised by other parents.


There would appear to be a problem with head lice in the academy.  Several parents have informed us that their child has headlice; obviously this must mean that there are other children who also have the problem. 

I have taken this opportunity to provide some up-to-date advice for treating headlice and I would ask every parent to please check their child’s hair tonight and every night and treat if necessary. 

It is not sufficient to simply shampoo your child’s hair; this will not get rid of the lice – parents should visit a chemist, supermarket or see their family doctor to purchase or obtain a prescription for headlice lotion and follow the instructions.  An alternative method, and one which does not involve the use of chemicals, is as follows: 

  • Fill a sink with water 
  • Wet the child’s hair 
  • Apply conditioner 
  • Comb (with a fine tooth comb or nit comb) the child’s hair into the sink.  If there are any lice they will fall out into the water. 

It is recommended that the above treatment be done for at least 4 days. 

If you know your child has headlice, please treat it as soon as possible and check your child’s hair every night.   

The school nurse can be contacted via school, if any further advice or information is needed

Diary Dates and Reminders

Lunch Menu

When we return, choices will be from Week 1.

Nut Free Academy

A reminder to all parents we are a Nut Free Academy, please read below.

Links to support our Children and Families


Happy International Day Of Happiness. 😊

This edition we have some fantastic content from our HeadStarters who will certainly put a smile on your face sharing what happiness means to them and demonstrating what they had been learning around managing their mental health and wellbeing.



The latest issue of Raring2Go! is available to read and can be found here


Easter Holiday Activities

Hope Netball Club

Actions for Happiness

What actions will you take over Easter to finish off Mindful March.

Cost of Living

SEND Family Voice

Further information for Clubs over the Easter holidays can be found in the brochure you can download.

World Book Day Story Writing Competition

To celebrate World Book Day and National Careers Week, Building our Future would like you to write a story, of a maximum of 500 words, that explains why it is important to know where we get energy, and how we use it.

We want you to create an “Energy Superhero” – we want a fantastic name for your hero, and they must have Super Powers – these are sources of energy, such as Wind, Solar, Tidal, Biomass….the list goes on.

What will happen to your Superhero? Why do they need to use their Energy Super Powers? Will they save the day or the planet?

The only limit is the number of words – we want the most creative, wonderful stories, and it can include illustrations.

Prizes will include a book voucher for the winning entry, and a class visit to the O&M Base for Dogger Bank Wind Farm, at the Port of Tyne.

The wind farm is being built in the North Sea, and will be the largest offshore wind farm in the world, with nearly 300 wind turbines. The cables that will transmit the renewable electricity from the wind farm and into the national electricity network to be distributed to homes and businesses are being buried right under our feet here in the Tees Valley.

Entries should be submitted to Jacqui Hutchinson, Primary Careers Co-ordinator, via the RCVDA Building our Future web page: https://www.rcvda.org.uk/2024/03/06/world-book-day-competition-building-our-future/ or via your school teacher.

Deadline for entries is Friday 12th April (so you have the Easter holidays too to work on your story), and judges will include Equinor and SSE Renewables representatives from Dogger Bank Wind Farm, wind farm supply chain company Keltbray, Teesside Un


You can get your children’s uniform here.

Lollipops have a preloved rail out on the shop floor with various items on including polo tops, trousers, sweatshirts/cardigans, shoes, plimsolls, summer dresses etc. All items on the rail are free for anyone to take, they just ask for customers to be considerate of others when taking items. There is a box for anyone who would like to make donations which we then add to the rail.

Facebook – @lollipopsmiddlesbrough

Twitter – @LollipopsMiddl1

Instagram – @lollipops_middlesbrough

20 Norfolk Place
Berwick Hills

National Sleep Helpline

The 4 T’s of Diabetes

Childcare information


Families Drop In

Online Courses for Parents

Access to Research

MAX Card

Latest News

Academy News

Weekly Blog 7th February

Class Dojo Do you know the school now uses Class Dojo? This...

Full details

Weekly Blog 31st January

Mrs Kell Weekly Update Class Dojo Do you know the school now...

Full details

Weekly Blog 24th January

Mrs Kell Weekly Update Dear Parents/ Carers, It has been a windy...

Full details

Weekly Blog 17th January

Message from Mrs Kell Dear Parents/ Carers, I can't believe Friday has...

Full details

New Year Blog 10th January

Message from Mrs Kell Welcome back! I hope that the school community...

Full details

End of Term Blog 20th December

Message from Mrs Kell Reindeer Run Last week we held the annual...

Full details
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Comments Box SVG iconsUsed for the like, share, comment, and reaction icons

We are so proud to have been nominated and invited to the RCBC Mayor's Community Achievement Awards 24/25 at the Council Chambers last night.
These six pupils, who form our JLT (Junior Leadership Team), led by the fabulous Mrs Sherwood, have been exemplary in forming and shaping our farm shop and soon to launch, eco-refill products. Did you know: Between 70-100 people visit our farm shop every week!

We are so proud of you all!
Mrs Kell
... See MoreSee Less

We are so proud to have been nominated and invited to the RCBC Mayors Community Achievement Awards 24/25 at the Council Chambers last night. 
These six pupils, who form our JLT (Junior Leadership Team), led by the fabulous Mrs Sherwood, have been exemplary in forming and shaping our farm shop and soon to launch, eco-refill products. Did you know: Between 70-100 people visit our farm shop every week! 

We are so proud of you all!
Mrs KellImage attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

8 CommentsComment on Facebook


Amazing 🤩

Well done amazing achievement ⭐️

Load More

Well done to last week's Head Teacher's Award winners and Pot of gold winners! ⭐ ... See MoreSee Less

Well done to last weeks Head Teachers Award winners and Pot of gold winners! ⭐Image attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

3 CommentsComment on Facebook

Well done all

Well done

Well done kids 👏🏻👏🏻

We are so proud of our Nursery staff and pupils! Just look at these wondrous, impactful experiences, spaces and places for our youngest pupils. We have been scouring Facebook Marketplace, charity shops and our homes to transform the space beyond colourful plastic norms to recycled materials and authentic resources. We hope you love it as much as we do!

Mrs Kell
... See MoreSee Less

We are so proud of our Nursery staff and pupils! Just look at these wondrous, impactful experiences, spaces and places for our youngest pupils. We have been scouring Facebook Marketplace, charity shops and our homes to transform the space beyond colourful plastic norms to recycled materials and authentic resources. We hope you love it as much as we do!

Mrs KellImage attachmentImage attachment+7Image attachment

Arlo's first day was a success! Arlo has visited most classrooms and has been on the KS2 gate on a morning so far. He loved running around the field and playing at lunchtime with pupils wearing their wellies.
Thank you Sam Bell for making him a gorgeous bandana so he was 'Dormanstown Ready'
Follow more of Arlo's adventures on Facebook and class Dojo pages.
Mrs Kell
... See MoreSee Less

Arlos first day was a success! Arlo has visited most classrooms and has been on the KS2 gate on a morning so far. He loved running around the field and playing at lunchtime with pupils wearing their wellies.
Thank you Sam Bell for making him a gorgeous bandana so he was Dormanstown Ready
Follow more of Arlos adventures on Facebook and class Dojo pages.
Mrs KellImage attachmentImage attachment+2Image attachment

2 CommentsComment on Facebook


Amazing! Can’t wait to meet Arlo.

GONE PENDING COLLECTION - Free to a good home!
Surplus to requirements, needs to be collected from the academy before Friday lunchtime. Please ring 01642 483696 and leave a message, first come, first served.
... See MoreSee Less

GONE PENDING COLLECTION - Free to a good home!
Surplus to requirements, needs to be collected from the academy before Friday lunchtime. Please ring 01642 483696 and leave a message, first come, first served.Image attachment

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Please can I be concerned for wordrobe please

Well done to our fabulous Head Teacher's Award winner! And congratulations to last week's Pot of Gold winners! Have a wonderful half term and we will see you all on Monday 3rd March. ... See MoreSee Less

Well done to our fabulous Head Teachers Award winner! And congratulations to last weeks Pot of Gold winners! Have a wonderful half term and we will see you all on Monday 3rd March.Image attachmentImage attachment+8Image attachment

3 CommentsComment on Facebook

Well done all

Well done all.xxx

Well done 👏 all x

Photos from Dormanstown Primary Academy's post ... See MoreSee Less

Image attachment

This afternoon was the first half termly headteacher's afternoon tea party.

A huge well done to this lovely group - The first 6 pupils to receive a headteacher's award. Richly deserved and a pleasure to spend time with!

Can you spot a couple of them raising their little finger as they drink their 'tea'?
Mrs Kell
... See MoreSee Less

This afternoon was the first half termly headteachers afternoon tea party. 

A huge well done to this lovely group - The first 6 pupils to receive a headteachers award. Richly deserved and a pleasure to spend time with!

Can you spot a couple of them raising their little finger as they drink their tea? 
Mrs KellImage attachmentImage attachment+7Image attachment

17 CommentsComment on Facebook

Danielle Phillipa Duke Ginge Liam Campbell well done everyone 👏

Well done everyone xx x

Well done kids

Load More

Our school farm shop is stocked for this week.

Last week over 100 families visited the farm shop! For those families that have yet to visit, It is 6 items for £2 cash.

One item is a bag of fresh tomatoes, a pack of socks, a bag of nappies, a box of Lurpak individuals or a box of M and S shortbread! We have kept some stock in reserve to allow us to re-stock the shelves over the next few days. Don't forget to look in the freezer as well!

Mrs Kell
#community #communitysupport #communitylove #combattingfoodwaste #environmentallyfriendly
... See MoreSee Less

Our school farm shop is stocked for this week. 

Last week over 100 families visited the farm shop! For those families that have yet to visit, It is 6 items for £2 cash. 

One item is a bag of fresh tomatoes, a pack of socks, a bag of nappies, a box of Lurpak individuals or a box of M and S shortbread! We have kept some stock in reserve to allow us to re-stock the shelves over the next few days. Dont forget to look in the freezer as well!

Mrs Kell
#community #communitysupport #communitylove #combattingfoodwaste #environmentallyfriendlyImage attachmentImage attachment+2Image attachment

2 CommentsComment on Facebook

Is this open to the whole dormanstown community or just those with little ones at school? I love the idea and less package waste going to landfill.

What a wonderful idea 💡 👏

Load more

Weekly Blog 15th March

Weekly Round Up

This week we have heard all about the amazing London trip our choir attended – everyone in school has been amazed by the experiences our singers had, and we hope you enjoy reading further about the event later in this week’s blog.

We have also had success with our Y5 netball teams, who represented the school amazingly at their cluster event, with one team bringing home silver medals from the competition. Mr Williams was full of praise for how well the children played, showing teamwork and resilience in abundance!

We have had an artistic week in all classes, with beautiful creations taking shape, inspired by a range of contemporary painters, sculptors and textile manufacturers. We look forward to seeing the children’s work up on the walls in time for parents evening next week!

With one more week to go, and so much to pack in, we can’t wait to share more news and events with you all next week!

Class Round Up

Let’s see how Year 3 and Class B3 have been getting on the last couple of weeks.

Year 3

Year 3 have completed their art work inspired by Guiseppe Archimboldo. This has followed on from our amazing work in our parental engagement last week. 

We have also had lots of fun and laughter in our comedy show for Red Nose Day.

Class B3

We have enjoyed World Book Day sharing lots of stories and visiting the school library. Our parents came in for parental engagement to help us make a fruit salad, it was delicious!

We also celebrated Red Nose Day. We all dressed in something red completed a quiz, shared jokes in a comedy assembly and created our own red nose posters.

Prom Praise

On Monday, 9 girls from Year 5 and 6 represented Dormanstown as part of the Tees Valley Education trip to Prom Praise in London. 

