Blog – 12th November 2021

This week, our assembly theme was Remembrance and we continued our Character Education theme of Courage. On Thursday, the whole school stood outside at 11am for a 2 minute silence for Remembrance Day.

Thank you for all the donations brought in for the Royal British Legion.

Anti-Bullying Week – 15th to 19th November

On Monday, the children can come in odd socks to celebrate their individuality.  The theme for Anti-Bullying Week is “One Kind Word” and we will be thinking positively and thinking of kind things to do throughout the week. If you would like to find out more follow the Anti-bullying Alliance on:

Children in Need

It is also Children in Need on Friday 19th November. The theme this year is ‘Together We Can’. In the academy we will be getting our ‘Strictly On’. Children can dress up in Pudsey themed clothing or choose to wear smart or strictly style clothing. During ‘Children in Need Day’ we will be having a dance competition where all classes will be performing a class dance. We hope everyone will enjoy the day.

Dates for the Diary

Teesside at Christmas Appeal 2021

We would like to support the Teesside at Christmas Appeal who are looking to give filled shoe boxes of gifts and essentials to those who would go without at Christmas. Please use the link below or look at the posters below to find details of what is recommended to go in the shoe boxes.  If anyone would like to donate a filled shoe box or to send items in that we can make boxes up in school, then please do so by Monday 29th November, so we can give them to this small, local charity. 

Teesside at Christmas Appeal | Facebook

Show Racism the Red Card

We raised £170.40 from our Wear Red Day! Well done and thank you to everybody that contributed!

Lunch Menu

The menu for week beginning 15th November is Week 3. Please see below.


Congratulations to 3S who have won our Awesome competition this week with 98.2%!

Please remember to phone the academy if your child is going to be absent.

Times Tables Rockstars

Practicing times tables is so important in improving maths and is a huge part of number work from Year 2 upwards. Please encourage your child to use their account to get as fast as they can which will help them be able to apply their knowledge to different areas of maths.

Congratulations to the highest coin collectors this week!

1st – R Clark-Wood
2nd – E Berry
3rd – G Willis

Spelling Shed

Top Spelling Groups this week!

1st – 3S – 15,059,608
2nd – B3G Stage 1 – 6,256,232
3rd – 4HM – 3,829,546

Top Spellers this week!

1st – P Slater – 6,166,406
2nd – L Morton – 4,976,656
3rd – J Cupples– 3,450,144

Please continue to stay safe and look after each other.

Latest News

Academy News

End of Year Blog 19th July

A word from Mrs Kell Wow. This week has been incredibly busy,...

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Weekly Blog 12th July

Weekly Round Up What a week! We are so proud of all...

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Weekly Blog 5th July

Weekly Round Up We can't believe it, but somehow we are only...

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Weekly Blog 28th June

Weekly Round Up Thank you to the parents and carers that came...

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Weekly Blog 21st June

Weekly Round Up We've had an exciting week at Dormanstown this week...

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Weekly Blog 14th June

Weekly Round Up What a week! After six years Mrs Hill our...

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Raffle has been drawn, congratulations to all our winners!! ... See MoreSee Less

Raffle has been drawn, congratulations to all our winners!!

4 CommentsComment on Facebook

I'll enjoy my bottle thanks

When can I get my prize please

Omg I had 226-230 but white 🤣

And to top it all off, our leavers finished their assembly and dashed straight to serve up a delicious 3 course meal to their parents! So many budding Gordon Ramseys in the room! ... See MoreSee Less

And to top it all off, our leavers finished their assembly and dashed straight to serve up a delicious 3 course meal to their parents! So many budding Gordon Ramseys in the room!Image attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

3 CommentsComment on Facebook

Was so good we all loved it, thank you Year 6 the food was delicious xx


Awe how lovely

Mrs McDonald has been sharing her best dance moves with the Y6s! ... See MoreSee Less

Well done to Y6 for their all singing, all dancing leavers performance today - you are all superstars! ... See MoreSee Less

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Jade Worsfold Lizzie Smith

Congratulations to this Y4 superstar who won a silver award for her entry into a Redcar and Cleveland wide short story competition! Here she is receiving her award! ... See MoreSee Less

Congratulations to this Y4 superstar who won a silver award for her entry into a Redcar and Cleveland wide short story competition! Here she is receiving her award!

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Fantastic 👍 congratulations hunni. ❤️. X

The HeadStart team will deliver a Holiday Activity Programme specifically aimed at year 6 children who are about to start secondary school in September and who would benefit from further support.
The 4-day programme will run from Monday 29th July until Thursday 1st August, 10am – 2pm at Ings Farm Primary School, Redcar.
Parents and carers can book their children on the programme using the booking form link below.
Please note this is ONLY for Year 6 children.
... See MoreSee Less

The HeadStart team will deliver a Holiday Activity Programme specifically aimed at year 6 children who are about to start secondary school in September and who would benefit from further support. 
The 4-day programme will run from Monday 29th July until Thursday 1st August, 10am – 2pm at Ings Farm Primary School, Redcar. 
Parents and carers can book their children on the programme using the booking form link below.
Please note this is ONLY for Year 6 children.

4 CommentsComment on Facebook

When is the raffle done from the other day please

Jenni Edwards

Louise Claire

Load more

Blog 5th November 2021

A settled start to this half term with flu immunisations in school as well as school photographs. Our assembly themes were Personal Safety and Responsibility, linked to Bonfire Night, and our Character Education theme was Courage.

Thank you from the Footprints Food Bank

The Foodbank was very grateful for our donations from Harvest Festival.  Thank you to everyone who made donations.

Poppy Appeal

In support of the Royal British Legion, and to commemorate the lives of all British and Commonwealth armed forces servicemen and women who died in the two World Wars and later conflicts, we have appeal items in the academy. Please see the suggested donations for the items below.

Dates for the Diary


9th NovTrust Cross Country Event
Y1-6 competing from all the academies in the Trust
11th NovRemembrance Day
Poppy Appeal resources to donate to available in the academy.
15 – 19th NovAnti-Bullying Week
The theme is “One Kind Word” and we will be undertaking work in the academy around this. 15th November – Odd Socks Day
Children can come to school in odd socks to celebrate individuality.  
16th NovNursery Theatre Visit
to see The Hungry Caterpillar
19th NovChildren in Need
The theme is “Together we Can”. Non-Uniform Day and “Strictly On” dance competition in the academy.
15th – 22nd NovRoad Safety Week
22nd Nov – Road Safety Workshops in the academy run by Cleveland Fire Brigade.
8th DecChristingle Service
In the academy
9th DecY2 Trip to Danby Moors Centre
Linked to their Science work
13th DecTrust Carol Service
Choir and Y5/6 at St Nicholas Church, Guisborough
Tues 14th Dec Wed 15th DecEYFS Christmas Performances
starting at 9.30am
14th Dec pmKS1 and KS2 Trips to the Pantomime
Reception/KS1 to see The Tin Foil Man KS2 to see Elf the Musical
16th Dec   2pm 17th Dec 9.30amKS1 Christmas Performances
17th DecChristmas Dinner and Christmas Jumper Day
Children can wear Christmas jumpers or Christmas party clothes.
20th Dec 2pmKS2 Carols on the Plaza
Singing a selection of traditional and fun Christmas carols/songs for parents.
22nd DecParents drop in afternoon and Break up for the Christmas Holidays

Teesside at Christmas Appeal 2021

We would like to support the Teesside at Christmas Appeal who are looking to give filled shoe boxes of gifts and essentials to those who would go without at Christmas. Please use the link below or look at the posters below to find details of what is recommended to go in the shoe boxes.  If anyone would like to donate a filled shoe box or to send items in that we can make boxes up in school, then please do so by Monday 29th November, so we can give them to this small, local charity. 

