Parent Consultations 3:30pm – 5:30pm
Parent Consultations 3:30pm – 5:30pm
You will receive an appointment from your child's class teacher.
You will receive an appointment from your child's class teacher.
our Junior Leadership Team would love to invite you to the launch event for our refill section of our Farm Shop! We hope to see you there!
You will receive an appointment from your child's class teacher.
Reception will visit Newham Grange Farm on Thurs 20.03.2025. Leaving by coach at 9:45am and returning for the end of the day. Children need to wear school uniform, waterproof coat and wellies.
Lego Club will visit Redcar College for a Lego Competition on Friday 21st March. Walking to and from the college, please ensure they have suitable shoes and a coat. Children are required to be in the academy at 8:30am, to leave at 8:40am and return for end of day.
Chick eggs will be in Nursery for 2 weeks, so children can see the life cycle of a chick and get to watch them hatch.
As part of our careers event, Year 6 will visit AV Dawson on Monday 24th March. Leaving at 8:45am, they will return in time for lunch. Children should wear school uniform.
We are excited to inform you that we will be hosting a Drumming workshop with former Status Quo drummer, Jeff Rich.
S3 & S4 will visit Redcar College on Thurs 27.03.2025 for a Multi Sports event. Pupils will leave the academy at 9:30am and returning for the end of the day. Please ensure your child comes in their PE kit.