We had a very busy couple of days sightseeing the capital. On Monday, we arrived in London and went straight onto the London Eye where we spotted Buckingham Palace! Then we walked to the Houses of Parliament where we got a private tour and even got to go and watch live debates in the House of Lords and the House of Commons. We finished of a busy day by going to watch Back to the Future at the theatre, which was amazing! 

On Tuesday, we went to Shrek’s Adventure, which was Shrek-tacular. Ms. Lees had to go into Shrek’s toilet and look for gold, which was pretty disgusting! Then we went to the Royal Albert Hall for Prom Praise. The theatre was beautiful and it was such a fantastic experience to be part of. Everyone sounded amazing!

On Wednesday, before we went home, we went to Harry Potter Studios where we got to see behind the scenes and we even got to ride a broomstick and catch a snitch, as well as learning how to wand duel!


Each week we have an ‘Awesome Attendance’ competition for the class or classes with the highest attendance. The class with the highest attendance will receive a letter and the first class to spell out ‘Awesome’ receives a treat for the whole class.

Which class will be the first to receive that treat?

This weeks winners are………

Missed Learning

42.5 days of missed learning occurred this week due to unauthorised absences. Unauthorised absences are for holidays, parents/carers not contacting the academy or any other unexplained absence. With most minor ailments, children can be in school, so we really encourage you to think about keeping your child at home.

100% Attendance

This week we had 221 children who achieved 100% Attendance for this week, which is Fantastic!

A huge WELL DONE to you all.

Can you get 100% next week?

Missed Appointments

We strive to accommodate parents/carers with appointment times within the academy. Unfortunately we have noticed that many appointments have been missed, occasionally this may be due to unforeseen circumstances. If you have to cancel and/or re-arrange your appointment, please ensure you contact the academy as soon as possible. Failing to turn up for an appointment and not contacting the academy to cancel it has an adverse effect on other parents/carers appointment times. This can also take valuable staff time that could have been utilised by other parents.


There would appear to be a problem with head lice in the academy.  Several parents have informed us that their child has headlice; obviously this must mean that there are other children who also have the problem. 

I have taken this opportunity to provide some up-to-date advice for treating headlice and I would ask every parent to please check their child’s hair tonight and every night and treat if necessary. 

It is not sufficient to simply shampoo your child’s hair; this will not get rid of the lice – parents should visit a chemist, supermarket or see their family doctor to purchase or obtain a prescription for headlice lotion and follow the instructions.  An alternative method, and one which does not involve the use of chemicals, is as follows: 

  • Fill a sink with water 
  • Wet the child’s hair 
  • Apply conditioner 
  • Comb (with a fine tooth comb or nit comb) the child’s hair into the sink.  If there are any lice they will fall out into the water. 

It is recommended that the above treatment be done for at least 4 days. 

If you know your child has headlice, please treat it as soon as possible and check your child’s hair every night.   

The school nurse can be contacted via school, if any further advice or information is needed

Diary Dates and Reminders

Lunch Menu

Next weeks choices will be Week 3

Nut Free Academy

A reminder to all parents we are a Nut Free Academy, please read below.

Links to support our Children and Families

Actions for Happiness

What actions you be taking over Easter to have a Mindful March.

Cost of Living

SEND Family Voice

Further information for Clubs over the Easter holidays can be found in the brochure you can download.

Exploitation week seminars

Webinar information for parents and carers

World Book Day Story Writing Competition

To celebrate World Book Day and National Careers Week, Building our Future would like you to write a story, of a maximum of 500 words, that explains why it is important to know where we get energy, and how we use it.

We want you to create an “Energy Superhero” – we want a fantastic name for your hero, and they must have Super Powers – these are sources of energy, such as Wind, Solar, Tidal, Biomass….the list goes on.

What will happen to your Superhero? Why do they need to use their Energy Super Powers? Will they save the day or the planet?

The only limit is the number of words – we want the most creative, wonderful stories, and it can include illustrations.

Prizes will include a book voucher for the winning entry, and a class visit to the O&M Base for Dogger Bank Wind Farm, at the Port of Tyne.

The wind farm is being built in the North Sea, and will be the largest offshore wind farm in the world, with nearly 300 wind turbines. The cables that will transmit the renewable electricity from the wind farm and into the national electricity network to be distributed to homes and businesses are being buried right under our feet here in the Tees Valley.

Entries should be submitted to Jacqui Hutchinson, Primary Careers Co-ordinator, via the RCVDA Building our Future web page: https://www.rcvda.org.uk/2024/03/06/world-book-day-competition-building-our-future/ or via your school teacher.

Deadline for entries is Friday 12th April (so you have the Easter holidays too to work on your story), and judges will include Equinor and SSE Renewables representatives from Dogger Bank Wind Farm, wind farm supply chain company Keltbray, Teesside Un


You can get your children’s uniform here.

Lollipops have a preloved rail out on the shop floor with various items on including polo tops, trousers, sweatshirts/cardigans, shoes, plimsolls, summer dresses etc. All items on the rail are free for anyone to take, they just ask for customers to be considerate of others when taking items. There is a box for anyone who would like to make donations which we then add to the rail.

Facebook – @lollipopsmiddlesbrough

Twitter – @LollipopsMiddl1

Instagram – @lollipops_middlesbrough

20 Norfolk Place
Berwick Hills

National Sleep Helpline

The 4 T’s of Diabetes

Childcare information


Families Drop In

Online Courses for Parents

Access to Research

MAX Card

Latest News

Academy News

Weekly Blog 7th February

Class Dojo Do you know the school now uses Class Dojo? This...

Full details

Weekly Blog 31st January

Mrs Kell Weekly Update Class Dojo Do you know the school now...

Full details

Weekly Blog 24th January

Mrs Kell Weekly Update Dear Parents/ Carers, It has been a windy...

Full details

Weekly Blog 17th January

Message from Mrs Kell Dear Parents/ Carers, I can't believe Friday has...

Full details

New Year Blog 10th January

Message from Mrs Kell Welcome back! I hope that the school community...

Full details

End of Term Blog 20th December

Message from Mrs Kell Reindeer Run Last week we held the annual...

Full details
Follow us on


Comments Box SVG iconsUsed for the like, share, comment, and reaction icons

We are so proud to have been nominated and invited to the RCBC Mayor's Community Achievement Awards 24/25 at the Council Chambers last night.
These six pupils, who form our JLT (Junior Leadership Team), led by the fabulous Mrs Sherwood, have been exemplary in forming and shaping our farm shop and soon to launch, eco-refill products. Did you know: Between 70-100 people visit our farm shop every week!

We are so proud of you all!
Mrs Kell
... See MoreSee Less

We are so proud to have been nominated and invited to the RCBC Mayors Community Achievement Awards 24/25 at the Council Chambers last night. 
These six pupils, who form our JLT (Junior Leadership Team), led by the fabulous Mrs Sherwood, have been exemplary in forming and shaping our farm shop and soon to launch, eco-refill products. Did you know: Between 70-100 people visit our farm shop every week! 

We are so proud of you all!
Mrs KellImage attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

8 CommentsComment on Facebook


Amazing 🤩

Well done amazing achievement ⭐️

Load More

Well done to last week's Head Teacher's Award winners and Pot of gold winners! ⭐ ... See MoreSee Less

Well done to last weeks Head Teachers Award winners and Pot of gold winners! ⭐Image attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

3 CommentsComment on Facebook

Well done all

Well done

Well done kids 👏🏻👏🏻

We are so proud of our Nursery staff and pupils! Just look at these wondrous, impactful experiences, spaces and places for our youngest pupils. We have been scouring Facebook Marketplace, charity shops and our homes to transform the space beyond colourful plastic norms to recycled materials and authentic resources. We hope you love it as much as we do!

Mrs Kell
... See MoreSee Less

We are so proud of our Nursery staff and pupils! Just look at these wondrous, impactful experiences, spaces and places for our youngest pupils. We have been scouring Facebook Marketplace, charity shops and our homes to transform the space beyond colourful plastic norms to recycled materials and authentic resources. We hope you love it as much as we do!

Mrs KellImage attachmentImage attachment+7Image attachment

Arlo's first day was a success! Arlo has visited most classrooms and has been on the KS2 gate on a morning so far. He loved running around the field and playing at lunchtime with pupils wearing their wellies.
Thank you Sam Bell for making him a gorgeous bandana so he was 'Dormanstown Ready'
Follow more of Arlo's adventures on Facebook and class Dojo pages.
Mrs Kell
... See MoreSee Less

Arlos first day was a success! Arlo has visited most classrooms and has been on the KS2 gate on a morning so far. He loved running around the field and playing at lunchtime with pupils wearing their wellies.
Thank you Sam Bell for making him a gorgeous bandana so he was Dormanstown Ready
Follow more of Arlos adventures on Facebook and class Dojo pages.
Mrs KellImage attachmentImage attachment+2Image attachment

2 CommentsComment on Facebook


Amazing! Can’t wait to meet Arlo.

GONE PENDING COLLECTION - Free to a good home!
Surplus to requirements, needs to be collected from the academy before Friday lunchtime. Please ring 01642 483696 and leave a message, first come, first served.
... See MoreSee Less

GONE PENDING COLLECTION - Free to a good home!
Surplus to requirements, needs to be collected from the academy before Friday lunchtime. Please ring 01642 483696 and leave a message, first come, first served.Image attachment

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Please can I be concerned for wordrobe please

Well done to our fabulous Head Teacher's Award winner! And congratulations to last week's Pot of Gold winners! Have a wonderful half term and we will see you all on Monday 3rd March. ... See MoreSee Less

Well done to our fabulous Head Teachers Award winner! And congratulations to last weeks Pot of Gold winners! Have a wonderful half term and we will see you all on Monday 3rd March.Image attachmentImage attachment+8Image attachment

3 CommentsComment on Facebook

Well done all

Well done all.xxx

Well done 👏 all x

Photos from Dormanstown Primary Academy's post ... See MoreSee Less

Image attachment

This afternoon was the first half termly headteacher's afternoon tea party.

A huge well done to this lovely group - The first 6 pupils to receive a headteacher's award. Richly deserved and a pleasure to spend time with!

Can you spot a couple of them raising their little finger as they drink their 'tea'?
Mrs Kell
... See MoreSee Less

This afternoon was the first half termly headteachers afternoon tea party. 

A huge well done to this lovely group - The first 6 pupils to receive a headteachers award. Richly deserved and a pleasure to spend time with!

Can you spot a couple of them raising their little finger as they drink their tea? 
Mrs KellImage attachmentImage attachment+7Image attachment

17 CommentsComment on Facebook

Danielle Phillipa Duke Ginge Liam Campbell well done everyone 👏

Well done everyone xx x

Well done kids

Load More

Our school farm shop is stocked for this week.

Last week over 100 families visited the farm shop! For those families that have yet to visit, It is 6 items for £2 cash.

One item is a bag of fresh tomatoes, a pack of socks, a bag of nappies, a box of Lurpak individuals or a box of M and S shortbread! We have kept some stock in reserve to allow us to re-stock the shelves over the next few days. Don't forget to look in the freezer as well!

Mrs Kell
#community #communitysupport #communitylove #combattingfoodwaste #environmentallyfriendly
... See MoreSee Less

Our school farm shop is stocked for this week. 

Last week over 100 families visited the farm shop! For those families that have yet to visit, It is 6 items for £2 cash. 

One item is a bag of fresh tomatoes, a pack of socks, a bag of nappies, a box of Lurpak individuals or a box of M and S shortbread! We have kept some stock in reserve to allow us to re-stock the shelves over the next few days. Dont forget to look in the freezer as well!

Mrs Kell
#community #communitysupport #communitylove #combattingfoodwaste #environmentallyfriendlyImage attachmentImage attachment+2Image attachment

2 CommentsComment on Facebook

Is this open to the whole dormanstown community or just those with little ones at school? I love the idea and less package waste going to landfill.

What a wonderful idea 💡 👏

Load more

Weekly Blog 8th March

Weekly Round Up

What a week it has been in school!