(14) Teesside at Christmas Appeal | Facebook

Term Dates and P.D. Days


HeadStart Newsletter

Action for Happiness

This month’s theme is New Ways November. Action for Happiness are encouraging you to try something new!  Learning something new or getting involved in an activity that really absorbs and interests us is great for our wellbeing. Keeping our brains active is not only good for us physically but it can help you feel you are flourishing as you see yourself make progress with a new skill, or just make you smile as you make a mess and decide to start again. 🙂  Being playful and trying new things is important, as is remembering that it’s OK not to get it right first time – change “I can’t do it”, into “I can’t do it…yet!” This month’s calendar is full of ideas to help you decide what to try next.


Congratulations to B2S  who have won our Awesome competition this week.

Times Tables Rockstars…

Spelling Shed Leader Board…

Please continue to stay safe and look after each other.

Latest News

Academy News

End of Year Blog 19th July

A word from Mrs Kell Wow. This week has been incredibly busy,...

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Weekly Blog 12th July

Weekly Round Up What a week! We are so proud of all...

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Weekly Blog 5th July

Weekly Round Up We can't believe it, but somehow we are only...

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Weekly Blog 28th June

Weekly Round Up Thank you to the parents and carers that came...

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Weekly Blog 21st June

Weekly Round Up We've had an exciting week at Dormanstown this week...

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Weekly Blog 14th June

Weekly Round Up What a week! After six years Mrs Hill our...

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Raffle has been drawn, congratulations to all our winners!! ... See MoreSee Less

Raffle has been drawn, congratulations to all our winners!!

4 CommentsComment on Facebook

I'll enjoy my bottle thanks

When can I get my prize please

Omg I had 226-230 but white 🤣

And to top it all off, our leavers finished their assembly and dashed straight to serve up a delicious 3 course meal to their parents! So many budding Gordon Ramseys in the room! ... See MoreSee Less

And to top it all off, our leavers finished their assembly and dashed straight to serve up a delicious 3 course meal to their parents! So many budding Gordon Ramseys in the room!Image attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

3 CommentsComment on Facebook

Was so good we all loved it, thank you Year 6 the food was delicious xx


Awe how lovely

Mrs McDonald has been sharing her best dance moves with the Y6s! ... See MoreSee Less

Well done to Y6 for their all singing, all dancing leavers performance today - you are all superstars! ... See MoreSee Less

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Jade Worsfold Lizzie Smith

Congratulations to this Y4 superstar who won a silver award for her entry into a Redcar and Cleveland wide short story competition! Here she is receiving her award! ... See MoreSee Less

Congratulations to this Y4 superstar who won a silver award for her entry into a Redcar and Cleveland wide short story competition! Here she is receiving her award!

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Fantastic 👍 congratulations hunni. ❤️. X

The HeadStart team will deliver a Holiday Activity Programme specifically aimed at year 6 children who are about to start secondary school in September and who would benefit from further support.
The 4-day programme will run from Monday 29th July until Thursday 1st August, 10am – 2pm at Ings Farm Primary School, Redcar.
Parents and carers can book their children on the programme using the booking form link below.
Please note this is ONLY for Year 6 children.
... See MoreSee Less

The HeadStart team will deliver a Holiday Activity Programme specifically aimed at year 6 children who are about to start secondary school in September and who would benefit from further support. 
The 4-day programme will run from Monday 29th July until Thursday 1st August, 10am – 2pm at Ings Farm Primary School, Redcar. 
Parents and carers can book their children on the programme using the booking form link below.
Please note this is ONLY for Year 6 children.

4 CommentsComment on Facebook

When is the raffle done from the other day please

Jenni Edwards

Louise Claire

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Blog – 22nd October 2021

Such a busy week to finish off the half term, but we were so proud of what our children have achieved and experienced this week: Harvest Festival assemblies in the academy with some very generous donations sent to the food bank, great fun had at the Halloween discos, a wonderful performance from choir at the Trust Choir Festival, engagement in activities to promote Show Racism the Red Card and a celebration of excellent attendance and behaviour. After all that, we think everyone is ready for a well-earned half term break!

Thank you for all your support with your child’s learning and academy events this half term; it has been lovely to share so much with you all in person.

Harvest Festival

Thank you for all of our amazing donations for Harvest Festival. We had a wonderful display of food during our assemblies led by Miss Riley. The donations were taken to the food bank.

Halloween Disco

What a wonderful time was had at the Halloween Discos. The costumes were truly amazing (thank you parents and carers) and the children (and staff) enjoyed this end of term treat!

Take a look at the Gallery page on our website or follow the link below to see some spooky photos!

Trust Choir Festival

What an immense sense of pride we had when watching our choir perform at the Choir Festival in Guisborough on Thursday. It was the first Trust performance of its kind in 2 years, and the children really rose to the occasion.  Well done to them all, and thank you to all the parents and carers who attended and supported the event.

Check out the Gallery page to see our photographs from this amazing event!

Show Racism the Red Card

Today we are having a fundraising day for Show Racism the Red Card. All of our children could come to school wearing red for a donation to this wonderful cause.

Keep your eyes peeled to find out how much we raised!

Attendance and Behaviour Rewards

A bouncy castle treat was given to 78 children for 100% attendance this half term and to 98 children for perfect behaviour.  Well done to all these children and let’s see if we can increase these numbers even more next half term.

Goodbye and Thank You

We are sad to say good bye to Miss Duffy today as she leaves the academy to take up a new role.  We would like to thank Miss Duffy for all she has done at Dormanstown to support both children and parents over the last few years, and we wish her well in her new position.

Influenza Childhood Immunisation Programme

Please use the following link or see the letter that the children brought home this week to give consent for your child to have a flu nasal spray. The last day for giving consent is the 29th October and the team will be in the academy on Thursday 4th November to give the immunisations.

  1. Go to
  2. Enter the School Code 139931 and click “Find School”.
  3. Complete the form with your child’s information and parent/guardian contact information*.
  4. Click the green “Submit” button


Congratulations to 56M who have won our Awesome competition this week!

Dates for your Diary

Lunch Menus

The menu for week beginning 1st November is Week 1. Please see below.

Spelling Shed

Top Spelling Groups this week!

1st – 3S – 35,652,584
2nd – B3G Stage 1 – 29,456,362
3rd – B3G Stage 2 – 12,538,040

Top Spellers this week!

