We are proud to present our Trust academy video that our choir have worked really hard on! Check out our news article to see the video!
We took part in the community calendar competition with Sofia Offshore Wind Farm. Our challenge was to design a picture for the calendar to show how ‘The Future is Bright’. Well done our two winners who received an amazing prize voucher and their pictures are now part of the calendars for 2022!
If anyone has a child who will turn 3 years old during this academic year, please make sure they are registered for a place in Nursery. Contact the school office to put your child’s name down, so Mrs Marsh can contact you at the appropriate time prior to your child starting.
Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council encourages low income working age families to claim a ‘Household Support Payment’. The support is funded by the DWP and is intended to assist low-income families over the winter period.
For details of the scheme and how to claim assistance visit www.redcar-cleveland.gov.uk/householdsupportfund. .
Childhood Immunisation Team have put in place some catch up clinics for any pupils who missed immunisation within school. Please see the dates and times below.
Due to increased COVID cases, we ask that parents wear a face covering if speaking to staff, coming to Reception or attending any meetings.
We also ask that children do not bring Christmas cards into school again this year to share with their friends.
Many thanks for your co-operation in this matter.
The menu for week beginning 20th December is Week 2. Please see below.
Congratulations to 2T who have won our Awesome competition this week with 95.7%.
Please remember to phone the academy if your child is going to be absent
Practicing times tables is so important in improving maths and is a huge part of number work from Year 2 upwards. Please encourage your child to use their account to get as fast as they can which will help them be able to apply their knowledge to different areas of maths.
Congratulations to the highest coin collectors this week!
1st – L Pattison
2nd – A Jones
3rd – C Jeff
Top Spelling Groups this week!
1st – 3S –44,242,580
2nd – 2T – 14,810,820
3rd – 3S Miss Fitzgerald – 1,451,918
Top Spellers this week!
1st – M Haywood – 208,826,878
2nd – P Slater – 791,283,532
3rd – L Morton – 259,606,130
Please continue to stay safe and look after each other.