World Book Day was amazing! Your support in providing costumes and inspiration for the children to read more is incredible! The range of characters walking around school yesterday was unbelievable, and the excitement and book buzz in the building was a highlight of the term! Don’t forget all children will now have their free book token which you can redeem at all local bookshops and major supermarkets.

We also had some tremendously exciting news from Mr Williams and his team of Y5 entrepreneurs this week, who have been busy surveying children and making a pitch to try and secure funding for additional play equipment for school. The Y5’s had to present a Dragon’s Den style pitch, explaining how they would put any money they are given to good use and to support active bodies, active minds around the building. We are delighted to announce that the children were successful, and have secured £3000 in funding for additional resources – which should be with us in time for summer!

Next week sees some of our choir travel to London to sing at The Royal Albert Hall, so we look forward to reporting on that next week!

Enjoy your weekend!

Class Round Up

What’s the latest news from Year 1, Year 2 and Class B2? Let’s have a look and see.

Year 1

We have been really busy in year 1 so far this half term.

In our DT topic we have been learning how to build a stable bridge. We have been testing a range of materials to find the strongest one.

We have been folding paper in a variety of ways to see how we can make it stronger.

We sketched out our designs for our bridge and chose the materials and tools that we will need to make our bridge and have now started to make the bridges using our design.

Year 2

A mystery occurred in our classroom! We came into school to find that the classroom was covered in lily pads! Lily pads on the floor, on the tables and on the chairs! We looked at clues to investigate and had lots of interesting thoughts as to why this might be.

We thought that perhaps we’d had a visit from some cheeky frogs! This reminded Miss Clark of a story called ‘Tuesday,’ where some seemingly ordinary frogs from a pond go on a magical adventure throughout a city. We decided to use this unusual event to write a mystery narrative. 

In Design and Technology, our class has been engaged in a hands-on project of designing and making moving vehicles.

The children have been very creative in planning and constructing their vehicles, applying their knowledge of materials and mechanisms. It has been wonderful to see them working collaboratively throughout this topic.

Class B2

B2 have been enjoying doing ‘Dance’ in PE. We have been listening  to different genres of music and moving our bodies  in relation to the music. We chose the song ‘Murder on the Dance Floor’ and have created a movement sequence that coincides with the song.

In Art, we are studying Lucy Pittaway. She is a local artist. We listened to music and drew shapes in a style that matches Lucy Pittaway. We created a mood board and looked at warm and cool colours and created observational drawings from her marvellous art work.

We also enjoyed celebrating World Book Day. Our very own Snow White was poisoned by a pear! Luckily, she was ok!


Each week we have an ‘Awesome Attendance’ competition for the class or classes with the highest attendance. The class with the highest attendance will receive a letter and the first class to spell out ‘Awesome’ receives a treat for the whole class.

Which class will be the first to receive that treat?

This weeks winners are………

Missed Learning

37 days of missed learning occurred this week due to unauthorised absences. Unauthorised absences are for holidays, parents/carers not contacting the academy or any other unexplained absence. With most minor ailments, children can be in school, so we really encourage you to think about keeping your child at home.

100% Attendance

This week we had 223 children who achieved 100% Attendance for this week, which is Brilliant!

A huge WELL DONE to you all.

Can you get 100% next week?

Missed Appointments

We strive to accommodate parents/carers with appointment times within the academy. Unfortunately we have noticed that many appointments have been missed, occasionally this may be due to unforeseen circumstances. If you have to cancel and/or re-arrange your appointment, please ensure you contact the academy as soon as possible. Failing to turn up for an appointment and not contacting the academy to cancel it has an adverse effect on other parents/carers appointment times. This can also take valuable staff time that could have been utilised by other parents.


There would appear to be a problem with head lice in the academy.  Several parents have informed us that their child has headlice; obviously this must mean that there are other children who also have the problem. 

I have taken this opportunity to provide some up-to-date advice for treating headlice and I would ask every parent to please check their child’s hair tonight and every night and treat if necessary. 

It is not sufficient to simply shampoo your child’s hair; this will not get rid of the lice – parents should visit a chemist, supermarket or see their family doctor to purchase or obtain a prescription for headlice lotion and follow the instructions.  An alternative method, and one which does not involve the use of chemicals, is as follows: 

  • Fill a sink with water 
  • Wet the child’s hair 
  • Apply conditioner 
  • Comb (with a fine tooth comb or nit comb) the child’s hair into the sink.  If there are any lice they will fall out into the water. 

It is recommended that the above treatment be done for at least 4 days. 

If you know your child has headlice, please treat it as soon as possible and check your child’s hair every night.   

The school nurse can be contacted via school, if any further advice or information is needed

Diary Dates and Reminders

Lunch Menu

Next weeks choices will be Week 2

Nut Free Academy

A reminder to all parents we are a Nut Free Academy, please read below.

Links to support our Children and Families

Actions for Happiness

What actions could you take to have a Mindful March.

Cost of Living

SEND Family Voice

World Book Day Story Writing Competition

To celebrate World Book Day and National Careers Week, Building our Future would like you to write a story, of a maximum of 500 words, that explains why it is important to know where we get energy, and how we use it.

We want you to create an “Energy Superhero” – we want a fantastic name for your hero, and they must have Super Powers – these are sources of energy, such as Wind, Solar, Tidal, Biomass….the list goes on.

What will happen to your Superhero? Why do they need to use their Energy Super Powers? Will they save the day or the planet?

The only limit is the number of words – we want the most creative, wonderful stories, and it can include illustrations.

Prizes will include a book voucher for the winning entry, and a class visit to the O&M Base for Dogger Bank Wind Farm, at the Port of Tyne.

The wind farm is being built in the North Sea, and will be the largest offshore wind farm in the world, with nearly 300 wind turbines. The cables that will transmit the renewable electricity from the wind farm and into the national electricity network to be distributed to homes and businesses are being buried right under our feet here in the Tees Valley.

Entries should be submitted to Jacqui Hutchinson, Primary Careers Co-ordinator, via the RCVDA Building our Future web page: https://www.rcvda.org.uk/2024/03/06/world-book-day-competition-building-our-future/ or via your school teacher.

Deadline for entries is Friday 12th April (so you have the Easter holidays too to work on your story), and judges will include Equinor and SSE Renewables representatives from Dogger Bank Wind Farm, wind farm supply chain company Keltbray, Teesside Un


You can get your children’s uniform here.

Lollipops have a preloved rail out on the shop floor with various items on including polo tops, trousers, sweatshirts/cardigans, shoes, plimsolls, summer dresses etc. All items on the rail are free for anyone to take, they just ask for customers to be considerate of others when taking items. There is a box for anyone who would like to make donations which we then add to the rail.

Facebook – @lollipopsmiddlesbrough

Twitter – @LollipopsMiddl1

Instagram – @lollipops_middlesbrough

20 Norfolk Place
Berwick Hills

National Sleep Helpline

The 4 T’s of Diabetes

Childcare information


Families Drop In

Online Courses for Parents

Access to Research

MAX Card

Latest News

Academy News

Weekly Blog 7th February

Class Dojo Do you know the school now uses Class Dojo? This...

Full details

Weekly Blog 31st January

Mrs Kell Weekly Update Class Dojo Do you know the school now...

Full details

Weekly Blog 24th January

Mrs Kell Weekly Update Dear Parents/ Carers, It has been a windy...

Full details

Weekly Blog 17th January

Message from Mrs Kell Dear Parents/ Carers, I can't believe Friday has...

Full details

New Year Blog 10th January

Message from Mrs Kell Welcome back! I hope that the school community...

Full details

End of Term Blog 20th December

Message from Mrs Kell Reindeer Run Last week we held the annual...

Full details
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Comments Box SVG iconsUsed for the like, share, comment, and reaction icons

We are so proud to have been nominated and invited to the RCBC Mayor's Community Achievement Awards 24/25 at the Council Chambers last night.
These six pupils, who form our JLT (Junior Leadership Team), led by the fabulous Mrs Sherwood, have been exemplary in forming and shaping our farm shop and soon to launch, eco-refill products. Did you know: Between 70-100 people visit our farm shop every week!

We are so proud of you all!
Mrs Kell
... See MoreSee Less

We are so proud to have been nominated and invited to the RCBC Mayors Community Achievement Awards 24/25 at the Council Chambers last night. 
These six pupils, who form our JLT (Junior Leadership Team), led by the fabulous Mrs Sherwood, have been exemplary in forming and shaping our farm shop and soon to launch, eco-refill products. Did you know: Between 70-100 people visit our farm shop every week! 

We are so proud of you all!
Mrs KellImage attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

8 CommentsComment on Facebook


Amazing 🤩

Well done amazing achievement ⭐️

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Well done to last week's Head Teacher's Award winners and Pot of gold winners! ⭐ ... See MoreSee Less

Well done to last weeks Head Teachers Award winners and Pot of gold winners! ⭐Image attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

3 CommentsComment on Facebook

Well done all

Well done

Well done kids 👏🏻👏🏻

We are so proud of our Nursery staff and pupils! Just look at these wondrous, impactful experiences, spaces and places for our youngest pupils. We have been scouring Facebook Marketplace, charity shops and our homes to transform the space beyond colourful plastic norms to recycled materials and authentic resources. We hope you love it as much as we do!

Mrs Kell
... See MoreSee Less

We are so proud of our Nursery staff and pupils! Just look at these wondrous, impactful experiences, spaces and places for our youngest pupils. We have been scouring Facebook Marketplace, charity shops and our homes to transform the space beyond colourful plastic norms to recycled materials and authentic resources. We hope you love it as much as we do!

Mrs KellImage attachmentImage attachment+7Image attachment

Arlo's first day was a success! Arlo has visited most classrooms and has been on the KS2 gate on a morning so far. He loved running around the field and playing at lunchtime with pupils wearing their wellies.
Thank you Sam Bell for making him a gorgeous bandana so he was 'Dormanstown Ready'
Follow more of Arlo's adventures on Facebook and class Dojo pages.
Mrs Kell
... See MoreSee Less

Arlos first day was a success! Arlo has visited most classrooms and has been on the KS2 gate on a morning so far. He loved running around the field and playing at lunchtime with pupils wearing their wellies.
Thank you Sam Bell for making him a gorgeous bandana so he was Dormanstown Ready
Follow more of Arlos adventures on Facebook and class Dojo pages.
Mrs KellImage attachmentImage attachment+2Image attachment

2 CommentsComment on Facebook


Amazing! Can’t wait to meet Arlo.

GONE PENDING COLLECTION - Free to a good home!
Surplus to requirements, needs to be collected from the academy before Friday lunchtime. Please ring 01642 483696 and leave a message, first come, first served.
... See MoreSee Less

GONE PENDING COLLECTION - Free to a good home!
Surplus to requirements, needs to be collected from the academy before Friday lunchtime. Please ring 01642 483696 and leave a message, first come, first served.Image attachment

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Please can I be concerned for wordrobe please

Well done to our fabulous Head Teacher's Award winner! And congratulations to last week's Pot of Gold winners! Have a wonderful half term and we will see you all on Monday 3rd March. ... See MoreSee Less

Well done to our fabulous Head Teachers Award winner! And congratulations to last weeks Pot of Gold winners! Have a wonderful half term and we will see you all on Monday 3rd March.Image attachmentImage attachment+8Image attachment

3 CommentsComment on Facebook

Well done all

Well done all.xxx

Well done 👏 all x

Photos from Dormanstown Primary Academy's post ... See MoreSee Less

Image attachment

This afternoon was the first half termly headteacher's afternoon tea party.

A huge well done to this lovely group - The first 6 pupils to receive a headteacher's award. Richly deserved and a pleasure to spend time with!

Can you spot a couple of them raising their little finger as they drink their 'tea'?
Mrs Kell
... See MoreSee Less

This afternoon was the first half termly headteachers afternoon tea party. 