1st – P Slater – 12,205,538
2nd – L Hoyle – 11,758,886
3rd – A Richardson – 10,015,352

Times Tables Rock Stars

Practicing times tables is so important in improving maths and is a huge part of number work from Year 2 upwards. Please encourage your child to use their account to get as fast as they can which will help them be able to apply their knowledge to different areas of maths.

Congratulations to the highest coin collectors this week!

1st – R Clark-Wood
2nd – J Dickinson
3rd – A Cox

Please continue to stay safe and look after each other.

Latest News

Academy News

End of Year Blog 19th July

A word from Mrs Kell Wow. This week has been incredibly busy,...

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Weekly Blog 12th July

Weekly Round Up What a week! We are so proud of all...

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Weekly Blog 5th July

Weekly Round Up We can't believe it, but somehow we are only...

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Weekly Blog 28th June

Weekly Round Up Thank you to the parents and carers that came...

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Weekly Blog 21st June

Weekly Round Up We've had an exciting week at Dormanstown this week...

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Weekly Blog 14th June

Weekly Round Up What a week! After six years Mrs Hill our...

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Raffle has been drawn, congratulations to all our winners!! ... See MoreSee Less

Raffle has been drawn, congratulations to all our winners!!

4 CommentsComment on Facebook

I'll enjoy my bottle thanks

When can I get my prize please

Omg I had 226-230 but white 🤣

And to top it all off, our leavers finished their assembly and dashed straight to serve up a delicious 3 course meal to their parents! So many budding Gordon Ramseys in the room! ... See MoreSee Less

And to top it all off, our leavers finished their assembly and dashed straight to serve up a delicious 3 course meal to their parents! So many budding Gordon Ramseys in the room!Image attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

3 CommentsComment on Facebook

Was so good we all loved it, thank you Year 6 the food was delicious xx


Awe how lovely

Mrs McDonald has been sharing her best dance moves with the Y6s! ... See MoreSee Less

Well done to Y6 for their all singing, all dancing leavers performance today - you are all superstars! ... See MoreSee Less

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Jade Worsfold Lizzie Smith

Congratulations to this Y4 superstar who won a silver award for her entry into a Redcar and Cleveland wide short story competition! Here she is receiving her award! ... See MoreSee Less

Congratulations to this Y4 superstar who won a silver award for her entry into a Redcar and Cleveland wide short story competition! Here she is receiving her award!

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Fantastic 👍 congratulations hunni. ❤️. X

The HeadStart team will deliver a Holiday Activity Programme specifically aimed at year 6 children who are about to start secondary school in September and who would benefit from further support.
The 4-day programme will run from Monday 29th July until Thursday 1st August, 10am – 2pm at Ings Farm Primary School, Redcar.
Parents and carers can book their children on the programme using the booking form link below.
Please note this is ONLY for Year 6 children.
... See MoreSee Less

The HeadStart team will deliver a Holiday Activity Programme specifically aimed at year 6 children who are about to start secondary school in September and who would benefit from further support. 
The 4-day programme will run from Monday 29th July until Thursday 1st August, 10am – 2pm at Ings Farm Primary School, Redcar. 
Parents and carers can book their children on the programme using the booking form link below.
Please note this is ONLY for Year 6 children.

4 CommentsComment on Facebook

When is the raffle done from the other day please

Jenni Edwards

Louise Claire

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Blog – 15th October 2021

It was wonderful to be able to welcome everyone back in the academy this week for Parent Consultations and for Dormanstown Rocks!

Our assembly theme this week was Gratitude, linked to Harvest with our Character Education theme continuing with Co-operation.

Dormanstown Rocks!

We certainly did rock Dormanstown on Wednesday afternoon!  It was great to have such an amazing audience of parents, carers and members of the community to see all of our children perform on our impressive stage on the Plaza. Children from Nursery to Year 6 all had a chance to go on the stage and share the songs they had been learning. The community spirit was so noticeable and we hope this is the start of many more events to come. A big thank you to Mr Nixon, our music teacher, for co-ordinating the event and to Thirteen Housing, who kindly gave us a community grant to support the costs for the event.

Parent Consultations

Thank you to everyone who attended this week and had a chance to speak to their child’s class teacher.  It was really productive to be able to do this face to face after all the recent challenges. Thank you for your continued support with your child’s learning and progress.

Harvest Festival

We will be having Harvest Festival assemblies on Tuesday morning within the academy.  Please send in donations of non-perishable goods for our Harvest display which we will be donating to the Food Bank.

  • Long Life Milk
  • Sweets of Any Kind
  • Tinned Rice Pudding
  • Tinned Custard
  • Long Life Fruit Juice
  • Bottles of Squash
  • Instant Mash
  • Tinned Potatoes
  • Jam
  • Cuppa Soup
  • Crisps
  • Hot Chocolate
  • Sponge Puddings
  • Toilet Rolls
  • Shampoo
  • Razors/shaving Foam
  • Toothpaste
  • Washing Up Liquid
  • Multi-purpose Cleaner
  • Washing Powder/gel

Halloween Disco

We can’t wait to see your spooky costumes on Wednesday 20th October for the Halloween Disco. Please can Reception and Key Stage One children bring their clothes in a named bag which they will change into after lunch. Tickets are still available from the office. Key Stage Two children can be collected from the Plaza after their event.

Show Racism the Red Card

On Friday 22nd October, we will be raising money for Show Racism the Red Card and the theme is “Wear Red Day”.  In the academy, the children and staff will be able to wear anything red on the day for a suggested £1 donation (please no PJs/nightwear).

During the day, the children will be taking part in some activities to raise awareness of this extremely important and prevalent issue. We hope that you are able to support us with this very worthwhile charity, and we look forward to an exciting day!

Influenza Childhood Immunisation Programme

Please use the following link or see the letter that the children brought home this week to give consent for your child to have a flu nasal spray. The last day for giving consent is the 29th October and the team will be in the academy on Thursday 4th November to give the immunisations.

  1. Go to
  2. Enter the School Code 139931 and click “Find School”.
  3. Complete the form with your child’s information and parent/guardian contact information*.
  4. Click the green “Submit” button.

Behaviour & Attendance Reward Day

Also taking place on Friday 22nd we will have a bouncy castle in the academy for our first half termly reward this year. It is so exciting to have these rewards back in the academy and we are so pleased to be celebrating 100% attendance and positive behaviour.


Congratulations to 1M who have won our Awesome Attendance competition this week!

Golden Tickets

To achieve a golden ticket, our children need to read at home 3 times and have their reading records signed by a parent.

Check out our Facebook page to find out this week’s winners!

Key Stage 1 – 68 Golden Tickets won!

Top three classes:
Year 1 – 93%
Year 2 – 74%
Reception – 59%

Key Stage 2 – 72 Golden Tickets won!

Top three classes:
Year 5 – 79%
B2S – 67%
B3G – 64%

Whole School – 140 Golden Tickets!

Dates for Your Diary

Spelling Shed

Top Spelling Groups this week!

1st – B3G Stage 1 – 24,960,060
2nd – 3S – 20,178,986
3rd – B2S Group 1 – 6,073,458

Top Spellers this week!

