Our assembly theme this week focused on Resilience, linked to World Mental Health Day on Monday, and we continued our Character Education theme of co-operation.
Our Year 5s had a busy week with 5H visiting Teesmouth Field Centre on Tuesday to start their Geography work. All of Year 5 had the opportunity of visiting PD Ports on Thursday, where they were able to see how a busy port worked and the range of jobs available within this large company, supporting aspirations and careers that could be pursued. They also had a workshop to introduce the Power of Women initiative for this academic year on Friday.
3L welcomed parents into the academy on Thursday for their parental engagement afternoon – thank you to everyone who was able to come along.
Next week, we look forward to the Choir Festival at St Nicholas Church, Guisborough, our Harvest Festival, the Halloween Discos as well as promoting “Show Racism the Red Card” on Friday where children from across the academy can wear something red as well as Year 5 and 6 having workshops throughout the day.
This week, our featured classes are 1T, 2T and B2S so please enjoy reading what they have been learning about.
This week in Science, 1T have been learning about the polar climate. We have talked about what the weather is like and which animals live in a polar climate. We completed an unusual science experiment using icy water and lard. We also found out how polar bears keep warm in a polar climate.
In Geography, 2C have been learning all about The United Kingdom. We have been looking at the different countries in the UK, the capital cities and the surrounding seas. We also looked at how the different flags of the UK come together to create the Union Jack. We enjoyed using an atlas to find out more information about The British Isles.
To recognise mental health on World Mental Health Day, we spent time thinking about mindfulness and how it can improve our mental wellbeing. We enjoyed taking part in some yoga, which was lots of fun and also very relaxing!
This week B2S have been reading ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’. We have been acting out the story and retelling it. We now know the story. The children have been on their own bear hunt and found some strange foot prints. In English we have started to write about our trip.
Also, as it is Mental Health week, we have took some time out to think about how we can look after our minds and what we can do to help each other. We have been dancing, singing, colouring in and making people smile in B2S. We know how to make people happy.
Tickets are available through the School Gateway App to purchase for both the Choir Festival at St Nicholas Church, Guisborough on Tuesday 18th October (for Choir children only) and for the Halloween Discos on Wednesday 19th October.
We are having our Harvest Festival in the academy on Thursday 20th October and would be grateful of any donations of tins, packets and other dried foods as well as toiletries (see the letter from Miss Riley). These will be donated to the food bank.
Please can these be brought into the academy week beginning 17th October.
Each week, class teachers select one child to receive a celebration, collaboration, aspiration or inspiration award and they receive a badge. Once your child receives all four badges, they exchange them for a rainbow badge.
A Praise and Share certificate is awarded weekly to someone out of each class for a piece of work or action that shows a particular achievement that the class teacher wants to praise. These are then displayed in our picture frames that are located around the academy.
Gold coins earned over the week are placed into a draw for a prize from our special table.
If children read three times a week, then they achieve a Golden Ticket which goes into a draw to choose a reading book off our bookcase. Please encourage your child to read as much as possible at home, it is a wonderful way of learning.
Throughout the year, some year groups will be taking part in National assessments. These are done within the class with familiar adults but they have to be completed at a specific time, so please do not book a holiday over this period. Further information will be shared with parents closer to the assessment dates.
Year 1 Phonics Screening Check – Week beginning 12th June 2023
Year 2 SATs assessments in Reading, GPS (Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling) and Maths – May 2023
Children who did not meet the required standard in the Year 1 Phonics check will re-sit this assessment in Year 2 – Week beginning 12th June 2023 Year 6 SATs assessments in Reading, GPS (Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling) and Maths – Week beginning 8th May 2023
You will notice that teachers are sending lots of Marvellous Me messages to share your child’s achievements. We would be really grateful if you would High 5 the messages to show that you have received them. Also, please ask your children about what they have been doing in class as they would love to tell you.
Next weeks menus will be Week 1 with Wednesday, 19th our “Spooky Halloween Lunch”. If your child usually has a packed lunch and would like to join us for a school lunch, please log onto School Gateway app and message us.
Each week we have an ‘Awesome Attendance’ competition for the class or classes with the highest attendance. The class with the highest attendance will receive a letter and the first class to spell out ‘Awesome’ receives a treat for the whole class.
Which class will be the first to receive that treat?
The ATTENDANCE WINNERS for this week are
………….B1R with…..98% Congratulations
27 days of missed learning occurred this week due to unauthorised absences. Unauthorised absences are for holidays, parents/carers not contacting the academy or any other unexplained absence. With most minor ailments, children can be in school, so we really encourage you to think about keeping your child at home.
A North East based organisation offering a range of free, non-branded school uniform to families. Please follow the link below for more information:
Free Generic School Uniform | Community School Clo (communityschoolclothingscheme.org)
You can also get your children’s uniform here.
20 Norfolk Place
Berwick Hills
Please follow the link to the most recent Newsletter
We have dates available for the online workshop for parents and carers to book on to, including a new Understanding Eating Disorders session, details can be found at https://www.tewv.nhs.uk/get-involved/training/training-for-parents-and-carers-of-children-under-18-in-teesside/
*Please note these sessions are for parents and carers only and you must request your own place.
Weekly Round up We have got fully into our Christmas activities this...
Full detailsIt has been wonderful to have our children back in the academy...
Full details