A huge well done to this lovely group - The first 6 pupils to receive a headteachers award. Richly deserved and a pleasure to spend time with!

Can you spot a couple of them raising their little finger as they drink their tea? 
Mrs KellImage attachmentImage attachment+7Image attachment

17 CommentsComment on Facebook

Danielle Phillipa Duke Ginge Liam Campbell well done everyone 👏

Well done everyone xx x

Well done kids

Load More

Our school farm shop is stocked for this week.

Last week over 100 families visited the farm shop! For those families that have yet to visit, It is 6 items for £2 cash.

One item is a bag of fresh tomatoes, a pack of socks, a bag of nappies, a box of Lurpak individuals or a box of M and S shortbread! We have kept some stock in reserve to allow us to re-stock the shelves over the next few days. Don't forget to look in the freezer as well!

Mrs Kell
#community #communitysupport #communitylove #combattingfoodwaste #environmentallyfriendly
... See MoreSee Less

Our school farm shop is stocked for this week. 

Last week over 100 families visited the farm shop! For those families that have yet to visit, It is 6 items for £2 cash. 

One item is a bag of fresh tomatoes, a pack of socks, a bag of nappies, a box of Lurpak individuals or a box of M and S shortbread! We have kept some stock in reserve to allow us to re-stock the shelves over the next few days. Dont forget to look in the freezer as well!

Mrs Kell
#community #communitysupport #communitylove #combattingfoodwaste #environmentallyfriendlyImage attachmentImage attachment+2Image attachment

2 CommentsComment on Facebook

Is this open to the whole dormanstown community or just those with little ones at school? I love the idea and less package waste going to landfill.

What a wonderful idea 💡 👏

Load more

Weekly Blog 1st March

Weekly Round Up

We’ve had an extra day this week with the leap year – and classes have certainly made the most of it!

Year 4 have been out at a net and wall PE event with Redcar and Eston Sports Partnership. They did an amazing job, and Miss Hogarth was amazed by how well the children adapted to a range of sports and activities. We loved how well the children worked together, and the sports leaders were incredibly complementary of their behaviour and attitudes.

We have also had Paula McMahon from McAlpine visit KS1 to talk about her work in industry, and as an author! The children had the chance to listen to stories, and to ask questions about jobs and professions in the local area.

Next week is World Book Day!

We will be celebrating throughout the week, culminating on Thursday with the official day itself!

On the day we will be allowing children to come in fancy dress as their favourite book or story character, and staff will be putting on a range of fun activities for the children to enjoy.

At the end of the day, children will receive their book token for a free book which they can redeem in a range of suppliers.

We really look forward to seeing the children’s costume ideas – if you have any questions please ask at the gate or speak to child’s class teacher.

Class Round Up

Let’s see what Nursery, Reception and Class B1 have to show us.


Over the past couple of weeks, Nursery have been enjoying the of story Jack and the Beanstalk and learning how seeds grow. 

The learning that has taken place has been fantastic, from measuring beanstalks, to counting seeds and even planting some of our own sunflower seeds. 

We are very excited to see the life cycle of a plant come to life by watching and observing them grow. 

We are also very lucky to be continuing our learning on life cycles and caring for plants and animals by welcoming some special, fluffy, feathered friends into Nursery next week. 

We look forward to sharing more of learning with you soon! 


This week in Reception we have been learning about healthy eating.

We used the story Oliver’s Vegetables to explore a variety of healthy foods.

We have enjoyed weighing, feeling, and trying new foods. Our class talked about healthy diets and what foods we shouldn’t eat lots of, we have all thoroughly enjoyed our learning this week!

Class B1

Since coming back after the half term, we have been busy learning the naming vocabulary for different parts of our body.

We started with our faces and used mirrors to look at and label our own facial features. We also created faces using different resources.

We then moved onto labelling our body parts. We used label plasters to stick on dolly and also labelled our own pictures.


Each week we have an ‘Awesome Attendance’ competition for the class or classes with the highest attendance. The class with the highest attendance will receive a letter and the first class to spell out ‘Awesome’ receives a treat for the whole class.

Which class will be the first to receive that treat?

This weeks winners are………

Missed Learning

21.5 days of missed learning occurred this week due to unauthorised absences. Unauthorised absences are for holidays, parents/carers not contacting the academy or any other unexplained absence. With most minor ailments, children can be in school, so we really encourage you to think about keeping your child at home.

100% Attendance

This week we had 224 children who achieved 100% Attendance for this week, which is Amazing!

A huge WELL DONE to you all.

Can you get 100% next week?

Missed Appointments

We strive to accommodate parents/carers with appointment times within the academy. Unfortunately we have noticed that many appointments have been missed, occasionally this may be due to unforeseen circumstances. If you have to cancel and/or re-arrange your appointment, please ensure you contact the academy as soon as possible. Failing to turn up for an appointment and not contacting the academy to cancel it has an adverse effect on other parents/carers appointment times. This can also take valuable staff time that could have been utilised by other parents.


There would appear to be a problem with head lice in the academy.  Several parents have informed us that their child has headlice; obviously this must mean that there are other children who also have the problem. 

I have taken this opportunity to provide some up-to-date advice for treating headlice and I would ask every parent to please check their child’s hair tonight and every night and treat if necessary. 

It is not sufficient to simply shampoo your child’s hair; this will not get rid of the lice – parents should visit a chemist, supermarket or see their family doctor to purchase or obtain a prescription for headlice lotion and follow the instructions.  An alternative method, and one which does not involve the use of chemicals, is as follows: 

  • Fill a sink with water 
  • Wet the child’s hair 
  • Apply conditioner 
  • Comb (with a fine tooth comb or nit comb) the child’s hair into the sink.  If there are any lice they will fall out into the water. 

It is recommended that the above treatment be done for at least 4 days. 

If you know your child has headlice, please treat it as soon as possible and check your child’s hair every night.   

The school nurse can be contacted via school, if any further advice or information is needed

Diary Dates and Reminders

Lunch Menu

Next weeks choices will be Week 1.

Also to celebrate World Book Day our kitchen staff have prepared a themed menu for children to enjoy

Nut Free Academy

A reminder to all parents we are a Nut Free Academy, please read below.

Links to support our Children and Families

Actions for Happiness

New month, means new actions for a Mindful March.

Cost of Living


You can get your children’s uniform here.

Lollipops have a preloved rail out on the shop floor with various items on including polo tops, trousers, sweatshirts/cardigans, shoes, plimsolls, summer dresses etc. All items on the rail are free for anyone to take, they just ask for customers to be considerate of others when taking items. There is a box for anyone who would like to make donations which we then add to the rail.

Facebook – @lollipopsmiddlesbrough

Twitter – @LollipopsMiddl1

Instagram – @lollipops_middlesbrough

20 Norfolk Place
Berwick Hills

National Sleep Helpline

The 4 T’s of Diabetes

Childcare information


Families Drop In

Online Courses for Parents

Access to Research

MAX Card

Latest News

Academy News

Weekly Blog 7th February

Class Dojo Do you know the school now uses Class Dojo? This...

Full details

Weekly Blog 31st January

Mrs Kell Weekly Update Class Dojo Do you know the school now...

Full details

Weekly Blog 24th January

Mrs Kell Weekly Update Dear Parents/ Carers, It has been a windy...

Full details

Weekly Blog 17th January

Message from Mrs Kell Dear Parents/ Carers, I can't believe Friday has...

Full details

New Year Blog 10th January

Message from Mrs Kell Welcome back! I hope that the school community...

Full details

End of Term Blog 20th December

Message from Mrs Kell Reindeer Run Last week we held the annual...

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Comments Box SVG iconsUsed for the like, share, comment, and reaction icons

We are so proud to have been nominated and invited to the RCBC Mayor's Community Achievement Awards 24/25 at the Council Chambers last night.
These six pupils, who form our JLT (Junior Leadership Team), led by the fabulous Mrs Sherwood, have been exemplary in forming and shaping our farm shop and soon to launch, eco-refill products. Did you know: Between 70-100 people visit our farm shop every week!

We are so proud of you all!
Mrs Kell
... See MoreSee Less

We are so proud to have been nominated and invited to the RCBC Mayors Community Achievement Awards 24/25 at the Council Chambers last night. 
These six pupils, who form our JLT (Junior Leadership Team), led by the fabulous Mrs Sherwood, have been exemplary in forming and shaping our farm shop and soon to launch, eco-refill products. Did you know: Between 70-100 people visit our farm shop every week! 

We are so proud of you all!
Mrs KellImage attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

8 CommentsComment on Facebook


Amazing 🤩

Well done amazing achievement ⭐️

Load More

Well done to last week's Head Teacher's Award winners and Pot of gold winners! ⭐ ... See MoreSee Less

Well done to last weeks Head Teachers Award winners and Pot of gold winners! ⭐Image attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

3 CommentsComment on Facebook

Well done all

Well done

Well done kids 👏🏻👏🏻

We are so proud of our Nursery staff and pupils! Just look at these wondrous, impactful experiences, spaces and places for our youngest pupils. We have been scouring Facebook Marketplace, charity shops and our homes to transform the space beyond colourful plastic norms to recycled materials and authentic resources. We hope you love it as much as we do!

Mrs Kell
... See MoreSee Less

We are so proud of our Nursery staff and pupils! Just look at these wondrous, impactful experiences, spaces and places for our youngest pupils. We have been scouring Facebook Marketplace, charity shops and our homes to transform the space beyond colourful plastic norms to recycled materials and authentic resources. We hope you love it as much as we do!

Mrs KellImage attachmentImage attachment+7Image attachment

Arlo's first day was a success! Arlo has visited most classrooms and has been on the KS2 gate on a morning so far. He loved running around the field and playing at lunchtime with pupils wearing their wellies.
Thank you Sam Bell for making him a gorgeous bandana so he was 'Dormanstown Ready'
Follow more of Arlo's adventures on Facebook and class Dojo pages.
Mrs Kell
... See MoreSee Less

Arlos first day was a success! Arlo has visited most classrooms and has been on the KS2 gate on a morning so far. He loved running around the field and playing at lunchtime with pupils wearing their wellies.
Thank you Sam Bell for making him a gorgeous bandana so he was Dormanstown Ready
Follow more of Arlos adventures on Facebook and class Dojo pages.
Mrs KellImage attachmentImage attachment+2Image attachment

2 CommentsComment on Facebook


Amazing! Can’t wait to meet Arlo.

GONE PENDING COLLECTION - Free to a good home!
Surplus to requirements, needs to be collected from the academy before Friday lunchtime. Please ring 01642 483696 and leave a message, first come, first served.
... See MoreSee Less

GONE PENDING COLLECTION - Free to a good home!
Surplus to requirements, needs to be collected from the academy before Friday lunchtime. Please ring 01642 483696 and leave a message, first come, first served.Image attachment

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Please can I be concerned for wordrobe please

Well done to our fabulous Head Teacher's Award winner! And congratulations to last week's Pot of Gold winners! Have a wonderful half term and we will see you all on Monday 3rd March. ... See MoreSee Less

Well done to our fabulous Head Teachers Award winner! And congratulations to last weeks Pot of Gold winners! Have a wonderful half term and we will see you all on Monday 3rd March.Image attachmentImage attachment+8Image attachment

3 CommentsComment on Facebook

Well done all

Well done all.xxx

Well done 👏 all x

Photos from Dormanstown Primary Academy's post ... See MoreSee Less

Image attachment

This afternoon was the first half termly headteacher's afternoon tea party.

A huge well done to this lovely group - The first 6 pupils to receive a headteacher's award. Richly deserved and a pleasure to spend time with!

Can you spot a couple of them raising their little finger as they drink their 'tea'?
Mrs Kell
... See MoreSee Less

This afternoon was the first half termly headteachers afternoon tea party. 

A huge well done to this lovely group - The first 6 pupils to receive a headteachers award. Richly deserved and a pleasure to spend time with!