1st – J Balam – 11,643,530
2nd – L Hoyle – 11,132,062
3rd – L Morton – 9,052,216

Times Tables Rock Stars

Practicing times tables is so important in improving maths and is a huge part of number work from Year 2 upwards. Please encourage your child to use their account to get as fast as they can which will help them be able to apply their knowledge to different areas of maths.

Congratulations to the highest coin collectors this week!

1st – L Morton
2nd – M White
3rd – O Bell

Please continue to stay safe and look after each other.

Latest News

Academy News

End of Year Blog 19th July

A word from Mrs Kell Wow. This week has been incredibly busy,...

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Weekly Blog 12th July

Weekly Round Up What a week! We are so proud of all...

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Weekly Blog 5th July

Weekly Round Up We can't believe it, but somehow we are only...

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Weekly Blog 28th June

Weekly Round Up Thank you to the parents and carers that came...

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Weekly Blog 21st June

Weekly Round Up We've had an exciting week at Dormanstown this week...

Full details

Weekly Blog 14th June

Weekly Round Up What a week! After six years Mrs Hill our...

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Raffle has been drawn, congratulations to all our winners!! ... See MoreSee Less

Raffle has been drawn, congratulations to all our winners!!

4 CommentsComment on Facebook

I'll enjoy my bottle thanks

When can I get my prize please

Omg I had 226-230 but white 🤣

And to top it all off, our leavers finished their assembly and dashed straight to serve up a delicious 3 course meal to their parents! So many budding Gordon Ramseys in the room! ... See MoreSee Less

And to top it all off, our leavers finished their assembly and dashed straight to serve up a delicious 3 course meal to their parents! So many budding Gordon Ramseys in the room!Image attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

3 CommentsComment on Facebook

Was so good we all loved it, thank you Year 6 the food was delicious xx


Awe how lovely

Mrs McDonald has been sharing her best dance moves with the Y6s! ... See MoreSee Less

Well done to Y6 for their all singing, all dancing leavers performance today - you are all superstars! ... See MoreSee Less

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Jade Worsfold Lizzie Smith

Congratulations to this Y4 superstar who won a silver award for her entry into a Redcar and Cleveland wide short story competition! Here she is receiving her award! ... See MoreSee Less

Congratulations to this Y4 superstar who won a silver award for her entry into a Redcar and Cleveland wide short story competition! Here she is receiving her award!

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Fantastic 👍 congratulations hunni. ❤️. X

The HeadStart team will deliver a Holiday Activity Programme specifically aimed at year 6 children who are about to start secondary school in September and who would benefit from further support.
The 4-day programme will run from Monday 29th July until Thursday 1st August, 10am – 2pm at Ings Farm Primary School, Redcar.
Parents and carers can book their children on the programme using the booking form link below.
Please note this is ONLY for Year 6 children.
... See MoreSee Less

The HeadStart team will deliver a Holiday Activity Programme specifically aimed at year 6 children who are about to start secondary school in September and who would benefit from further support. 
The 4-day programme will run from Monday 29th July until Thursday 1st August, 10am – 2pm at Ings Farm Primary School, Redcar. 
Parents and carers can book their children on the programme using the booking form link below.
Please note this is ONLY for Year 6 children.

4 CommentsComment on Facebook

When is the raffle done from the other day please

Jenni Edwards

Louise Claire

Load more

Dormanstown Music Festival

Latest News

Academy News

End of Year Blog 19th July

A word from Mrs Kell Wow. This week has been incredibly busy,...

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Weekly Blog 12th July

Weekly Round Up What a week! We are so proud of all...

Full details

Weekly Blog 5th July

Weekly Round Up We can't believe it, but somehow we are only...

Full details

Weekly Blog 28th June

Weekly Round Up Thank you to the parents and carers that came...

Full details

Weekly Blog 21st June

Weekly Round Up We've had an exciting week at Dormanstown this week...

Full details

Weekly Blog 14th June

Weekly Round Up What a week! After six years Mrs Hill our...

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Mobile uploads ... See MoreSee Less

Raffle has been drawn, congratulations to all our winners!! ... See MoreSee Less

Raffle has been drawn, congratulations to all our winners!!

4 CommentsComment on Facebook

I'll enjoy my bottle thanks

When can I get my prize please

Omg I had 226-230 but white 🤣

And to top it all off, our leavers finished their assembly and dashed straight to serve up a delicious 3 course meal to their parents! So many budding Gordon Ramseys in the room! ... See MoreSee Less

And to top it all off, our leavers finished their assembly and dashed straight to serve up a delicious 3 course meal to their parents! So many budding Gordon Ramseys in the room!Image attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

3 CommentsComment on Facebook

Was so good we all loved it, thank you Year 6 the food was delicious xx


Awe how lovely

Mrs McDonald has been sharing her best dance moves with the Y6s! ... See MoreSee Less

Well done to Y6 for their all singing, all dancing leavers performance today - you are all superstars! ... See MoreSee Less

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Jade Worsfold Lizzie Smith

Congratulations to this Y4 superstar who won a silver award for her entry into a Redcar and Cleveland wide short story competition! Here she is receiving her award! ... See MoreSee Less

Congratulations to this Y4 superstar who won a silver award for her entry into a Redcar and Cleveland wide short story competition! Here she is receiving her award!

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Fantastic 👍 congratulations hunni. ❤️. X

The HeadStart team will deliver a Holiday Activity Programme specifically aimed at year 6 children who are about to start secondary school in September and who would benefit from further support.
The 4-day programme will run from Monday 29th July until Thursday 1st August, 10am – 2pm at Ings Farm Primary School, Redcar.
Parents and carers can book their children on the programme using the booking form link below.
Please note this is ONLY for Year 6 children.
... See MoreSee Less

The HeadStart team will deliver a Holiday Activity Programme specifically aimed at year 6 children who are about to start secondary school in September and who would benefit from further support. 
The 4-day programme will run from Monday 29th July until Thursday 1st August, 10am – 2pm at Ings Farm Primary School, Redcar. 
Parents and carers can book their children on the programme using the booking form link below.
Please note this is ONLY for Year 6 children.

4 CommentsComment on Facebook

When is the raffle done from the other day please

Jenni Edwards

Louise Claire

Load more

Blog – 8th October 2021

Our assembly theme this week was Resilience with our Wednesday Character Education theme being Co-operation.

We were proud to launch our library newsletter this week with lots of exciting news about how we are developing reading and a love of books throughout the academy.  

Concert on the Plaza

We look forward to welcoming parents and carers onto the Plaza on Wednesday 13th October at 1.30pm to share the songs from a range of decades that we have been practising in our music lessons. Please bring a picnic chair to sit on and we will hope for fine weather so umbrellas are not needed!

Parent Consultations

All children should have received an appointment for Parent Consultations next week. Please arrive for your allocated time, and we will direct you to your child’s classroom.

Marvellous Me

We currently use Marvellous Me to share wonderful news about our pupils and what they have been up to during school. If you need help to join, please speak to the academy office staff who can help get you signed up!

