Dormanstown Primary is open for all children from 8:40am to 3:10pm. (32 hours 30 minutes across the week).

We operate a variety of after school clubs throughout the year, please see your email communications, the weekly blog or Facebook for further information.

Our Academy

  • Reception-Year 6: 08:40am – 3:10pm.
  • Anyone arriving after 8:50am would subsequently be classified as late. This will not apply to pupils who travel via Local Authority Transport if there are delays.
  • Registration closes at 9:10am.
  • Anyone arriving after this would subsequently be classed as absent for the morning session.


Entry is through the Foundation Stage door. The sessions times are:

Morning session – Start time: 8:40am, finish time: between 11:30am-11:40am
Afternoon session – Start time: 12:00pm, finish time: between 2:50pm-3:00pm

We also offer 30-hour provision for those parents eligible for government funding or as a paid for additional hour service. please contact the academy office for further information.

For all other classes

Reception and Year 1 and – drop off and collection is on the plaza at the front of the academy

Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 – drop off and collection is on Price Road at the rear of the academy, children enter through the gate from Price Road to line up in their designated class area

High Needs Base Children – children will be collected from and taken to the Local Authority transport by a member of staff. If parents are transporting, then children will be collected from the designated class area adjacent to the transport drop off by a member of staff.

Proud to be part of

Tees Valley Education