Can you spot a couple of them raising their little finger as they drink their tea? 
Mrs KellImage attachmentImage attachment+7Image attachment

17 CommentsComment on Facebook

Danielle Phillipa Duke Ginge Liam Campbell well done everyone 👏

Well done everyone xx x

Well done kids

Load More

Our school farm shop is stocked for this week.

Last week over 100 families visited the farm shop! For those families that have yet to visit, It is 6 items for £2 cash.

One item is a bag of fresh tomatoes, a pack of socks, a bag of nappies, a box of Lurpak individuals or a box of M and S shortbread! We have kept some stock in reserve to allow us to re-stock the shelves over the next few days. Don't forget to look in the freezer as well!

Mrs Kell
#community #communitysupport #communitylove #combattingfoodwaste #environmentallyfriendly
... See MoreSee Less

Our school farm shop is stocked for this week. 

Last week over 100 families visited the farm shop! For those families that have yet to visit, It is 6 items for £2 cash. 

One item is a bag of fresh tomatoes, a pack of socks, a bag of nappies, a box of Lurpak individuals or a box of M and S shortbread! We have kept some stock in reserve to allow us to re-stock the shelves over the next few days. Dont forget to look in the freezer as well!

Mrs Kell
#community #communitysupport #communitylove #combattingfoodwaste #environmentallyfriendlyImage attachmentImage attachment+2Image attachment

2 CommentsComment on Facebook

Is this open to the whole dormanstown community or just those with little ones at school? I love the idea and less package waste going to landfill.

What a wonderful idea 💡 👏

Load more

Weekly Blog 23rd February

Weekly Round Up

We are back!

We hope everyone in our school community has had a wonderful week off, and that you are excited to see what the next half term brings!

All the adults in school have been amazed at how quickly children have settled back into work this week, and there has already been some superb successes in classrooms with wonderful work, exemplary behaviour and top teamwork on show!

The highlight of the week has got to be the incredible choir trip to Sheffield for Young Voices, which has become a highlight of our yearly calendar!

The children had a long but magical day – setting off bright and early on the bus before a day of rehearsals, pizza and singing, all in preparation for a showcase concert in front of thousands of parents. Mrs Smuk has done a fantastic job preparing the children, and was blown away by how well they did throughout the whole day – and you can see on our Facebook page a snapshot of some of the fun they got up to!

Whilst this half term is short, we have a huge amount to pack in – so keep an eye on parent mail and social media for more updates soon!

Class Round up

Let’s see how Year 5, Year 6 and Class B4 are getting on this week.

Year 5

We have had a super start to the term in Y5 and have really hit the ground running. We have begun a new writing genre which is a narrative based on a quest and in maths we have tackled some tricky problems involving decimals, fractions and percentages.

One of our favourite times of the week though is when Mrs Norris comes in to teach us violins, we are getting better each session, and we can even play an Imagine Dragons song! 

Year 6

This week Y6 launched Book of the Year 24!

Our head boy and girl visited all the classes around school to share the new stories, and to promote reading for pleasure.

They were amazing at inspiring the other children and sharing stories. The other children now have the 5 chapter books to read, so please talk to your children about what they are reading!

Class B4

What a short but fun filled term we’ve had. The children have written a great recount after our visit to Foxrush and problem solved their way through the four operations in maths. After discovering how many wives Henry VII had and what types of Biomes we have in the world, we are focusing on RE and the faith Sikhism understanding their belief around equality and the 5 Ks. After this we will be looking at creating a soft toy in DT and Jean -Michael Basquiat in Art.

The children debating if Henry should leave the church or not!

Sharing Jokes and riddles at Foxrush.


Each week we have an ‘Awesome Attendance’ competition for the class or classes with the highest attendance. The class with the highest attendance will receive a letter and the first class to spell out ‘Awesome’ receives a treat for the whole class.

Which class will be the first to receive that treat?

This weeks winners are………

Missed Learning

38.5 days of missed learning occurred this week due to unauthorised absences. Unauthorised absences are for holidays, parents/carers not contacting the academy or any other unexplained absence. With most minor ailments, children can be in school, so we really encourage you to think about keeping your child at home.

100% Attendance

This week we had 222 children who achieved 100% Attendance for this week, which is Outstanding!

A huge WELL DONE to you all.

Can you get 100% next week?

Missed Appointments

We strive to accommodate parents/carers with appointment times within the academy. Unfortunately we have noticed that many appointments have been missed, occasionally this may be due to unforeseen circumstances. If you have to cancel and/or re-arrange your appointment, please ensure you contact the academy as soon as possible. Failing to turn up for an appointment and not contacting the academy to cancel it has an adverse effect on other parents/carers appointment times. This can also take valuable staff time that could have been utilised by other parents.


There would appear to be a problem with head lice in the academy.  Several parents have informed us that their child has headlice; obviously this must mean that there are other children who also have the problem. 

I have taken this opportunity to provide some up-to-date advice for treating headlice and I would ask every parent to please check their child’s hair tonight and every night and treat if necessary. 

It is not sufficient to simply shampoo your child’s hair; this will not get rid of the lice – parents should visit a chemist, supermarket or see their family doctor to purchase or obtain a prescription for headlice lotion and follow the instructions.  An alternative method, and one which does not involve the use of chemicals, is as follows: 

  • Fill a sink with water 
  • Wet the child’s hair 
  • Apply conditioner 
  • Comb (with a fine tooth comb or nit comb) the child’s hair into the sink.  If there are any lice they will fall out into the water. 

It is recommended that the above treatment be done for at least 4 days. 

If you know your child has headlice, please treat it as soon as possible and check your child’s hair every night.   

The school nurse can be contacted via school, if any further advice or information is needed

Diary Dates and Reminders

*Can we please request only two adults per child attend parental engagements, thank you.

Lunch Menu

Next weeks choices will be Week 3.

Nut Free Academy

A reminder to all parents we are a Nut Free Academy, please read below.

Links to support our Children and Families

Actions for Happiness

Eating Disorder Awareness

Cost of Living


You can get your children’s uniform here.

Lollipops have a preloved rail out on the shop floor with various items on including polo tops, trousers, sweatshirts/cardigans, shoes, plimsolls, summer dresses etc. All items on the rail are free for anyone to take, they just ask for customers to be considerate of others when taking items. There is a box for anyone who would like to make donations which we then add to the rail.

Facebook – @lollipopsmiddlesbrough

Twitter – @LollipopsMiddl1

Instagram – @lollipops_middlesbrough

20 Norfolk Place
Berwick Hills

National Sleep Helpline

The 4 T’s of Diabetes

Childcare information


Families Drop In

Online Courses for Parents

Access to Research

MAX Card

Latest News

Academy News

Weekly Blog 7th February

Class Dojo Do you know the school now uses Class Dojo? This...

Full details

Weekly Blog 31st January

Mrs Kell Weekly Update Class Dojo Do you know the school now...

Full details

Weekly Blog 24th January

Mrs Kell Weekly Update Dear Parents/ Carers, It has been a windy...

Full details

Weekly Blog 17th January

Message from Mrs Kell Dear Parents/ Carers, I can't believe Friday has...

Full details

New Year Blog 10th January

Message from Mrs Kell Welcome back! I hope that the school community...

Full details

End of Term Blog 20th December

Message from Mrs Kell Reindeer Run Last week we held the annual...

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Comments Box SVG iconsUsed for the like, share, comment, and reaction icons

We are so proud to have been nominated and invited to the RCBC Mayor's Community Achievement Awards 24/25 at the Council Chambers last night.
These six pupils, who form our JLT (Junior Leadership Team), led by the fabulous Mrs Sherwood, have been exemplary in forming and shaping our farm shop and soon to launch, eco-refill products. Did you know: Between 70-100 people visit our farm shop every week!

We are so proud of you all!
Mrs Kell
... See MoreSee Less

We are so proud to have been nominated and invited to the RCBC Mayors Community Achievement Awards 24/25 at the Council Chambers last night. 
These six pupils, who form our JLT (Junior Leadership Team), led by the fabulous Mrs Sherwood, have been exemplary in forming and shaping our farm shop and soon to launch, eco-refill products. Did you know: Between 70-100 people visit our farm shop every week! 

We are so proud of you all!
Mrs KellImage attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

8 CommentsComment on Facebook


Amazing 🤩

Well done amazing achievement ⭐️

Load More

Well done to last week's Head Teacher's Award winners and Pot of gold winners! ⭐ ... See MoreSee Less

Well done to last weeks Head Teachers Award winners and Pot of gold winners! ⭐Image attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

3 CommentsComment on Facebook

Well done all

Well done

Well done kids 👏🏻👏🏻

We are so proud of our Nursery staff and pupils! Just look at these wondrous, impactful experiences, spaces and places for our youngest pupils. We have been scouring Facebook Marketplace, charity shops and our homes to transform the space beyond colourful plastic norms to recycled materials and authentic resources. We hope you love it as much as we do!

Mrs Kell
... See MoreSee Less

We are so proud of our Nursery staff and pupils! Just look at these wondrous, impactful experiences, spaces and places for our youngest pupils. We have been scouring Facebook Marketplace, charity shops and our homes to transform the space beyond colourful plastic norms to recycled materials and authentic resources. We hope you love it as much as we do!

Mrs KellImage attachmentImage attachment+7Image attachment

Arlo's first day was a success! Arlo has visited most classrooms and has been on the KS2 gate on a morning so far. He loved running around the field and playing at lunchtime with pupils wearing their wellies.
Thank you Sam Bell for making him a gorgeous bandana so he was 'Dormanstown Ready'
Follow more of Arlo's adventures on Facebook and class Dojo pages.
Mrs Kell
... See MoreSee Less

Arlos first day was a success! Arlo has visited most classrooms and has been on the KS2 gate on a morning so far. He loved running around the field and playing at lunchtime with pupils wearing their wellies.
Thank you Sam Bell for making him a gorgeous bandana so he was Dormanstown Ready
Follow more of Arlos adventures on Facebook and class Dojo pages.
Mrs KellImage attachmentImage attachment+2Image attachment

2 CommentsComment on Facebook


Amazing! Can’t wait to meet Arlo.

GONE PENDING COLLECTION - Free to a good home!
Surplus to requirements, needs to be collected from the academy before Friday lunchtime. Please ring 01642 483696 and leave a message, first come, first served.
... See MoreSee Less

GONE PENDING COLLECTION - Free to a good home!
Surplus to requirements, needs to be collected from the academy before Friday lunchtime. Please ring 01642 483696 and leave a message, first come, first served.Image attachment

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Please can I be concerned for wordrobe please

Well done to our fabulous Head Teacher's Award winner! And congratulations to last week's Pot of Gold winners! Have a wonderful half term and we will see you all on Monday 3rd March. ... See MoreSee Less

Well done to our fabulous Head Teachers Award winner! And congratulations to last weeks Pot of Gold winners! Have a wonderful half term and we will see you all on Monday 3rd March.Image attachmentImage attachment+8Image attachment

3 CommentsComment on Facebook

Well done all

Well done all.xxx

Well done 👏 all x

Photos from Dormanstown Primary Academy's post ... See MoreSee Less

Image attachment

This afternoon was the first half termly headteacher's afternoon tea party.

A huge well done to this lovely group - The first 6 pupils to receive a headteacher's award. Richly deserved and a pleasure to spend time with!

Can you spot a couple of them raising their little finger as they drink their 'tea'?
Mrs Kell
... See MoreSee Less

This afternoon was the first half termly headteachers afternoon tea party. 

A huge well done to this lovely group - The first 6 pupils to receive a headteachers award. Richly deserved and a pleasure to spend time with!

Can you spot a couple of them raising their little finger as they drink their tea? 
Mrs KellImage attachmentImage attachment+7Image attachment

17 CommentsComment on Facebook

Danielle Phillipa Duke Ginge Liam Campbell well done everyone 👏

Well done everyone xx x

Well done kids

Load More

Our school farm shop is stocked for this week.