Halloween Disco

Halloween disco tickets are still available for Wednesday 20th October.

Online Safety

Please see below poster with a few safety tips and checking your parental controls on Netflix.


Congratulations to B1R who have won our Awesome Attendance competition this week!

Dates for your Diary

Lunch Menus

Lunch menu for week beginning 11th October is Week 2.

Spelling Shed

Top Spelling Groups this week!

1st – 3S – 14,417,236
2nd – 5H – 5,014,562
3rd – 3S Miss Fitzgerald – 1,637,334

Top Spellers this week!

1st – L Morton – 4,269,838
2nd – R Clark-Wood – 2,814,056
3rd – L Jackson – 2,140,976

Times Tables Rock Stars

Practicing times tables is so important in improving maths and is a huge part of number work from Year 2 upwards. Please encourage your child to use their account to get as fast as they can which will help them be able to apply their knowledge to different areas of maths.

Congratulations to the highest coin collectors this week!

1st – L Morton
2nd – R Clark-Wood
3rd – J Smith

Please continue to stay safe and look after each other.

Latest News

Academy News

End of Year Blog 19th July

A word from Mrs Kell Wow. This week has been incredibly busy,...

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Weekly Blog 12th July

Weekly Round Up What a week! We are so proud of all...

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Weekly Blog 5th July

Weekly Round Up We can't believe it, but somehow we are only...

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Weekly Blog 28th June

Weekly Round Up Thank you to the parents and carers that came...

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Weekly Blog 21st June

Weekly Round Up We've had an exciting week at Dormanstown this week...

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Weekly Blog 14th June

Weekly Round Up What a week! After six years Mrs Hill our...

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Mobile uploads ... See MoreSee Less

Raffle has been drawn, congratulations to all our winners!! ... See MoreSee Less

Raffle has been drawn, congratulations to all our winners!!

4 CommentsComment on Facebook

I'll enjoy my bottle thanks

When can I get my prize please

Omg I had 226-230 but white 🤣

And to top it all off, our leavers finished their assembly and dashed straight to serve up a delicious 3 course meal to their parents! So many budding Gordon Ramseys in the room! ... See MoreSee Less

And to top it all off, our leavers finished their assembly and dashed straight to serve up a delicious 3 course meal to their parents! So many budding Gordon Ramseys in the room!Image attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

3 CommentsComment on Facebook

Was so good we all loved it, thank you Year 6 the food was delicious xx


Awe how lovely

Mrs McDonald has been sharing her best dance moves with the Y6s! ... See MoreSee Less

Well done to Y6 for their all singing, all dancing leavers performance today - you are all superstars! ... See MoreSee Less

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Jade Worsfold Lizzie Smith

Congratulations to this Y4 superstar who won a silver award for her entry into a Redcar and Cleveland wide short story competition! Here she is receiving her award! ... See MoreSee Less

Congratulations to this Y4 superstar who won a silver award for her entry into a Redcar and Cleveland wide short story competition! Here she is receiving her award!

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Fantastic 👍 congratulations hunni. ❤️. X

The HeadStart team will deliver a Holiday Activity Programme specifically aimed at year 6 children who are about to start secondary school in September and who would benefit from further support.
The 4-day programme will run from Monday 29th July until Thursday 1st August, 10am – 2pm at Ings Farm Primary School, Redcar.
Parents and carers can book their children on the programme using the booking form link below.
Please note this is ONLY for Year 6 children.
... See MoreSee Less

The HeadStart team will deliver a Holiday Activity Programme specifically aimed at year 6 children who are about to start secondary school in September and who would benefit from further support. 
The 4-day programme will run from Monday 29th July until Thursday 1st August, 10am – 2pm at Ings Farm Primary School, Redcar. 
Parents and carers can book their children on the programme using the booking form link below.
Please note this is ONLY for Year 6 children.

4 CommentsComment on Facebook

When is the raffle done from the other day please

Jenni Edwards

Louise Claire

Load more

Blog – 1st October 2021

Our week started with the launch of our new library and our Monday assemblies had an author as the guest speaker. The Character Education virtue this week continued thinking about Helpfulness.

It was lovely to have parents and carers back in the academy on Tuesday for the Macmillan Cake Sale, and we look forward to welcoming you back for more events this term.

Our Junior Leadership Team interviews took place this week with our Year 6 children. We will announce their roles in assembly on Monday.

Grand Library Opening

What a wonderful day we had in the academy on Monday at the launch of our new library. The children were amazed to see this new resource with an extensive range of books and a fantastic environment to promote our love of reading. We were so lucky to have the author James Harris to undertake assemblies and workshops as well as discuss his new book “The Unbelievable Biscuit Factory”. Richard Drake from Drake the Bookshop also came in and shared stories in the library with our children. Thank you for all the effort put into the incredible costumes that the children and staff wore – we were so impressed by the standard and imagination that had gone into them. Certainly, a day to remember by all, and a library that will bring much pleasure to the children for years to come.

Macmillan Cake Sale

We had amazing support at the Macmillan Cake Bake with a wonderful turn out from parents and carers. Thank you to everyone who made donations of sweet treats for the stalls and supported by purchasing cakes and biscuits. We made an amazing £268.89 which will help people with cancer and their families.

Academy Council

Congratulations to all our Academy Council members who have been voted in by their peers to represent their year group. We look forward to our first meeting very soon.

Parent Consultations

Appointment letters will be coming out on Monday for parent consultations. We hope you can make your appointment and we look forward to seeing parents and carers in the academy again.


Congratulations to B1R who have won our Awesome competition this week.

Action for Happiness

Especially when things are feeling a bit tough, it can help to set some goals.  This month’s theme is Optimistic October.

Dates for your Diary

Lunch Menus

The menu for week beginning 4th October is Week 1. Please see below.

Spelling Shed

Top Spelling Groups this week!

1st – 5H – 18,693,416
2nd – 3S – 6,324,918
3rd – 3S Miss Fitzgerald – 5,231,838

Top Spellers this week!

1st – J Mitcheson – 6,531,712
2nd – R Stubbs – 6,070,488
3rd – L Morton – 3,481,310

Times Tables Rock Stars

Practicing times tables is so important in improving maths and is a huge part of number work from Year 2 upwards. Please encourage your child to use their account to get as fast as they can which will help them be able to apply their knowledge to different areas of maths.

Congratulations to the highest coin collectors this week!

1st – F Dee
2nd – M Scott
3rd – R Stubbs

Please continue to stay safe and look after each other.

Latest News

Academy News

End of Year Blog 19th July

A word from Mrs Kell Wow. This week has been incredibly busy,...

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Weekly Blog 12th July

Weekly Round Up What a week! We are so proud of all...

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Weekly Blog 5th July

Weekly Round Up We can't believe it, but somehow we are only...

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Weekly Blog 28th June

Weekly Round Up Thank you to the parents and carers that came...

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Weekly Blog 21st June

Weekly Round Up We've had an exciting week at Dormanstown this week...

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Weekly Blog 14th June

Weekly Round Up What a week! After six years Mrs Hill our...

