At Dormanstown Primary, we believe that music is a universal language that embodies one of the highest forms of creativity. We aim to provide a high quality music education that engages and inspires our pupils to develop a love of music, develops their musical talents as musicians, increase their self confidence and sense of achievement. We want our pupils to critically engage with music, compose, listen, sing and perform with the very best music can offer.


  • Music is taught based on the National Curriculum for Years 1 to 6 and the EYFS Curriculum Framework. Music is delivered by a specialist music teacher.
  • Children explore music through the following strands: Composing, Musicianship, Singing and listening.
  • Each music unit is based around a key question, developing a range of music based skills.
  • A carefully planned whole school progression of music knowledge ensures children have and the opportunity to revisit and remember previous learning in order to develop an understanding of how music contributes to our own culture and their own life.
  • Knowledge organisers outline the key new knowledge for each unit and the prior knowledge needed for pupils to make meaningful connections to new learning.
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Tees Valley Education