Last week over 100 families visited the farm shop! For those families that have yet to visit, It is 6 items for £2 cash.

One item is a bag of fresh tomatoes, a pack of socks, a bag of nappies, a box of Lurpak individuals or a box of M and S shortbread! We have kept some stock in reserve to allow us to re-stock the shelves over the next few days. Don't forget to look in the freezer as well!

Mrs Kell
#community #communitysupport #communitylove #combattingfoodwaste #environmentallyfriendly
... See MoreSee Less

Our school farm shop is stocked for this week. 

Last week over 100 families visited the farm shop! For those families that have yet to visit, It is 6 items for £2 cash. 

One item is a bag of fresh tomatoes, a pack of socks, a bag of nappies, a box of Lurpak individuals or a box of M and S shortbread! We have kept some stock in reserve to allow us to re-stock the shelves over the next few days. Dont forget to look in the freezer as well!

Mrs Kell
#community #communitysupport #communitylove #combattingfoodwaste #environmentallyfriendlyImage attachmentImage attachment+2Image attachment

2 CommentsComment on Facebook

Is this open to the whole dormanstown community or just those with little ones at school? I love the idea and less package waste going to landfill.

What a wonderful idea 💡 👏

Load more

Weekly Blog 9th February

Weekly Round up

What a whirlwind of a half term that has been!

We’ve had so many highs and lows, and we hope that you are all looking forward to a much-deserved rest.

This week reception have had lots of exciting fun on balance bikes, and have really impressed staff with how well they have developed, and how safely and responsibly they have behaved throughout.

Our Power of Women ambassadors have also been out this week, and represented school incredibly well at an event with other schools and industry professionals at Hartlepool College.

We hope our whole school community have a lovely half term, and enjoy pancake day, Chinese New Year and spending time together,

See you in a week!

Class Round up

Let’s see what Year 4 and Class B3 have been doing.

Year 4

Last week, Year 4 really enjoyed inviting our parents in to work collaboratively with them on various different science experiments, which focused on our topic, ‘states of matter’.

We also managed to showcase our geography learning of the water cycle. The children were able to discuss with their parents how water changes state throughout the cycle.

Class B3

This term B3 have been learning about Ancient Egypt. They have learnt about the River Nile and why it is important.

They have played an Ancient Egyptian game, made pyramids, written their names in hieroglyphics and used a map around school to find ancient artefacts.                   


Each week we have an ‘Awesome Attendance’ competition for the class or classes with the highest attendance. The class with the highest attendance will receive a letter and the first class to spell out ‘Awesome’ receives a treat for the whole class.

Which class will be the first to receive that treat?

This weeks winners are………

Missed Learning

60 days of missed learning occurred this week due to unauthorised absences. Unauthorised absences are for holidays, parents/carers not contacting the academy or any other unexplained absence. With most minor ailments, children can be in school, so we really encourage you to think about keeping your child at home.

100% Attendance

This week we had 205 children who achieved 100% Attendance for this week, which is Fantastic!

A huge WELL DONE to you all.

Can you get 100% when we return?

Missed Appointments

We strive to accommodate parents/carers with appointment times within the academy. Unfortunately we have noticed that many appointments have been missed, occasionally this may be due to unforeseen circumstances. If you have to cancel and/or re-arrange your appointment, please ensure you contact the academy as soon as possible. Failing to turn up for an appointment and not contacting the academy to cancel it has an adverse effect on other parents/carers appointment times. This can also take valuable staff time that could have been utilised by other parents.


There would appear to be a problem with head lice in the academy.  Several parents have informed us that their child has headlice; obviously this must mean that there are other children who also have the problem. 

I have taken this opportunity to provide some up-to-date advice for treating headlice and I would ask every parent to please check their child’s hair tonight and every night and treat if necessary. 

It is not sufficient to simply shampoo your child’s hair; this will not get rid of the lice – parents should visit a chemist, supermarket or see their family doctor to purchase or obtain a prescription for headlice lotion and follow the instructions.  An alternative method, and one which does not involve the use of chemicals, is as follows: 

  • Fill a sink with water 
  • Wet the child’s hair 
  • Apply conditioner 
  • Comb (with a fine tooth comb or nit comb) the child’s hair into the sink.  If there are any lice they will fall out into the water. 

It is recommended that the above treatment be done for at least 4 days. 

If you know your child has headlice, please treat it as soon as possible and check your child’s hair every night.   

The school nurse can be contacted via school, if any further advice or information is needed

Diary Dates and Reminders

Lunch Menu

When we return choices will be Week 2, with Chinese

Nut Free Academy

A reminder to all parents we are a Nut Free Academy, please read below.

Links to support our Children and Families

Actions for Happiness

New month means new Actions for Happiness to do every day.

Cost of Living

Keeping Children Safe online

National Sleep Helpline

The 4 T’s of Diabetes


Families Drop In

Online Courses for Parents

Access to Research

MAX Card


You can also get your children’s uniform here.

Lollipops have a preloved rail out on the shop floor with various items on including polo tops, trousers, sweatshirts/cardigans, shoes, plimsolls, summer dresses etc. All items on the rail are free for anyone to take, they just ask for customers to be considerate of others when taking items. There is a box for anyone who would like to make donations which we then add to the rail.

Facebook – @lollipopsmiddlesbrough

Twitter – @LollipopsMiddl1

Instagram – @lollipops_middlesbrough

20 Norfolk Place
Berwick Hills

Latest News

Academy News

Weekly Blog 7th February

Class Dojo Do you know the school now uses Class Dojo? This...

Full details

Weekly Blog 31st January

Mrs Kell Weekly Update Class Dojo Do you know the school now...

Full details

Weekly Blog 24th January

Mrs Kell Weekly Update Dear Parents/ Carers, It has been a windy...

Full details

Weekly Blog 17th January

Message from Mrs Kell Dear Parents/ Carers, I can't believe Friday has...

Full details

New Year Blog 10th January

Message from Mrs Kell Welcome back! I hope that the school community...

Full details

End of Term Blog 20th December

Message from Mrs Kell Reindeer Run Last week we held the annual...

Full details
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Comments Box SVG iconsUsed for the like, share, comment, and reaction icons

We are so proud to have been nominated and invited to the RCBC Mayor's Community Achievement Awards 24/25 at the Council Chambers last night.
These six pupils, who form our JLT (Junior Leadership Team), led by the fabulous Mrs Sherwood, have been exemplary in forming and shaping our farm shop and soon to launch, eco-refill products. Did you know: Between 70-100 people visit our farm shop every week!

We are so proud of you all!
Mrs Kell
... See MoreSee Less

We are so proud to have been nominated and invited to the RCBC Mayors Community Achievement Awards 24/25 at the Council Chambers last night. 
These six pupils, who form our JLT (Junior Leadership Team), led by the fabulous Mrs Sherwood, have been exemplary in forming and shaping our farm shop and soon to launch, eco-refill products. Did you know: Between 70-100 people visit our farm shop every week! 

We are so proud of you all!
Mrs KellImage attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

8 CommentsComment on Facebook


Amazing 🤩

Well done amazing achievement ⭐️

Load More

Well done to last week's Head Teacher's Award winners and Pot of gold winners! ⭐ ... See MoreSee Less

Well done to last weeks Head Teachers Award winners and Pot of gold winners! ⭐Image attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

3 CommentsComment on Facebook

Well done all

Well done

Well done kids 👏🏻👏🏻

We are so proud of our Nursery staff and pupils! Just look at these wondrous, impactful experiences, spaces and places for our youngest pupils. We have been scouring Facebook Marketplace, charity shops and our homes to transform the space beyond colourful plastic norms to recycled materials and authentic resources. We hope you love it as much as we do!

Mrs Kell
... See MoreSee Less

We are so proud of our Nursery staff and pupils! Just look at these wondrous, impactful experiences, spaces and places for our youngest pupils. We have been scouring Facebook Marketplace, charity shops and our homes to transform the space beyond colourful plastic norms to recycled materials and authentic resources. We hope you love it as much as we do!

Mrs KellImage attachmentImage attachment+7Image attachment

Arlo's first day was a success! Arlo has visited most classrooms and has been on the KS2 gate on a morning so far. He loved running around the field and playing at lunchtime with pupils wearing their wellies.
Thank you Sam Bell for making him a gorgeous bandana so he was 'Dormanstown Ready'
Follow more of Arlo's adventures on Facebook and class Dojo pages.
Mrs Kell
... See MoreSee Less

Arlos first day was a success! Arlo has visited most classrooms and has been on the KS2 gate on a morning so far. He loved running around the field and playing at lunchtime with pupils wearing their wellies.
Thank you Sam Bell for making him a gorgeous bandana so he was Dormanstown Ready
Follow more of Arlos adventures on Facebook and class Dojo pages.
Mrs KellImage attachmentImage attachment+2Image attachment

2 CommentsComment on Facebook


Amazing! Can’t wait to meet Arlo.

GONE PENDING COLLECTION - Free to a good home!
Surplus to requirements, needs to be collected from the academy before Friday lunchtime. Please ring 01642 483696 and leave a message, first come, first served.
... See MoreSee Less

GONE PENDING COLLECTION - Free to a good home!
Surplus to requirements, needs to be collected from the academy before Friday lunchtime. Please ring 01642 483696 and leave a message, first come, first served.Image attachment

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Please can I be concerned for wordrobe please

Well done to our fabulous Head Teacher's Award winner! And congratulations to last week's Pot of Gold winners! Have a wonderful half term and we will see you all on Monday 3rd March. ... See MoreSee Less

Well done to our fabulous Head Teachers Award winner! And congratulations to last weeks Pot of Gold winners! Have a wonderful half term and we will see you all on Monday 3rd March.Image attachmentImage attachment+8Image attachment

3 CommentsComment on Facebook

Well done all

Well done all.xxx

Well done 👏 all x

Photos from Dormanstown Primary Academy's post ... See MoreSee Less

Image attachment

This afternoon was the first half termly headteacher's afternoon tea party.

A huge well done to this lovely group - The first 6 pupils to receive a headteacher's award. Richly deserved and a pleasure to spend time with!

Can you spot a couple of them raising their little finger as they drink their 'tea'?
Mrs Kell
... See MoreSee Less

This afternoon was the first half termly headteachers afternoon tea party. 

A huge well done to this lovely group - The first 6 pupils to receive a headteachers award. Richly deserved and a pleasure to spend time with!

Can you spot a couple of them raising their little finger as they drink their tea? 
Mrs KellImage attachmentImage attachment+7Image attachment

17 CommentsComment on Facebook

Danielle Phillipa Duke Ginge Liam Campbell well done everyone 👏

Well done everyone xx x

Well done kids

Load More

Our school farm shop is stocked for this week.

Last week over 100 families visited the farm shop! For those families that have yet to visit, It is 6 items for £2 cash.

One item is a bag of fresh tomatoes, a pack of socks, a bag of nappies, a box of Lurpak individuals or a box of M and S shortbread! We have kept some stock in reserve to allow us to re-stock the shelves over the next few days. Don't forget to look in the freezer as well!

Mrs Kell
#community #communitysupport #communitylove #combattingfoodwaste #environmentallyfriendly
... See MoreSee Less

Our school farm shop is stocked for this week. 

Last week over 100 families visited the farm shop! For those families that have yet to visit, It is 6 items for £2 cash. 

One item is a bag of fresh tomatoes, a pack of socks, a bag of nappies, a box of Lurpak individuals or a box of M and S shortbread! We have kept some stock in reserve to allow us to re-stock the shelves over the next few days. Dont forget to look in the freezer as well!

Mrs Kell
#community #communitysupport #communitylove #combattingfoodwaste #environmentallyfriendlyImage attachmentImage attachment+2Image attachment

2 CommentsComment on Facebook

Is this open to the whole dormanstown community or just those with little ones at school? I love the idea and less package waste going to landfill.