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Mobile uploads ... See MoreSee Less

Raffle has been drawn, congratulations to all our winners!! ... See MoreSee Less

Raffle has been drawn, congratulations to all our winners!!

4 CommentsComment on Facebook

I'll enjoy my bottle thanks

When can I get my prize please

Omg I had 226-230 but white 🤣

And to top it all off, our leavers finished their assembly and dashed straight to serve up a delicious 3 course meal to their parents! So many budding Gordon Ramseys in the room! ... See MoreSee Less

And to top it all off, our leavers finished their assembly and dashed straight to serve up a delicious 3 course meal to their parents! So many budding Gordon Ramseys in the room!Image attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

3 CommentsComment on Facebook

Was so good we all loved it, thank you Year 6 the food was delicious xx


Awe how lovely

Mrs McDonald has been sharing her best dance moves with the Y6s! ... See MoreSee Less

Well done to Y6 for their all singing, all dancing leavers performance today - you are all superstars! ... See MoreSee Less

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Jade Worsfold Lizzie Smith

Congratulations to this Y4 superstar who won a silver award for her entry into a Redcar and Cleveland wide short story competition! Here she is receiving her award! ... See MoreSee Less

Congratulations to this Y4 superstar who won a silver award for her entry into a Redcar and Cleveland wide short story competition! Here she is receiving her award!

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Fantastic 👍 congratulations hunni. ❤️. X

The HeadStart team will deliver a Holiday Activity Programme specifically aimed at year 6 children who are about to start secondary school in September and who would benefit from further support.
The 4-day programme will run from Monday 29th July until Thursday 1st August, 10am – 2pm at Ings Farm Primary School, Redcar.
Parents and carers can book their children on the programme using the booking form link below.
Please note this is ONLY for Year 6 children.
... See MoreSee Less

The HeadStart team will deliver a Holiday Activity Programme specifically aimed at year 6 children who are about to start secondary school in September and who would benefit from further support. 
The 4-day programme will run from Monday 29th July until Thursday 1st August, 10am – 2pm at Ings Farm Primary School, Redcar. 
Parents and carers can book their children on the programme using the booking form link below.
Please note this is ONLY for Year 6 children.

4 CommentsComment on Facebook

When is the raffle done from the other day please

Jenni Edwards

Louise Claire

Load more

Blog – 24th September 2021

We were able to remind children of the importance of recycling and environmental concerns during assemblies this week. In light of this, we have set up a recycling station in our lunch hall as well as continuing to promote recycling around the academy. Children were also presented with their Academy Council badges – congratulations to those who were elected. Our Character Education theme this week was Helpfulness.

Grand Library Opening

On Monday 27th September we will be celebrating the opening of our new library, together with Roald Dahl day! We are asking children to come into the academy dressed as their favourite Roald Dahl book character or another book character of choice. There will be an author in school and children will be able to buy signed books. Children will have the opportunity to explore the new library space as well as taking part in Roald Dahl activities.

We can’t wait to see all of your costumes on Monday!

MacMillan Bake Sale

On Tuesday 28th September, we will be holding a Cake Sale after school (3.05pm) on the Academy Plaza in aid of Macmillan Cancer Care.

There will be a selection of cakes and sweet treats available for parents, carers and children to buy. We would also be very grateful for any donations of cakes or biscuits to sell at the sale. If they could be brought into the academy on Tuesday morning please.

We are sure you will join us in supporting this valuable charity as every penny raised is to help Macmillan Cancer Support who are there to work with people living with cancer.

Thank you for your support.


Congratulations to B2S who have the highest percentage attendance of all our classes this week!

Uniform Labelling

The warmer days have meant children have been taking their jumpers/cardigans off around the academy.  We have had a few lost pieces of uniform as many children don’t have their names in their clothes.  Please ensure that all uniform, especially jumpers and cardigans, are clearly labelled with your child’s name.

Dates for your Diary

Lunch Menus

The menu for week beginning 27th September is Week 3. Please see below.

Community News

Spelling Shed

Top Spelling Groups this week!

1st – 5H – 17,588,206
2nd – 3S – 15,899,540
3rd – 5/6M – 1,069,914

Top Spellers this week!

1st – L Morton – 6,533,384
2nd – J Mitcheson – 3,939,288
3rd – L Jackson – 3,100,852

Times Tables Rock Stars

Practicing times tables is so important in improving maths and is a huge part of number work from Year 2 upwards. Please encourage your child to use their account to get as fast as they can which will help them be able to apply their knowledge to different areas of maths.

Congratulations to the highest coin collectors this week!

1st – K Hoyle
2nd – S Mitchell
3rd – A Robinson

Please continue to stay safe and look after each other.

Latest News

Academy News

End of Year Blog 19th July

A word from Mrs Kell Wow. This week has been incredibly busy,...

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Weekly Blog 12th July

Weekly Round Up What a week! We are so proud of all...

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Weekly Blog 5th July

Weekly Round Up We can't believe it, but somehow we are only...

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Weekly Blog 28th June

Weekly Round Up Thank you to the parents and carers that came...

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Weekly Blog 21st June

Weekly Round Up We've had an exciting week at Dormanstown this week...

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Weekly Blog 14th June

Weekly Round Up What a week! After six years Mrs Hill our...

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Raffle has been drawn, congratulations to all our winners!! ... See MoreSee Less

Raffle has been drawn, congratulations to all our winners!!

4 CommentsComment on Facebook

I'll enjoy my bottle thanks

When can I get my prize please

Omg I had 226-230 but white 🤣

And to top it all off, our leavers finished their assembly and dashed straight to serve up a delicious 3 course meal to their parents! So many budding Gordon Ramseys in the room! ... See MoreSee Less

And to top it all off, our leavers finished their assembly and dashed straight to serve up a delicious 3 course meal to their parents! So many budding Gordon Ramseys in the room!Image attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

3 CommentsComment on Facebook

Was so good we all loved it, thank you Year 6 the food was delicious xx


Awe how lovely

Mrs McDonald has been sharing her best dance moves with the Y6s! ... See MoreSee Less

Well done to Y6 for their all singing, all dancing leavers performance today - you are all superstars! ... See MoreSee Less

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Jade Worsfold Lizzie Smith

Congratulations to this Y4 superstar who won a silver award for her entry into a Redcar and Cleveland wide short story competition! Here she is receiving her award! ... See MoreSee Less

Congratulations to this Y4 superstar who won a silver award for her entry into a Redcar and Cleveland wide short story competition! Here she is receiving her award!

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Fantastic 👍 congratulations hunni. ❤️. X

The HeadStart team will deliver a Holiday Activity Programme specifically aimed at year 6 children who are about to start secondary school in September and who would benefit from further support.
The 4-day programme will run from Monday 29th July until Thursday 1st August, 10am – 2pm at Ings Farm Primary School, Redcar.
Parents and carers can book their children on the programme using the booking form link below.
Please note this is ONLY for Year 6 children.
... See MoreSee Less

The HeadStart team will deliver a Holiday Activity Programme specifically aimed at year 6 children who are about to start secondary school in September and who would benefit from further support. 
The 4-day programme will run from Monday 29th July until Thursday 1st August, 10am – 2pm at Ings Farm Primary School, Redcar. 
Parents and carers can book their children on the programme using the booking form link below.
Please note this is ONLY for Year 6 children.