What a wonderful idea 💡 👏

Load more

Weekly Blog 2nd February

Weekly Round up

This week has been incredibly busy!

Our choir children travelled over to Guisborough Church to practice with the other Trust schools in advance of their upcoming trips to Sheffield for Young Voices, and to London for their residential trip. Miss Lees was delighted with how well they performed, and the way they have worked with Mrs Smuk and Mr Nixon to learn the words to each song they will be performing at each event.

B4 ventured out to Foxrush to research their class projects, and had a great time exploring in the natural surroundings of the woods.

Y4 started the week with a visit from a career’s advisor, and kickstarted a project where they will be helping to design a product which will be used by multi-national company Anglo-American. The work they do will culminate in them being interviewed by the company, and pitching their ideas to real professionals.

The Y5/6 girls football team are also out as this post is written at their first competition of the year. We wish them lots of luck, and hope to be reporting about their triumphs next week!

Class Round up

Let’s see how Year 1, Year 2 and Class B2 have been up to.

Year 1

We have been very busy so far this half term in year 1. We have learnt about the 7 continents and 5 oceans in geography. We learnt the ‘seven continents song’. Click and play the song below and see if your child can sing along.

We have also ben writing instructions on how to get the Tiger Who Came to Tea to come for his tea. We decided to make our own jam sandwiches to help us learn exactly how to make them. This helped us to write clear and specific instructions.

Year 2

Year 2 have been learning about The Great Fire of London in their History lessons this half term. The children have shown lots of enthusiasm for this topic and are really enjoying their lessons!

We have been using lots of different historical sources to answer various questions, including how the fire started and what happened during the Great Fire.

This week, we had a very exciting thing happen! Some archaeologists discovered a bag containing some interesting objects: a piece of parchment, a quill, a candle, a bottle of wine and strangely, some cheese!

The archaeologists asked for our help to find out where it came from and who it might have belonged to. Because the bag was a little burnt, we decided that it could be from 1666, during the Great Fire.

The parchment and the quill made us think that it could belong to Samuel Pepys, as he wrote a diary at this time. Year 2 are working really hard in History – ask them to tell you some facts about what they have learnt!

Class B2

B2 Have been enjoying music with Mrs Norris. We have been singing songs about dinosaurs and doing actions as we sing.

Also, we are learning to play the glockenspiel. We have been learning the song ‘I’ve got this Feeling’ by Justin Timberlake.

We went on a material hunt looking for opaque and transparent materials around our school. We have been working collaboratively to complete jigsaws and play games.


Each week we have an ‘Awesome Attendance’ competition for the class or classes with the highest attendance. The class with the highest attendance will receive a letter and the first class to spell out ‘Awesome’ receives a treat for the whole class.

Which class will be the first to receive that treat?

This weeks winners are………

Missed Learning

55 days of missed learning occurred this week due to unauthorised absences. Unauthorised absences are for holidays, parents/carers not contacting the academy or any other unexplained absence. With most minor ailments, children can be in school, so we really encourage you to think about keeping your child at home.

100% Attendance

This week we had 212 children who achieved 100% Attendance for this week, which is Fantastic!

A huge WELL DONE to you all.

Can you get 100% next week?

Missed Appointments

We strive to accommodate parents/carers with appointment times within the academy. Unfortunately we have noticed that many appointments have been missed, occasionally this may be due to unforeseen circumstances. If you have to cancel and/or re-arrange your appointment, please ensure you contact the academy as soon as possible. Failing to turn up for an appointment and not contacting the academy to cancel it has an adverse effect on other parents/carers appointment times. This can also take valuable staff time that could have been utilised by other parents.


There would appear to be a problem with head lice in the academy.  Several parents have informed us that their child has headlice; obviously this must mean that there are other children who also have the problem. 

I have taken this opportunity to provide some up-to-date advice for treating headlice and I would ask every parent to please check their child’s hair tonight and every night and treat if necessary. 

It is not sufficient to simply shampoo your child’s hair; this will not get rid of the lice – parents should visit a chemist, supermarket or see their family doctor to purchase or obtain a prescription for headlice lotion and follow the instructions.  An alternative method, and one which does not involve the use of chemicals, is as follows: 

  • Fill a sink with water 
  • Wet the child’s hair 
  • Apply conditioner 
  • Comb (with a fine tooth comb or nit comb) the child’s hair into the sink.  If there are any lice they will fall out into the water. 

It is recommended that the above treatment be done for at least 4 days. 

If you know your child has headlice, please treat it as soon as possible and check your child’s hair every night.   

The school nurse can be contacted via school, if any further advice or information is needed

Diary Dates and Reminders

Lunch Menu

Next weeks choices will be Week 1

Nut Free Academy

A reminder to all parents we are a Nut Free Academy, please read below.

Links to support our Children and Families

Actions for Happiness

New month means new Actions for Happiness to do every day.

Cost of Living

Keeping Children Safe online

National Sleep Helpline

The 4 T’s of Diabetes

Agency Coffee Morning

Just a reminder that the Multi Agency Coffee morning is taking place every Wednesday during term time for families who have a concern that their child may be autistic, have sensory processing needs, ADHD or FASD.  The following professionals will be there to answer questions; Neurodevelopmental team, SENDIASS, R&C SEN Team, CAMHS/SPOC, Carers Together, SEND Family Voice, Kooth, Inclusion.


Families Drop In

Online Courses for Parents

Access to Research

MAX Card


You can also get your children’s uniform here.

Lollipops have a preloved rail out on the shop floor with various items on including polo tops, trousers, sweatshirts/cardigans, shoes, plimsolls, summer dresses etc. All items on the rail are free for anyone to take, they just ask for customers to be considerate of others when taking items. There is a box for anyone who would like to make donations which we then add to the rail.

Facebook – @lollipopsmiddlesbrough

Twitter – @LollipopsMiddl1

Instagram – @lollipops_middlesbrough

20 Norfolk Place
Berwick Hills

Latest News

Academy News

Weekly Blog 7th February

Class Dojo Do you know the school now uses Class Dojo? This...

Full details

Weekly Blog 31st January

Mrs Kell Weekly Update Class Dojo Do you know the school now...

Full details

Weekly Blog 24th January

Mrs Kell Weekly Update Dear Parents/ Carers, It has been a windy...

Full details

Weekly Blog 17th January

Message from Mrs Kell Dear Parents/ Carers, I can't believe Friday has...

Full details

New Year Blog 10th January

Message from Mrs Kell Welcome back! I hope that the school community...

Full details

End of Term Blog 20th December

Message from Mrs Kell Reindeer Run Last week we held the annual...

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Comments Box SVG iconsUsed for the like, share, comment, and reaction icons

We are so proud to have been nominated and invited to the RCBC Mayor's Community Achievement Awards 24/25 at the Council Chambers last night.
These six pupils, who form our JLT (Junior Leadership Team), led by the fabulous Mrs Sherwood, have been exemplary in forming and shaping our farm shop and soon to launch, eco-refill products. Did you know: Between 70-100 people visit our farm shop every week!

We are so proud of you all!
Mrs Kell
... See MoreSee Less

We are so proud to have been nominated and invited to the RCBC Mayors Community Achievement Awards 24/25 at the Council Chambers last night. 
These six pupils, who form our JLT (Junior Leadership Team), led by the fabulous Mrs Sherwood, have been exemplary in forming and shaping our farm shop and soon to launch, eco-refill products. Did you know: Between 70-100 people visit our farm shop every week! 

We are so proud of you all!
Mrs KellImage attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

8 CommentsComment on Facebook


Amazing 🤩

Well done amazing achievement ⭐️

Load More

Well done to last week's Head Teacher's Award winners and Pot of gold winners! ⭐ ... See MoreSee Less

Well done to last weeks Head Teachers Award winners and Pot of gold winners! ⭐Image attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

3 CommentsComment on Facebook

Well done all

Well done

Well done kids 👏🏻👏🏻

We are so proud of our Nursery staff and pupils! Just look at these wondrous, impactful experiences, spaces and places for our youngest pupils. We have been scouring Facebook Marketplace, charity shops and our homes to transform the space beyond colourful plastic norms to recycled materials and authentic resources. We hope you love it as much as we do!

Mrs Kell
... See MoreSee Less

We are so proud of our Nursery staff and pupils! Just look at these wondrous, impactful experiences, spaces and places for our youngest pupils. We have been scouring Facebook Marketplace, charity shops and our homes to transform the space beyond colourful plastic norms to recycled materials and authentic resources. We hope you love it as much as we do!

Mrs KellImage attachmentImage attachment+7Image attachment

Arlo's first day was a success! Arlo has visited most classrooms and has been on the KS2 gate on a morning so far. He loved running around the field and playing at lunchtime with pupils wearing their wellies.
Thank you Sam Bell for making him a gorgeous bandana so he was 'Dormanstown Ready'
Follow more of Arlo's adventures on Facebook and class Dojo pages.
Mrs Kell
... See MoreSee Less

Arlos first day was a success! Arlo has visited most classrooms and has been on the KS2 gate on a morning so far. He loved running around the field and playing at lunchtime with pupils wearing their wellies.
Thank you Sam Bell for making him a gorgeous bandana so he was Dormanstown Ready
Follow more of Arlos adventures on Facebook and class Dojo pages.
Mrs KellImage attachmentImage attachment+2Image attachment

2 CommentsComment on Facebook


Amazing! Can’t wait to meet Arlo.

GONE PENDING COLLECTION - Free to a good home!
Surplus to requirements, needs to be collected from the academy before Friday lunchtime. Please ring 01642 483696 and leave a message, first come, first served.
... See MoreSee Less

GONE PENDING COLLECTION - Free to a good home!
Surplus to requirements, needs to be collected from the academy before Friday lunchtime. Please ring 01642 483696 and leave a message, first come, first served.Image attachment

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Please can I be concerned for wordrobe please

Well done to our fabulous Head Teacher's Award winner! And congratulations to last week's Pot of Gold winners! Have a wonderful half term and we will see you all on Monday 3rd March. ... See MoreSee Less

Well done to our fabulous Head Teachers Award winner! And congratulations to last weeks Pot of Gold winners! Have a wonderful half term and we will see you all on Monday 3rd March.Image attachmentImage attachment+8Image attachment

3 CommentsComment on Facebook

Well done all

Well done all.xxx

Well done 👏 all x

Photos from Dormanstown Primary Academy's post ... See MoreSee Less

Image attachment

This afternoon was the first half termly headteacher's afternoon tea party.

A huge well done to this lovely group - The first 6 pupils to receive a headteacher's award. Richly deserved and a pleasure to spend time with!

Can you spot a couple of them raising their little finger as they drink their 'tea'?
Mrs Kell
... See MoreSee Less

This afternoon was the first half termly headteachers afternoon tea party. 

A huge well done to this lovely group - The first 6 pupils to receive a headteachers award. Richly deserved and a pleasure to spend time with!

Can you spot a couple of them raising their little finger as they drink their tea? 
Mrs KellImage attachmentImage attachment+7Image attachment

17 CommentsComment on Facebook

Danielle Phillipa Duke Ginge Liam Campbell well done everyone 👏

Well done everyone xx x

Well done kids

Load More

Our school farm shop is stocked for this week.

Last week over 100 families visited the farm shop! For those families that have yet to visit, It is 6 items for £2 cash.

One item is a bag of fresh tomatoes, a pack of socks, a bag of nappies, a box of Lurpak individuals or a box of M and S shortbread! We have kept some stock in reserve to allow us to re-stock the shelves over the next few days. Don't forget to look in the freezer as well!

Mrs Kell
#community #communitysupport #communitylove #combattingfoodwaste #environmentallyfriendly
... See MoreSee Less

Our school farm shop is stocked for this week. 

Last week over 100 families visited the farm shop! For those families that have yet to visit, It is 6 items for £2 cash. 