4 CommentsComment on Facebook

When is the raffle done from the other day please

Jenni Edwards

Louise Claire

Load more

Blog 17th September 2021

Another busy week in the academy! Our assembly theme was Democracy on Monday which led to classes voting for their Academy Council members. We will announce who was elected next week, and they will have an important role in promoting Pupil Voice. We also continued with our Character Education theme of Caring.

Dates for your Diary

Macmillan Cake Stall

On Tuesday 28th September, we will be having a cake stall after school for Macmillan Cancer Support.  Any donations of cakes/sweet treats can be brought into the academy on the morning.  We thank you in anticipation for your support.


Thank you to all the children who have had excellent attendance, and a special well done to B2S for getting 100% last week and 6A are our top attenders this week.

Please remember we expect the children to be in each day, and you must call the academy office on 01642 483696 before school if your child is too ill to attend.


The children have been looking smart in their uniform and are so proud of our academy badge. Thank you for all your support in keeping your child in full uniform.

Please don’t forget to send in P.E. Kits on your child’s class P.E. days.

Packed Lunches

Reminder – Due to nut allergies, please do not send nuts or items that may contain nuts in your child’s packed lunch.

We are proud to be a Healthy School and ask that you do not send fizzy drinks, chocolate or sweets in your child’s packed lunch.

Healthy items can include:

  • Sandwiches
  • Wraps
  • Crackers
  • Fruit
  • Salad
  • Vegetable sticks
  • Yoghurt
  • Cereal bars

Lunch Menus

The menu for week beginning 20th September is Week 2. Please see below.

Community News

Spelling Shed

Top Spelling Groups this week!

1st – 3S – 24,702,492
2nd – 5H – 17,646,058
3rd – 5/6M – 817,696

Top Spellers this week!

1st – L Morton – 9,063,208
2nd – J Mitcheson – 4,773,040
3rd – L Jackson – 4,132,332

Times Tables Rock Stars

Practicing times tables is so important in improving maths and is a huge part of number work from Year 2 upwards. Please encourage your child to use their account to get as fast as they can which will help them be able to apply their knowledge to different areas of maths.

Congratulations to the highest coin collectors this week!

1st – Thomas Byrnes
2nd – Reiley Clark-Wood
3rd – Kenton Standing

Please continue to stay safe and look after each other.

Latest News

Academy News

End of Year Blog 19th July

A word from Mrs Kell Wow. This week has been incredibly busy,...

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Weekly Blog 12th July

Weekly Round Up What a week! We are so proud of all...

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Weekly Blog 5th July

Weekly Round Up We can't believe it, but somehow we are only...

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Weekly Blog 28th June

Weekly Round Up Thank you to the parents and carers that came...

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Weekly Blog 21st June

Weekly Round Up We've had an exciting week at Dormanstown this week...

Full details

Weekly Blog 14th June

Weekly Round Up What a week! After six years Mrs Hill our...

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Raffle has been drawn, congratulations to all our winners!! ... See MoreSee Less

Raffle has been drawn, congratulations to all our winners!!

4 CommentsComment on Facebook

I'll enjoy my bottle thanks

When can I get my prize please

Omg I had 226-230 but white 🤣

And to top it all off, our leavers finished their assembly and dashed straight to serve up a delicious 3 course meal to their parents! So many budding Gordon Ramseys in the room! ... See MoreSee Less

And to top it all off, our leavers finished their assembly and dashed straight to serve up a delicious 3 course meal to their parents! So many budding Gordon Ramseys in the room!Image attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

3 CommentsComment on Facebook

Was so good we all loved it, thank you Year 6 the food was delicious xx


Awe how lovely

Mrs McDonald has been sharing her best dance moves with the Y6s! ... See MoreSee Less

Well done to Y6 for their all singing, all dancing leavers performance today - you are all superstars! ... See MoreSee Less

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Jade Worsfold Lizzie Smith

Congratulations to this Y4 superstar who won a silver award for her entry into a Redcar and Cleveland wide short story competition! Here she is receiving her award! ... See MoreSee Less

Congratulations to this Y4 superstar who won a silver award for her entry into a Redcar and Cleveland wide short story competition! Here she is receiving her award!

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Fantastic 👍 congratulations hunni. ❤️. X

The HeadStart team will deliver a Holiday Activity Programme specifically aimed at year 6 children who are about to start secondary school in September and who would benefit from further support.
The 4-day programme will run from Monday 29th July until Thursday 1st August, 10am – 2pm at Ings Farm Primary School, Redcar.
Parents and carers can book their children on the programme using the booking form link below.
Please note this is ONLY for Year 6 children.
... See MoreSee Less

The HeadStart team will deliver a Holiday Activity Programme specifically aimed at year 6 children who are about to start secondary school in September and who would benefit from further support. 
The 4-day programme will run from Monday 29th July until Thursday 1st August, 10am – 2pm at Ings Farm Primary School, Redcar. 
Parents and carers can book their children on the programme using the booking form link below.
Please note this is ONLY for Year 6 children.

4 CommentsComment on Facebook

When is the raffle done from the other day please

Jenni Edwards

Louise Claire

Load more

Blog 10th September 2021

What a productive week we have had with all the children really focused on their work and engaging in their new projects. Our assembly theme was Healthy Minds and our Character Education theme was Caring. Our Year 6 children deserve a special mention for the support they have given our younger children during lunchtimes – thank you for taking on your responsibilities so sensibly.


It was great to have Julie and John from HeadStart back in the academy this week on Youth Mental Health Day. They led our assembly and there was some really thoughtful and mature discussion by the Key Stage 2 children.  It was lovely to have visitors to lead our assemblies again.

Home Time

Just a reminder that all children will finish at 3pm from Monday 13th September.  Thank you for all your support with the dropping off and picking up arrangements.


Mr Nixon was back in the academy to lead our music lessons and choir this week. Untuned percussion, recorders, Garage Band and singing were all covered during the day, and the children enjoyed the use of instruments particularly.

SUEZ Recycling

We were so pleased to be given some bug houses and wild flower seeds by SUEZ recycling. They are also running a competition for the children to draw/paint what they would expect to find in a bug or bee house. 

For further information and guidance:
How to get government help with childcare costs:

Actions for early years and childcare providers during the
coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic

What parents and carers need to know about early years
providers, schools and colleges during COVID-19

The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health Covid
research evidence summaries

How to order a rapid COVID-19 test for asymptomatic testing:

How to report your test results:

How to order a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test if you have
COVID-19 symptoms:

Free Neurodevelopmental Support for Families

Good afternoon,

We hope you have returned relaxed and refreshed for the new school year, over the summer holidays we have continued our support for families with children and young people with neurodevelopmental needs.