One item is a bag of fresh tomatoes, a pack of socks, a bag of nappies, a box of Lurpak individuals or a box of M and S shortbread! We have kept some stock in reserve to allow us to re-stock the shelves over the next few days. Dont forget to look in the freezer as well!

Mrs Kell
#community #communitysupport #communitylove #combattingfoodwaste #environmentallyfriendlyImage attachmentImage attachment+2Image attachment

2 CommentsComment on Facebook

Is this open to the whole dormanstown community or just those with little ones at school? I love the idea and less package waste going to landfill.

What a wonderful idea 💡 👏

Load more

Weekly Blog 26th January

Weekly Round up

What a week it has been at Dormanstown!

The week started with storms, but ended in sunshine – and we have had an incredibly busy few days with all our year groups.

We have seen parents visit for enrichment sessions, reception attend their first PE trip (more of which later), Year 4 begin their business and enterprise project with Jacqui and Helen from Anglo-American, Year 5 work with Teesside University to create some stunning animations as well as Phil from Aspire Judo provide taster sessions across the whole school – WOW!

It has also been a week tinged with sadness as we said farewell to two of our staff community. Mr Long is sadly leaving us to pursue further opportunities after 5 amazing years leading the school. In his time as head Mr Long has been instrumental in improving the educational offer we provide all our children, and he will be greatly missed. Mrs Bell is also moving on to pastures new. Mrs Bell has been an amazing support to all our children, and her work with individuals to support them through the challenges they face has been incredible – and we know the children have loved the time they have spent with her. We wish both members of staff all the luck in the world in the future.

Read on to find out what some of our year groups have been up to, and keep checking our social media and parent comms for the latest updates!

Class Round up

It’s been very busy for our Reception and B1 classes this week, let’s see what they’ve been up to.


Reception had a fantastic time developing their balance skills at the Sports Partnership balance festival. We completed obstacle courses, rode balance bikes and raced on scooter boards.

We all had such a great time. We are so proud of the children’s impeccable behaviour, determination and perseverance. 

Class B1

For last couple of weeks B1 have been learning about Birthdays.

We have looked at when our own birthdays are and we have planned a special birthday party for Miss Watkins.

We have written birthday cards, made birthday decorations and baked a delicious birthday cake.

At the party, we will be trying some tasty party food and playing party games. It is going to be lots of fun!


Each week we have an ‘Awesome Attendance’ competition for the class or classes with the highest attendance. The class with the highest attendance will receive a letter and the first class to spell out ‘Awesome’ receives a treat for the whole class.

Which class will be the first to receive that treat?

This weeks winners are………

Missed Learning

27.5 days of missed learning occurred this week due to unauthorised absences. Unauthorised absences are for holidays, parents/carers not contacting the academy or any other unexplained absence. With most minor ailments, children can be in school, so we really encourage you to think about keeping your child at home.

100% Attendance

This week we had 225 children who achieved 100% Attendance for this week, which is Fantastic!

A huge WELL DONE to you all.

Can you get 100% next week?

Missed Appointments

We strive to accommodate parents/carers with appointment times within the academy. Unfortunately we have noticed that many appointments have been missed, occasionally this may be due to unforeseen circumstances. If you have to cancel and/or re-arrange your appointment, please ensure you contact the academy as soon as possible. Failing to turn up for an appointment and not contacting the academy to cancel it has an adverse effect on other parents/carers appointment times. This can also take valuable staff time that could have been utilised by other parents.


There would appear to be a problem with head lice in the academy.  Several parents have informed us that their child has headlice; obviously this must mean that there are other children who also have the problem. 

I have taken this opportunity to provide some up-to-date advice for treating headlice and I would ask every parent to please check their child’s hair tonight and every night and treat if necessary. 

It is not sufficient to simply shampoo your child’s hair; this will not get rid of the lice – parents should visit a chemist, supermarket or see their family doctor to purchase or obtain a prescription for headlice lotion and follow the instructions.  An alternative method, and one which does not involve the use of chemicals, is as follows: 

  • Fill a sink with water 
  • Wet the child’s hair 
  • Apply conditioner 
  • Comb (with a fine tooth comb or nit comb) the child’s hair into the sink.  If there are any lice they will fall out into the water. 

It is recommended that the above treatment be done for at least 4 days. 

If you know your child has headlice, please treat it as soon as possible and check your child’s hair every night.   

The school nurse can be contacted via school, if any further advice or information is needed

Diary Dates and Reminders

Lunch Menu

Next weeks choices will be Week 3

Nut Free Academy

A reminder to all parents we are a Nut Free Academy, please read below.

Links to support our Children and Families

Cost of Living

Keeping Children Safe online

National Sleep Helpline

The 4 T’s of Diabetes

Agency Coffee Morning

Just a reminder that the Multi Agency Coffee morning is taking place every Wednesday during term time for families who have a concern that their child may be autistic, have sensory processing needs, ADHD or FASD.  The following professionals will be there to answer questions; Neurodevelopmental team, SENDIASS, R&C SEN Team, CAMHS/SPOC, Carers Together, SEND Family Voice, Kooth, Inclusion.


Families Drop In

Online Courses for Parents

Access to Research

MAX Card


You can also get your children’s uniform here.

Lollipops have a preloved rail out on the shop floor with various items on including polo tops, trousers, sweatshirts/cardigans, shoes, plimsolls, summer dresses etc. All items on the rail are free for anyone to take, they just ask for customers to be considerate of others when taking items. There is a box for anyone who would like to make donations which we then add to the rail.

Facebook – @lollipopsmiddlesbrough

Twitter – @LollipopsMiddl1

Instagram – @lollipops_middlesbrough

20 Norfolk Place
Berwick Hills

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Weekly Blog 7th February

Class Dojo Do you know the school now uses Class Dojo? This...

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Weekly Blog 31st January

Mrs Kell Weekly Update Class Dojo Do you know the school now...

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Weekly Blog 24th January

Mrs Kell Weekly Update Dear Parents/ Carers, It has been a windy...

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Weekly Blog 17th January

Message from Mrs Kell Dear Parents/ Carers, I can't believe Friday has...

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New Year Blog 10th January

Message from Mrs Kell Welcome back! I hope that the school community...

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End of Term Blog 20th December

Message from Mrs Kell Reindeer Run Last week we held the annual...

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We are so proud to have been nominated and invited to the RCBC Mayor's Community Achievement Awards 24/25 at the Council Chambers last night.
These six pupils, who form our JLT (Junior Leadership Team), led by the fabulous Mrs Sherwood, have been exemplary in forming and shaping our farm shop and soon to launch, eco-refill products. Did you know: Between 70-100 people visit our farm shop every week!

We are so proud of you all!
Mrs Kell
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We are so proud to have been nominated and invited to the RCBC Mayors Community Achievement Awards 24/25 at the Council Chambers last night. 
These six pupils, who form our JLT (Junior Leadership Team), led by the fabulous Mrs Sherwood, have been exemplary in forming and shaping our farm shop and soon to launch, eco-refill products. Did you know: Between 70-100 people visit our farm shop every week! 

We are so proud of you all!
Mrs KellImage attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

8 CommentsComment on Facebook


Amazing 🤩

Well done amazing achievement ⭐️

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Well done to last week's Head Teacher's Award winners and Pot of gold winners! ⭐ ... See MoreSee Less

Well done to last weeks Head Teachers Award winners and Pot of gold winners! ⭐Image attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

3 CommentsComment on Facebook

Well done all

Well done

Well done kids 👏🏻👏🏻

We are so proud of our Nursery staff and pupils! Just look at these wondrous, impactful experiences, spaces and places for our youngest pupils. We have been scouring Facebook Marketplace, charity shops and our homes to transform the space beyond colourful plastic norms to recycled materials and authentic resources. We hope you love it as much as we do!

Mrs Kell
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We are so proud of our Nursery staff and pupils! Just look at these wondrous, impactful experiences, spaces and places for our youngest pupils. We have been scouring Facebook Marketplace, charity shops and our homes to transform the space beyond colourful plastic norms to recycled materials and authentic resources. We hope you love it as much as we do!

Mrs KellImage attachmentImage attachment+7Image attachment

Arlo's first day was a success! Arlo has visited most classrooms and has been on the KS2 gate on a morning so far. He loved running around the field and playing at lunchtime with pupils wearing their wellies.
Thank you Sam Bell for making him a gorgeous bandana so he was 'Dormanstown Ready'
Follow more of Arlo's adventures on Facebook and class Dojo pages.
Mrs Kell
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Arlos first day was a success! Arlo has visited most classrooms and has been on the KS2 gate on a morning so far. He loved running around the field and playing at lunchtime with pupils wearing their wellies.
Thank you Sam Bell for making him a gorgeous bandana so he was Dormanstown Ready
Follow more of Arlos adventures on Facebook and class Dojo pages.
Mrs KellImage attachmentImage attachment+2Image attachment

2 CommentsComment on Facebook


Amazing! Can’t wait to meet Arlo.

GONE PENDING COLLECTION - Free to a good home!
Surplus to requirements, needs to be collected from the academy before Friday lunchtime. Please ring 01642 483696 and leave a message, first come, first served.
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GONE PENDING COLLECTION - Free to a good home!
Surplus to requirements, needs to be collected from the academy before Friday lunchtime. Please ring 01642 483696 and leave a message, first come, first served.Image attachment

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Please can I be concerned for wordrobe please

Well done to our fabulous Head Teacher's Award winner! And congratulations to last week's Pot of Gold winners! Have a wonderful half term and we will see you all on Monday 3rd March. ... See MoreSee Less

Well done to our fabulous Head Teachers Award winner! And congratulations to last weeks Pot of Gold winners! Have a wonderful half term and we will see you all on Monday 3rd March.Image attachmentImage attachment+8Image attachment

3 CommentsComment on Facebook

Well done all

Well done all.xxx

Well done 👏 all x

Photos from Dormanstown Primary Academy's post ... See MoreSee Less

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This afternoon was the first half termly headteacher's afternoon tea party.

A huge well done to this lovely group - The first 6 pupils to receive a headteacher's award. Richly deserved and a pleasure to spend time with!

Can you spot a couple of them raising their little finger as they drink their 'tea'?
Mrs Kell
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This afternoon was the first half termly headteachers afternoon tea party. 

A huge well done to this lovely group - The first 6 pupils to receive a headteachers award. Richly deserved and a pleasure to spend time with!

Can you spot a couple of them raising their little finger as they drink their tea? 
Mrs KellImage attachmentImage attachment+7Image attachment

17 CommentsComment on Facebook

Danielle Phillipa Duke Ginge Liam Campbell well done everyone 👏

Well done everyone xx x

Well done kids

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Our school farm shop is stocked for this week.

Last week over 100 families visited the farm shop! For those families that have yet to visit, It is 6 items for £2 cash.

One item is a bag of fresh tomatoes, a pack of socks, a bag of nappies, a box of Lurpak individuals or a box of M and S shortbread! We have kept some stock in reserve to allow us to re-stock the shelves over the next few days. Don't forget to look in the freezer as well!

Mrs Kell
#community #communitysupport #communitylove #combattingfoodwaste #environmentallyfriendly
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Our school farm shop is stocked for this week. 

Last week over 100 families visited the farm shop! For those families that have yet to visit, It is 6 items for £2 cash. 

One item is a bag of fresh tomatoes, a pack of socks, a bag of nappies, a box of Lurpak individuals or a box of M and S shortbread! We have kept some stock in reserve to allow us to re-stock the shelves over the next few days. Dont forget to look in the freezer as well!

Mrs Kell
#community #communitysupport #communitylove #combattingfoodwaste #environmentallyfriendlyImage attachmentImage attachment+2Image attachment

2 CommentsComment on Facebook

Is this open to the whole dormanstown community or just those with little ones at school? I love the idea and less package waste going to landfill.

What a wonderful idea 💡 👏

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