At Contact we are working with Tees Valley Clinical Commissioning Group to offer families living in Darlington, Middlesbrough or Redcar and Cleveland priority access to our FREE Telephone Support Service and Workshops,  supporting families of children with neurodevelopmental needs.  We offer:

  • Free online workshops for families
  • Free 1:1 Telephone Support Service
  • Free 1:1 Autism Telephone Support Sessions

I have attached fliers with details of upcoming Workshops and our Telephone Support Service to share with families and carers as well as colleagues.  The Workshops and both Telephone Support Services are free.  Families simply register through the Eventbrite booking page.

There is a mixture of times in the day and in the evening to suit everyone. Darlington and South Tees Contact Eventbrite Page

This months FREE workshops are:

Tuesday 21 September 10.00am – 12.00 pm ENCOURAGING POSITIVE BEHAVIOUR Understand the reasons for your child’s behaviour, find out how to encourage positive behaviour plus top tips.

Thursday 23 September 10.00am – 12.00 pm UNDERSTANDING SENSORY PROCESSING Learn more about sensory processing, reflect on your child’s sensory needs and identify new approaches to support you.

Tuesday 28 September 10.00am – 12.00 pm MONEY MATTERS Learn how to improve your finances, understand what you’re entitled to and where to go for support with financial issues.

We also have a Facebook page, a friendly community where parents carers with disabled children in the area can mutually support each other through the challenges of everyday life.  Please click here to join.

Contact helps parents of children with disabilities and special educational needs – whoever they are and whatever their child’s condition. We can help with your most pressing issues, like benefits and education. We guide families through services and offer a listening ear during stressful times.

Find out more by contacting: or call our freephone number on

0800 2540 890.

Quotes from parents who have used the service:

“It allowed me to talk about everything that is effecting us as a family and my son’s additional needs. It gave me the opportunity to release some of the stress and have routes to explore to help my son rather than feeling helpless and as a result I feel that I was able to engage better with my family as I was more relaxed”

“Shona was brilliant. She understood. combining her knowledge and lived experience she listened to me rant and was my sense checker. She helped me get prospective on my situation.”

“Being able to have a listening ear has given me the confidence that I am doing something right. It was also refreshing to speak to someone that understood how I was feeling. The practical advice and information given is a real help. I am so glad that I decided to book this appointment.”

“An excellent service provided to agents and carers of children with special needs, sometimes you just need someone to listen, understand and point you in the right direction and that is exactly what this service did for me.”

With all good wishes

Max Card Trial for Redcar and Cleveland SEND Families (0-25years) September 2021 – February 2022

Support for Families

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Short-breaks-image-1-1024x593.jpg

New Lunch Menus

Here are our new lunch menus.  Next week will be week one; please share the choices with your child. 

Dates for your Diary

Please see below a list of P.D. days and term dates for the academic year 2021/22:

  • Friday 22nd October – Last day of the half term
  • Monday 1st November – Back to School
  • Wednesday 22nd December – Last day of the autumn term
  • Friday 7th January – P.D. Day
  • Monday 10th January – Back to School
  • Friday 18th February – Last day of the half term
  • Monday 28th February – Back to School
  • Friday 8th April – Last day of the spring term
  • Monday 25th April – Back to School
  • Thursday 26th May – Last day of the half term
  • Friday 27th May – PD Day
  • Monday 6th June – Back to School
  • Friday 8th July – PD Day
  • Wednesday 20th July – Last day of summer term
  • Thursday 21st July – PD Day

National testing for the children in Year 1, Year 2 and Year 6 will resume this year. Please do not book holidays during the time frame below if you have children in these year groups.

Year 1 Phonics Check- Week beginning 13th June 2022

Y2 SATs- 16th-26th May 2022 Y6 SATs Week 9th-13th May 2022. Children must be in the academy in the weeks leading up to this week as it is important for them to feel confident going into the week.

Spelling Shed Leader Board…

1 – (Unnamed) Y5/6 – 6368054

2 –  (Unnamed) Y5/6 – 5827609

3 – J Mitcheson 5H – 1654792

Weekly Top Groups:

1 – Y5/6 – 19840080

2 – 3S – 3111142

3 – 5H – 2789072

Autumn Term Total Points:

1 – Y5/6 – 19758080

2 – 5H – 5855426

3 – 3S – 3111142

Please continue to stay safe and look after each other

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Rainbow-Covid.jpg
Latest News

Academy News

End of Year Blog 19th July

A word from Mrs Kell Wow. This week has been incredibly busy,...

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Weekly Blog 12th July

Weekly Round Up What a week! We are so proud of all...

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Weekly Blog 5th July

Weekly Round Up We can't believe it, but somehow we are only...

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Weekly Blog 28th June

Weekly Round Up Thank you to the parents and carers that came...

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Weekly Blog 21st June

Weekly Round Up We've had an exciting week at Dormanstown this week...

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Weekly Blog 14th June

Weekly Round Up What a week! After six years Mrs Hill our...

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Raffle has been drawn, congratulations to all our winners!! ... See MoreSee Less

Raffle has been drawn, congratulations to all our winners!!

4 CommentsComment on Facebook

I'll enjoy my bottle thanks

When can I get my prize please

Omg I had 226-230 but white 🤣

And to top it all off, our leavers finished their assembly and dashed straight to serve up a delicious 3 course meal to their parents! So many budding Gordon Ramseys in the room! ... See MoreSee Less

And to top it all off, our leavers finished their assembly and dashed straight to serve up a delicious 3 course meal to their parents! So many budding Gordon Ramseys in the room!Image attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

3 CommentsComment on Facebook

Was so good we all loved it, thank you Year 6 the food was delicious xx


Awe how lovely

Mrs McDonald has been sharing her best dance moves with the Y6s! ... See MoreSee Less

Well done to Y6 for their all singing, all dancing leavers performance today - you are all superstars! ... See MoreSee Less

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Jade Worsfold Lizzie Smith

Congratulations to this Y4 superstar who won a silver award for her entry into a Redcar and Cleveland wide short story competition! Here she is receiving her award! ... See MoreSee Less

Congratulations to this Y4 superstar who won a silver award for her entry into a Redcar and Cleveland wide short story competition! Here she is receiving her award!

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Fantastic 👍 congratulations hunni. ❤️. X

The HeadStart team will deliver a Holiday Activity Programme specifically aimed at year 6 children who are about to start secondary school in September and who would benefit from further support.
The 4-day programme will run from Monday 29th July until Thursday 1st August, 10am – 2pm at Ings Farm Primary School, Redcar.
Parents and carers can book their children on the programme using the booking form link below.
Please note this is ONLY for Year 6 children.
... See MoreSee Less

The HeadStart team will deliver a Holiday Activity Programme specifically aimed at year 6 children who are about to start secondary school in September and who would benefit from further support. 
The 4-day programme will run from Monday 29th July until Thursday 1st August, 10am – 2pm at Ings Farm Primary School, Redcar. 
Parents and carers can book their children on the programme using the booking form link below.
Please note this is ONLY for Year 6 children.

4 CommentsComment on Facebook

When is the raffle done from the other day please

Jenni Edwards

Louise Claire

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